I would like to request you all to post your questions and suggestions as comments in THIS ENTRY. I am sure that some or all of the Council members are aware of this site to see but I will also get them compiled and make sure it reaches the Council.
They are now understandably faced with many challenges and are at the moment on an information campaign about the present situation and trying to reach CfC members across the globe, but rest assured they are a listening Council.
There is an on-going Pastoral Congress which was launched in August. This will last for 3 months and a questionaire will be distributed to all members of CfC through the sector heads. It will give all CfC members a chance to to help assess the impact of CfC at the root level and be able to give feedback and suggestions for the future direction of CfC. Please make sure you all participate in this.
I look forward to all your comments...
CD, may I suggest we all urge our CFC members in the Countries where the Country Directors (those top leaders residing in the their country) and their Country Coordinators (those leaders who reside in other countries other than theirs) where a WITHDRAWAL of SUPPORT to INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL was made unilaterally by such leaders mentioned above, to submit their questions, points needing clarifications directly to an e-mail address in your blog.
I have this sense that there are many in countries abroad who disagree to such WITHDRAWAL of SUPPORT but do not know who to turn to, to express their disagreement.
The e-mail address could give them a sense of protection. Identifying themselves in messages sent to that e-mail address could be encouraged. The very nature or format of this webpage / blog site, as it is viewed by anyone worldwide, then anonymity is really the name of the game.
Please consider. Thanks
I think the International Council or at least the Metro Manila Mission and the Philippine Mission headed by Bro. Roquel Ponte, should make a listing of all known ex-CFC leaders who are now FFL leaders and therefore their call to meetings, whether such is announced as Prayer Assembly or Restoration Meetings, is not to be attended because such meetings are not for members of CFC but for FFL members only.
That way, the leaders at the level of Household or even Unit Heads and their members could easily on the purpose of the meetings made in their areas.
We have heard of un-Christian practices in those meetings, and the leaders of FFL, in their desperation to produce a list of membership, even announce to assemblies the names of their members, or brazenly put their blue trumpeter logo on top of the legitimate CFC logos.
It was even reported that in a recent CLP graduation day, (sa Central Sector ba ito nangyari) the FFL leaders gave FFL covenant cards and I.D.s to the graduates to the dismay of the CFC CLP Team.
What have you brought us to, Frank Padilla?
FROM: BRO. JOSE R. ONG, Regional Church Relations Officer
DATE: September 10, 2007
We are on the threshold of a new era when the dawn after the extraordinary storm begins to appear. This new dawn is the emergence of a new period, a gift from God of a new life to CFC, to continue to serve with the love of Jesus and a call to all leaders and elders to be a true disciple carrying His cross forgetting oneself.
After the whole day Provincial Pastoral Congress in Bohol last Sunday, September 9, 2007, issues were raised, that of virtual bankruptcy (per ARIS August 20, 2007 email) and the rumored lapses of council member that had, it been in other organization, those lapses can send a person to jail or serve as blacklist of his lack of honesty and integrity for life. (Very uncalled for to happen in a Christian community like CFC).
From Bro. Lito Tayag’s financial report, CFC with huge loan payable and still accommodating advances worth P3.9M and unliquidated expenses of P1.7M is a real management mess. So much consenting silence because of complacency, cowardice and collaboration.
Worst information received from the talk of our past RAH (Bro. Roland Nillas) two (2) years ago in one of our MC Gatherings here -- that we have P38M loan guaranteed by our elder. It turned out to be a lie when at year end, a different financial report appeared in the Ugnayan. Could this be a product of the alleged information that CFC is maintaining two (2) books of accounts? If leaders lie then whom are we serving? The Father of Lies? Not to mention the alleged mess of the Department of Health Fund amounting to P50M.
Further, over 300 Fulltime Workers with P4.5M monthly salary created a new slogan through text messages that if you want to see the world free, join the CFC Fulltime workers and pray to be among the “favored few” and receive a gift for your loyalty (by ARIS). This is in addition to our new slogan in Bohol – “Join CLP and get married free with Lechon Party!” Due to our financial difficulty, let us encourage our FTWs to help CFC by invading the business world. They are very qualified and help erase the wrong notion that CFC is a comfort zone for lazy workers. Then encourage volunteers.
With our Mr. Powerful and Mr. Clean Brother Frank Padilla and Brother Tony Meloto at the helm of CFC leadership and still all these mess and chaos could happen, what will be our guaranty that this will not happen again in the future?
At the end of the Congress, I was requested by Bro. Oliver Yu, council member, with the permission of our PAD, Bro. Neil Balite, to share my view. I stood up informing and requesting the body to have a common voice to the Regional and National Pastoral Congress requesting a radical change of CFC structure because of my fear that the prophecy by our elders in the talk during the TOBIT Weekend, that we are like Medjugorje (same birth year) will happen. I immediately texted and requested Manila to please erase Medjugorje in the talk because Medjugorje – once a vibrant place with millions of pilgrims -- was declared by Vatican as overacting with more than 5 thousand messages from Mama Mary through the pressure of the communist government to promote tourism and Medjugorje is empty. God forbid this to happen to CFC. I hope God will forgive our trespasses.
With prayer that my fear will not happen, I raised the suggestion of Bro. Caloy Yturzaeta that the best structure for CFC must be like that of the structure of the Roman Catholic Church. I consulted Most Rev. Leonardo Medroso, Bishop of the Diocese of Tagbilaran, about the idea and the latter confirmed that the said structure is the best for CFC. We will grow side by side with the church hopefully forever. All CFC in the provinces be autonomous, registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), but submit pastoral and moral directions to CFC Manila. Just like all dioceses are autonomous but under CBCP and Vatican.
I am one of the founders / Board of Directors of Tagbilaran City Habitat for Humanity Foundation, with SEC Registration as legal juridical personality. We constructed near 500 houses already funded by Habitat International and repayment money will roll over – building more houses in Bohol. We are not affected by the HUGE salaries of Manila office worker. We are all volunteers in the Board, no allowances! NO SALARIES!
The only obstacles I can see to the above proposal are: “GRRED FOR POWER, GREED FOR CONTROL and GREED FOR MONEY!” I hope this is not a problem anymore with the new council, for we all know that Christian leadership is not POWER but LOVE!, not force but by example, nor coercion but reason and persuasion. No more lording over and dominating of members. Should something bad will happen again to the top leadership of CFC, the provinces is not very much affected but can extend their help.
Let us avoid the temptation of leading members to blind obedience, avoid the unofficial mantra (as cited by Dr. Vic Cabuquit) of obedience – “Obey or Else?!” which is the root cause of all the chaos. Obedience is good but should always one of active submission. Let us also avoid the FOLLY of declaring that tithes are God’s money and the top leader is only accountable to God. We should not mention tithes anymore to avoid the HYPOCRISY of claiming blanket authority over God’s money. We are a foundation not a Church, so we ask donation, not tithe and all members is entitled to transparency of the foundation’s money. Sometimes, because of Manila’s demand for tithe, our Regional Head and PAH will look awkward in giving talks, people listening will have the impression that money is more precious to them than human soul, sounds more like a banker, than a preacher! Forgetting Christ’s teaching that the more we give ourselves in humble loving service will come overflowing of graces and blessing from God. We experienced this -- our Diocese always having financial problems before the coming of Bishop Leo Tumulak. When Bishop Leo arrived, he donated his monetary gifts from Cebu worth P200,000.00 to pay bank loans. And because of his transparency and humble loving service, we have now more than P30M savings in the bank. (I know this because I am a member of the Diocesan Finance and Diocesan BEC). Just recently, an overflowing donation to our parish priest in the Cathedral – Msgr. Crispin Varquez -- who was appointed Bishop of Borongan, Samar, because of his humble loving service. He does not talk about soliciting and tithing, yet people give and serve. Like the candle vendors, they volunteer to clean and sweep the Cathedral compound everyday.
To My Friends in the Council: Please Harden not your Hearts!
Thank you and God Bless!
Just an idea. Re CFC Pastoral Congress ("PC")and the participation of many --
1. The IC will get more members to contribute their ideas if email is used to get responses to the questionnaire. So they can email the questionnaire to us and we can pass it on to others, then everyone sends the answers to the council or to a person assigned to process the data/information.
2. I don't know how the IC will react to this 2nd suggestion, but CD, you can do it, nonetheless. Your call and discernment, of course. Maybe the questions in the AUG. 25 PC questionnaire can be posted in this blog one by one so our brethren can give their replies? But I think, only those who reply giving their valid email address and names (that can be verified with their sectors/chapters) should be seriously considered (by elders, if they monitorng this blog.) the valid name and email address will serve as a filter to ensure that the responses come from well-meaning CFC members only (and I mean CFC - not FFL).
What say you, CD and our dear IC members?
I am posting this again to ensure that this reach the Council. Thanks.
Now that the worse is over and we look forward to the best, wouldn't it best for the Council to call for a leaders assembly like the one we have at the start of the every year?
An assembly where the Council can exhort each and every leader who have stayed to move on, to continue what we have begun, and to empower those who felt devastated by the conflict.
Its a good time to see brothers and sisters who have reaffirmed their commitment to CFC's vision and mission.
Blessed are the peacemakers
In addition to my previous post, I hope the Council can update our official website regularly. I just think that we should drop the fulfillingthemandate website and just concentrate on the original.
The Council should also look into posting video/audio files in our website just like the ones CD is doing and the MC Gathering of August 5 found in the fulfillingthemandate.
It has been a source of continued enlightenment for many of us. It has also encouraged a great number of leaders/members to continue on with their service and invigorated those who almost gave up because of the conflict.
Kudos to CD for the great service he has provided.
In addition to my previous post, I hope the Council can update our official website regularly. I just think that we should drop the fulfillingthemandate website and just concentrate on the original.
The Council should also look into posting video/audio files in our website just like the ones CD is doing and the MC Gathering of August 5 found in the fulfillingthemandate.
It has been a source of continued enlightenment for many of us. It has also encouraged a great number of leaders/members to continue on with their service and invigorated those who almost gave up because of the conflict.
Kudos to CD for the great service he has provided.
another statement was issued by FFL. i am so discouraged to read their statements because it evokes confusion. they are claiming that they are still CFC and just separate from the philippine corporation. this confusion in identity is further compounded because they are using Bp. Gabby Reyes' statement that we can have 2 orgs with similar names like Mother Butler and OFM etc...
my question to the IC, how can we address this? should it be simply.. ALL THOSE WHO AGREE TO BE GOVERNED by the CFC (IC) submit to them..and those who do not, can go be governed by FFl?
apologies for not contstructing my comment well.
the basic sentiment i would like expressed to the IC is that there is so much confusion due to FFL's proclamation that they are still CFC.
Lord have Mercy!
Hi C.D.,
I've already forwarded this to you and to the council, i just want to share this with the readers of your blog...
Tito Joe and the rest of the Council,
First of all, let me ask for your forgiveness. When I attended the first Restoration Assembly last July 13, 2007, I became very, very disappointed in you and the rest of the International Council, especially because of the issue with the Bishops. I guess that is the impression really that FFL wants to impart to those who attend their assemblies – one that portrays the International Council in a very bad light. With the almost daily mail I receive from the Easter Group, I became more and more disappointed.
Praise God because I am really against forming a new group. Only when they formed FFL did we (me and my wife) try to seek out your side on the matter. We were very much surprised to find out how silent you were regarding the accusations that were raised against you. This made us even more confused because we wanted to know how to defend you, how to ask people not to transfer to FFL. Yet, you continued to be silent even if you were already being criticized for it. Why couldn’t you fight fire with fire?
After reading Tito Mon de Leon’s account of what happened during your dialogue with the bishops, I cannot help but be extremely humbled by your actions. More that retaining the CBCP and Vatican recognitions, this is what really touched me the most: When you were asked if you had any complaints against FFL, and you said there was none. My eyes became watery upon reading that. That was the perfect opportunity for you to tell the Bishops everything, and yet you chose to be silent. Thank you Tito. Thank you for showing to us servanthood in its truest sense. Thank you for showing us how to relate to the FFL members, or to the people who malign us. Thank you for fighting fire with love. Thank you for teaching us how to love. Thank you for showing us how to become real brothers and sisters. Thank you for showing Christ to us. Your silence has taught us more about love than any of the teachings we have heard in the past. Thank you for your silence. This indeed is the perfect time when you can say, “It is better to be loving than to be right.” You have shown us that CFC really is not veering away from its original mission and vision, because the charism of love is very much present in your actions.
This makes us want to serve CFC even more. Despite the struggles our community continues to face, I am more energized to serve knowing that we have leaders who know what to do and say, but more than that, we have leaders who know what not to do and not say. You attended the wake of my father last year (March 2006). He may not be around anymore, but if he were still here, I know that he will defend you with his life (borrowing Tito Raffy Blasco’s line during the Consultative Assembly). And that is what we will do, because we believe in your anointing.
May God bless you and continue to work even more powerfully in you.
PJ and Abigail Mungcal
P.S. I will keep my promise to you during my father’s wake. We are starting to plan with Ate Issa Santos regarding GK Winstonville. You will be among the first we will invite during the groundbreaking.
I am saddened, disappointed, confused and feel duped by everything that is happening within our community.
With all the articles, statements from both sides-FFL/CFC-IC and what have you, I wish,in all my naivete in governing an institution, that the new elected council be DISSOLVED & new elections be held.Those who have stayed long on the upper level, shouldn't be nominated again for the reason that they were part of the old regime & thus,I dare say, they were "accomplices" through their years & years of silence.
They didn't relate in love. They allowed each other to commit mistakes by failing to correct each other's weaknesses, shortcomings and most of all pride.
I sincerely hope & pray that " this too shall pass!"
Pass on the torch. I'm sure there are a lot of capable & willing ones to give service to the Lord.
Greetings from Berlin,Germany.
I feel saddened, disappointed, confused and feel duped with what is happening within our community. After reading all the statements from both sides-FFL & CFC/IC, I wish , in all my naivete in governing an institution, that the new council be DISSOLVED, and new elections be held. Those who have stayed long on the upper level shouldn't be nominated, for the simple reason that,I dare say,they are "accomplices" through their years & years of silence.
They didn't relate in love. They allowed each other to commit mistakes & failed to correct each other's weaknesses, shortcomings & most of all their pride!
I sincerely hope & pray that "this too shall pass." We will never know the truth.
Greetings from faraway Berlin, Germany.
Here's one message and suggestion...
Whether this comment will be published or not I just want to send out a message:
This blog is successful in bringing both sides of the coin, at least, for those who were previously kept in the dark about what's really happening inside the whole of CFC and GK, including the splinter group.
I can only digest, to a certain degree, part of the voluminous content of this blog plus the thought that there are a lot of unspoken sentiments out there that others were content of just keeping within themselves.
But as the leaves up there are racing and wrestling to capture the rays of the sun for the much-need chlorophyll, where some leaves start to wither and some turn robust green, the roots down below, especially the root hairs, are probably dying.
All these debates about serious issues within the community has affected a lot of people that the focus on more relevant and life-and-death situations seems to have been left unattended. Maybe the members of CFC have loosened their guard against these life-threatening issues.
What's the public statement of CFC against the recent death by hazing?
My advocacy is against fraternity violence. UP alone has lost a total of 12 students since frat violence began in the mid-50s. Now a student just died.
I was happy to learn about the frats involvement in GK and the support that GK gets from the UP Admin as it will help solve, hopefully, the cancer of UP perpetuated by fraternities.
But this is not enough.
CFC members must focus deeply on their individual spirituality and help their friends, relatives and love ones who are frat members or planning to join fraternities by educating them about the evils of the frat culture in contrast to salvation through Lord Jesus Christ.
In the frat world they say that the rumbles in UP are "sisiw" compared to what's been happening in the U-belt. Worst was what happened in Cebu just a few years ago that claimed a lot of lives in that long-running fratwar. So just imagine how many lives were lost ever since fraternities were introduced and formed in Philippine soil?
In CFC, instead of being bogged-down within the problem of the house, the members must not forget that they, by themselves and their strong Christian spirituality, could help prospective victims of frat violence out there.
It is neither very hard to do this mission nor will cost money. All that each CFC, especially CFC who are fratmen themselves, need to do is to begin spreading the Words of God the Father Almighty to these people: their friends, relatives and love ones who are frat members or planning to join fraternities.
And altho it is good for CFC to fix it's house first before convincing others to do so, the rift served as a bad example for others.
So let's focus on God the Father Almighty and His teachings and help our neighbors long neglected.
Kindly visit: A Fratman's Oasis @ http://thetestofarealman.blogspot.com/
In there are several links that are useful in preparing on how to face this task of solving the sick culture of frat hatred and violence.
Thanks and God bless!
Joel Ferraris
The Pain of a Fracture
It was one of those times when a parent wishes they could trade places with their child because of the pain their child is going through. Our 12-year-old son had been playing a pickup football game with some of his friends when a tackle caused him to break his arm. I mean, really break his arm. The fracture was so severe that his arm bone bulged out grotesquely, his hand was limp, and he was really, really hurting. The doctor met us in the emergency room and went to work trying to reset this arm that was broken in several places. Doug was tough, but it was obvious that he was in excruciating - I think almost unbearable - pain. He's pretty sure he doesn't ever want to do that again.
Our son would be the first to tell you how much a fracture in your body hurts. It's pain that the Son of God understands all too well. He describes all of us who belong to Him as His "body" on earth. And when there's a break in His body, He feels the pain.
That's why He makes very clear how we're supposed to be treating each other in passages like our word for today from the Word of God in Ephesians 4, beginning with verse 1. "...Live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit..."
Now, fractures in Christ's body hurt Him and hurt us. We can avoid those painful breaks by living "worthy" - treating each other gently, humbly putting the other person's interests first, patiently bearing with and choosing to overlook slights and hassles and the shortcomings.
But maybe you're in the middle of a break in Christ's body right now. If there is anything you can do to help repair that fracture, please do whatever it takes. It's hurting your Savior. It's hurting you and the other people involved, and it's hurting the reputation of Jesus with anyone else who knows about it.
Someone has to have the Christ-like humility to say, "This has been broken long enough. I'm not going to let my pride keep me from doing something about this any longer." That may take a grace that is so counterintuitive for us but so instinctive for Jesus - it's called forgiving. You may say, "How can I forgive them after the way they've treated me?" You probably can't. So, you'll have to ask Jesus, the Great Forgiver, to pour His forgiveness into you. Then, as Colossians 3:13 says, you can "forgive as the Lord forgave you." You don't treat them the way they treated you. You treat them the way Jesus treated you - with unconditional love, with forgiving grace.
All of us who belong to Jesus really have only one enemy, and that's Satan. He loves it when we treat each other like the enemy - and we shoot at a brother or sister ammunition that should be aimed only at our real enemy!
You can start the healing with words like these: "I was wrong." "I miss you." "I forgive you." When you take that healing initiative, you are loving your Jesus enough to help relieve the pain that fracture is causing Him.
His body was broken for us on the cross. Wasn't that enough? How can we break it again?
A comment on the comment of "another anonymous cfc member":
Those who kept a internet file on the messages of Easter Group (they insist on sending you their messages even if you have ask them to delete your address in their loop) should make a list of those countries which have WITHDRAWN their SUPPORT to the International Council.
Some countries decided to be neutral. I don't really understand what they mean by that, but if you've driven a vehicle you know that gears kept in 'neutral' will bring you nowhere!
What about the teaching of the Lord spitting those who are neither hot nor cold from his mouth?
Anyway, t if we list here those countries, then that way the CFC members who read this blog and who have friends or relatives in these countries could be advised, meaning our side could be relayed to them also.
It is true that leaders in some of those countries just jumped into the FFL bandwagon without considering the events leading to the final separation on August 28, 2007. If it could happen in Metro Manila where some CFC members were tricked into joining FFL, it could very well happen in these foreign countries, too.
In today’s gospel taken from Luke 6 : 37, we are told to “Stop judging and you will not be judged ; Stop condemning and you will not be condemned “. Thus this mean we must not be judgmental or that we have no right to judge others?
So how do we define 'judgmentally' and 'judgment': To be 'judgmental' (nowadays) is to be pompously pious, but to 'judge' is to weigh up matters and to convey one's conclusions.
I think judging others is not the issue here ...the argument is aimed at those who are HYPORCITES. They pretend to be 'holier-than-thou' but they condemn the very same things they themselves are guilty of. They see (in their minds) the massive flaws in others and blow them out of all proportion, while their own flaws (of the same kind) are much greater and far more obvious. These are warned to take a close look at themselves and to rectify their own errors immediately. Only then may they approach others, in an attitude of humility, in order to help/warn them.
Come to think of it, we are all very good at judging the weather, judging beauty contests, judging our Ex President, judging our elders in community, judging our beloved community CFC to be veering away from its original charism, judging other observable things, etc.etc. We even judge things we know nothing about like the real score of the CFC split or what GK is all about. Yet, we pretend not to be able to judge others. I say 'pretend', because that is exactly what is done. To our faces, people tell us they cannot judge...but behind our backs, it is a different story! Even if we say we never discuss the faults and imperfections of others, the very fact that we say that means that we inwardly and secretly think about it and we inwardly judge. It is farcical and dishonest to say that we do not judge others...as Christ Himself observed.
As we see in John 5:30, the judgment of Christ is perfect, because it is based on the Father's will. This is reinforced in other scripture passages, which point out that when we judge, we must do so righteously (i.e. in God's will). Then, in 1 Corinthians 6 etc., we are castigated by the Apostle for not judging each other and for letting our arguments spill over into the world. We shall judge the world and the angels one day...yet we claim we cannot judge each other in the smallest of matters? That’s rubbish! says the Apostle. Indeed, he is disgusted with us and says " I speak to your shame".
If we may not judge each other, then what on earth did Paul mean when he said "I speak to wise men; judge you what I say"? Unless we wish to make complete nonsense of language, it means that we should examine and pass conclusions. That is, we must judge! It is important that we judge each other, because by doing so we will not be judged by the world. And when we are judged, it is for the purpose of chastening, stopping us from doing wrong and urging us to do good. It is a dynamic way of faith.
It is a sad reflection on our Christian lives that so few brothers and sisters are willing to be judged by their fellows. They prefer to carry on in their sins than to change their lives. On the other hand, every Christian thinks he is always right in his judgment when, in fact, he is merely expressing badly formed and highly subjective opinions. Godly judgment has nothing in common with opinions of men! True judgment is a careful weighing-up of the facts. They are measured against scripture (our only source of declared truth). If they fall below the Biblical standard, then they are judged to be wanting and a warning may be issued. Judging others is partly a function of discipline and the aim of all discipline is to bring a person back to God and the right path. We must never be afraid to judge others ( like what we are doing to the people who belong to the splinter group ) so long as we are not guilty of the same things ourselves.
God requires us, as thinking, rational beings, to order our lives according to His word. We cannot do this without applying judgments, about everyday situations as well as about serious and far-reaching ones. It is a lie to say that we do not judge others, because we do it all the time. Like the evangelical smile which can hide the face of hatred, a non-judgment attitude can hide a heart full of hypocrisy. Judge, but judge well. Warn, but do not be guilty of the same things. People telling everyone not to judge others - they do not know what they are talking about. Often, their motives are questionable...the one who shouts the most about not judging others, is the most likely candidate for being judgmental in his heart, with hypocrisy.
Those who say we must not be judgmental may just be sitting on the fence; many are afraid to speak the truth. Others may be guilty of doing what others are doing - so they naturally do not want that sin highlighted by the proper judgment of their fellows. And some are merely ignorant of our spiritual teachings on the judging of others. Brethren point the finger at fellow-brethren who dare to question their humanistic, unbelieving ideas and practices; they claim they must not be judgmental when, in fact, they are really saying "Shut up!
Judge and judge well my brothers and sisters in CFC !
to "it is so hard to like you FRank" said...
It was even reported that in a recent CLP graduation day, (sa Central Sector ba ito nangyari) the FFL leaders gave FFL covenant cards and I.D.s to the graduates to the dismay of the CFC CLP Team
totoo yan brod. baka yan yung sa East Sector -ganyan ang nangyari. nung Lord's Day (Aug.18) medyo may konting friction kse gusto ata nung team leader eh sa FFL sila ilagay but some of the service team AYAW.
HelloW! July 30 po nagsimula yung FFL noh! ano yan retroactive evangelization? hehehe... buti na lang pumalag si Ms. H...
kawawa naman yung mga bagong graduates wala pang kamuang-muang eh nagulo na sila. Sana lang ipinaubaya na sa CFC tutal naman wala pang FFL nung nagsimula ang CLP eh! ang saya nga - 2 ang Lord's day nila. :-)
To Anonumous (Pain of a Fracture)
Allow me to add more to your "FORGIVENESS".
As we forgive we are forgiven (by the Father in Heaven). That makes forgiveness the most selfish thing we can ever do. It us who benefit when we forgive. It's our soul that rejoices even though the other party declines it.
Forgiveness is not about who is right, it about you (who forgives) to be FREE so you can use that righteous energy for God's work.
So let US FORGIVE and MOVE ON. Vengence is not OURS it belongs to GOD. What we SOW we shall REAP...
Have FAITH and God's words doesn't comeback empty. Watch God's work as it happens in our midst.
Ernie S
I am picking it up from where "it is hard to like you Frank" left it, re: FFL leaders whose calls of prayer meetings, CFC members should avoid.
They are:
1. The FOUNDER OF FFL, himself; Frank Padilla.
2. The CO-RESIGNEE BROTHER, Lachi Agana (who resigned only because it was forced on him by Tony Meloto and Frank Padilla).
3. CHIEF APOLOGIST for FFL: Nonong "MR. GENERIC" Contreras.
4. FAILED JOHNNY APPLESEED (legend has it that Johnny Appleseed, wanted to plant millions and millions of apple trees in America) Roland Nillas
5. One EX-SECTOR HEAD (who Frank Padilla labeled as not worthy to be listed as International Council Nominee because he was too Gawad Kalinga; but has found acceptance in FFL and an incorporator at that!) Pancho Lopez Tan
6. There is another Ex Sector Head and a Europe Region Coordinator, but I don't know who....
Maybe you could add to this list. I leave it to you.
here's the FFL List of Incorporators
Borja, Antonio
Canlas, Manolito
Contreras, Oscar
David, Rolando
Evidente, Reynaldo
Gadi, Benjamin, Jr.
Lee, Donn Pedro
Lopez-Tan, Francisco
Magtibay, Arlene
Manalang, Eric
Murga, Paul Robert
Nillas, Roland
Padilla, Francisco
Price, Ian Paul
Rodrigo, Deborah
in alphabetical order and their full names...
Frank wrote "We in CFC-FFL remain as 'Couples for Christ.' We have not left CFC, which is the spiritual body and international movement distinct from the Philippine corporation. What we have left is the legal entity of 'Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation Inc.'
Will somebody please explain this to me:
When I joined Couples for Christ, Frank Padilla was one of our speakers and he never mentioned it at that time, that we the participants are joining a kind of dual institution: one that has a body and one that has a spirit. He now says one in fact could choose to leave the body and remain in the spirit.
Frank Padilla seems to have found a formula in this turbulent year of 2007 of CFC, where one could be in the spirit (FFL) but not in the body (CFC). And because most of us are of simple minds, it seems Frank is telling us that when you separate body and spirit you can still remain alive. This statement of Frank beats the teachings of the Holy Bible!
Almost sounds like an alien philosophy!
Magaling talaga mag-isip si kapatid na Frank kung papano supportahan ng verbal argument yung position niya.
Magaling din naman si kapatid na Nonong sa pag-imbento ng bagay na hindi totoo noong 1995 ng iginawad ng Vatican yung recognition sa CFC. Sabi ni Nonong ngayon: parang iginawad na rin yung parangal na yun sa FFL.
Maghintay tayo, maraming pang magagaling sa FFL na magpapakita din ng gilas.
Bantayan natin ang kanilang mga salita at ipagdasal natin
Everyone who posts their comments on this blog calls for stop accusing each other, but never stops accusing Frank Padilla and his supporters.
Whats wrong if FFL still wants to be part of CFC? Aren't they still your Brothers and Sisters?
"Anonymous said...
Everyone who posts their comments on this blog"
There is NOTHING wrong with Frank and FFL being part of CfC.
They just have to submit to the rule of the LEGALLY ELECTED Council and turn over all the tithes they have collected to the CfC management. Fair?
Re: lino of EB4 said...
In addition to my previous post, I hope the Council can update our official website regularly. I just think that we should drop the fulfillingthemandate website and just concentrate on the original.
The Council should also look into posting video/audio files in our website just like the ones CD is doing and the MC Gathering of August 5 found in the fulfillingthemandate.
Lino of EB4, it is my understanding that the CFC Global website account is owned by a single person, the one who registered the domain name. I understand this person is now with FFL. As far as I'm aware, the CFC Council may have experienced difficulty in updating their own website (or content may have mysteriously disappeared), hence the need for another website where information can be freely presented without such difficulties.
This information should be subject to confirmation (much as FP's allegations against GK should have been prior to any action). If it is the case, I hope the FFL member involved will act in a better manner in future.
Re: Anonymous said "it is my understanding that the CFC Global website account is owned by a single person, the one who registered the domain name. I understand this person is now with FFL. As far as I'm aware, the CFC Council may have experienced difficulty in updating their own website (or content may have mysteriously disappeared), hence the need for another website where information can be freely presented without such difficulties."
This web guy is... John Jack Leo Burgoyne, Jr.
My husband and I grew up in CFC. Our spiritual life continues to receive its nourishment from this community; and continues to draw our strength from it. We do not desire to end our life hence we stay CFC.
But I am really amazed how satan works.
Frank Padilla please leave us alone.
CFC Baguio - Benguet stays with the Real CFC.
To all my dear CFC brethren especially my fellow regular bloggers who are speaking their minds, opening their hearts and seeking the truth :
You will all agree with me that in the past days and weeks, we have become more and more anxious after digesting the barrage of nit-pick remarks, constructive and destructive analysis, ruinous comments and opinions , and up-building critisims as well about the CFC split. Let me ask everyone to pause for a moment and allow some time to reflect on the meditation below and focus not on what we would like to see what the outcome of the CFC crisis but on the realization that GOD may be more concerned with what He wants to happen to our dear community and His loyal soldiers after the storm.
Hereunder is HENRI NOUWEN's meditation for today :
Remaining Anchored in Love
When we are anxious we are inclined to overprepare. We wonder what to say when we are attacked, how to respond when we are being interrogated, and what defence to put up when we are accused. It is precisely this turmoil that makes us lose our self-confidence and creates in us a debilitating self-consciousness.
Jesus tells us not to prepare at all and to trust that he will give us the words and wisdom we need. What is important is not that we have a little speech ready but that we remain deeply anchored in the love of Jesus, secure about who we are in this world and why we are here. With our hearts connected to the heart of Jesus, we will always know what to say when the time to speak comes.
One thing: Solidarity with the Catholic Church.
We are Catholics first and foremost. This is an indisputable position. We are a Catholic lay organization that is considered God’s gift to the Church. Yes, while we affirm that the Church’s infallible teachings are confined to faith and morals, and not on administrative matters as stipulated in our statutes, we must affirm likewise our solidarity with the Church on the mission of evangelization and social justice. We must realize that there are other spirited and dedicated followers of Christ outside the CFC circle. The term "separated brethren" if ever used, is only for Christians not in communion with the Catholic church, never among faithful Roman Catholics. The entire Catholic faithful must synergize and be united brethren in God’s work.
Any perceived acrimony with any hierarchy of the Church authority must be resolved as a matter of priority everywhere where our service leads us. Let us not stretch the issue of Church authority being restricted to faith and morals too much to the point of being perceived as arrogant. A good father is bound to give loving advise and let us not categorize too much when it is given, but rather respond in love as we should. For example, if we examine our relations with the different parish priests all over the country, we will have to admit by experience that the situation leaves much to be desired, which is quite an understatement. Are we now surprised that Bp Gabby Reyes said that it is up to the different dioceses to recognize one or both? One wonders, shouldn’t all faithful workers for Christ be encouraged without any conditions? Why are we in this situation? Who and what exactly is the "real" CFC? Is there a need to qualify? What will a "split" amount to in the long run? Where does it matter, in terms of following Christ and being united with the one true Church he founded? Rather than consume ourselves debating all contending statements, should we not now devote our energies in examining ourselves, where we are, what led us into this situation and see what needs to be done?
wala po akong pakialam kung sino ang tama o mali ...ang alm ko lang po nasasaktan ako....isa po akong yfc at dahil po sa ministry na ito natulungan akong mag bago...ngayun nasasaktan ako dahil sa nangyayari masakit po.....inuulit ko hindi po isyu kung sino ang tama at mali kundi bakit po natin nakalimutan ang pagmamahal at magpapakumbaba....lalo na po sa mga nabasa ko sa blog na to nakakakilabot po bakit po ninyo kailang nag karoon ng mga ganung komentaryo....bakit po kailangan ninyo mag salita ng di-maganda laban kung kanino man...hindi po ako kampi sa FFL o sa GMF(CFC_gk) ang gusto ko lang po ay yung CFC na tunay yung CFC na mapag mahal at mapagkumbaba mga tito at tita mga kuya at ate lets be watchful di natin alam sa mga gawa natin inaatake na tayo ng kalaban
I'm concerned with outstanding booklets of official receipts that may be in the hands of FFL. It is possible for them to use these and deceive members that their tithes go to CFC. Can we have a way of finding out who were issued the OR booklets. Let's recall these booklets, have them surrendered and accounted for. The unsurrendered OR booklets should be declared lost so that CFC doesn't become accountable for unremitted collections that FFL members may be doing under CFC's name.
Suggestion to the next Pastoral Congress - the rules of engagement with the Catholic church should be clearly defined (faith, morals, administrative).
We all know that the rules of the Catholic Church with regards to the laity are defined (in Canon laws, etc), but even that is not clear to or known by majority of the CFC members (e.g. Catholic church giving some degree of autonomy to laity).
We all know that we love the clergy and that the clergy loves us even more. One thing we learned from this issue is that our Catholic leaders (priests, bishops, etc) are all humans with a tendency to have their own opinions and ideas. One opinion of a bishop can be different from that of another bishop, and each opinion can easily be interpreted to favor any side. For example, the request by the 3 bishops for postponement of the election is favorable to the FFL. On the other hand, the words and actions of other bishops and priests tend to be favorable to CFC (Ontario Spiritual Director, etc). One thing is clear: their love for CFC motivates them to make their own recommendations for the good of CFC. We, as Catholics, are torn in between: whether to uphold our statutes or to follow "some" of the clergy. If there are rules we can come up with that is acceptable to the clergy and something that they are willing to respect, we can avoid a constitutional crisis. (For some countries, the Supreme Court is the final authority on how to interpret laws to avoid constitutional crisis, but in CFC, there seems to be two: the CFC structure and the clergy, this is a recipe for division).
The issue of the postponement of the election is actually very basic because it is administrative in nature and because the insight of the 3 bishops may not necessarily be the same as that of the rest of the 92 cardinals and bishops in CBCP. In that situation, it was very easy to conclude that the decision lies on the Elders Assembly, where each member are to vote according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
In a future scenario, there might be a question on faith and morals where the final authority seems to be the clergy. In such a case, there might still be differing opinions by the bishops (an example of this difference is Cardinal Sin's or Mother Theresa's tolerance of accepting donations from jueting/gambling/mafia for the upliftment of the poor versus the more traditional stand). Such differences of interpretation would be divisive to CFC. There might be a need by the clergy to settle the issue themselves (for example, via an official process using the collective wisdom of the CBCP or an absolute directive from the Vatican). Once they settle the issue, one final and unified statement is then presented to CFC.
There should also be an understanding that each of us is anointed by virtue of our baptism with the Holy Spirit. This means that each member of the Elders Assembly, if they invoke the Gift of Discernment is fully capable of making the right decision (Gal 5:18 "But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law). The wisdom of the clergy, without question, carries more weight than what we can come up with, in general. However, each one of us, has the capability to be holy also. An example of this is the fact that there probably are more lay people who become saints than there are clergy.
Just an obsevation! The FFL Logo represents CFC divided! The original CFC Logo of two rings representing union in marriage, the cross that represents Christ and the dove which is the Holy Spirit is being cut to pieces as flaglets of a trumphet which symbolize NOISE AND DIVISION..Blowing horn or trumphet means.......just an obsevation..May God Bless Us All..GKRK2K
Dear Broken hearted YFC,
I invite you to talk about your feelings. If you prefer to talk to your friends and family... or even this blogsite, I encourage you to share your point of view... bare your hurts and disillusionments. If you need someone to talk to... We are here ready to listen. So keep posting if you find the time and courage to share your feelings... and I (and rest of those who've posted comments) will be praying for healing for all of us who are broken.
See you in my prayers,
Sleepless in NJ
Dear CD & readers,
Me & my wife are new members (CLP May '07). Before I read the both sides of CFC Global & FFL, my first impression was to follow FP's group, him (FP) being the CFC's founder (?); the issues on: the "veering away" of GK (which we couple are not yet involved), the Vatican & CBCP dropping of recognition & support, sa the CFC-"GK", etc. However, when I surfed the internet and saw both sides of the coin, I discerned to follow the "Mother" and "Mainstream" CFC-Global headed by the newly elected IC. Since we started joining CFC, we appreciate the spiritual formation we're getting sa household meetings namin. Humility, humbling ourselves in the face of the Lord regardless of our diferences, is always present sa meetings. Fortunately, our leaders are still with the CFC Global-IC. However, kung mag-FFL and leaders namin, I will definitely leave CFC & look for other lay community. Sana, IC will protect those CFC members na nasa grassroots from being manipulated and deceived by the self(FP)-centered FFL.
God bless us all at sana matapos na ang movement for division.
CFC Socal
I am requesting all my brothers and sisters in the US to please make an effort to seek an audience from any of the ICs who are visiting the US. I've heard that most of the states do not acknowledge the IC. And the US council under Nani Almanza, has already declared affiliation with FFL. It's so sad that here in the US, we have 2 national councils. I don't know how many are in the Almanza council. Our IC appointed Country Coordinator, Ricky Cuenca has already appointed 3 new council members but did not replace any existing members. So please, we're begging the US CFC members to please welcome the IC and open our ears and hearts to their message. Give them a chance, besides, we are all CFC and we should give respect to whoever is visiting our area. What happened to our hospitality and charism? We at Socal are so fortunate to have meetings with FP, JT, LTayag and recently TM.
Let us all continue to pray for each other. As I've heard in the meetings, there is no neutral decision. We are either CFC or FFL. If you can't decide, stay with CFC, and then later on, can decide for yourself, if you want to stay or go to FFL. Our prayers goes with you.
We are the Couples for Christ. Building our faith and our brotherhood. Spreading the words of our Savior to the nation and the world.
God bless us all.
To the CFC Council,
Please make a effort to visit the US. Many of us will remain with CFC but our top leaders would not recognize the IC. The visit of Lito Tayag, Joe Tale and Tony Meloto made a big difference in the members' decision.
We will continue to pray for you.
CFC Socal
Reminder to International Council:
a) If you are preventing FFL to use the name "Couples for Christ" then you should also prevent
b) them from using "Gawad Kalinga"
c) and to make our lives and theirs easier, lets pass on to them the "Pro-Life Pillar'
d) and he "Special Ministry Pillar" and all the other non-pillars but Gerry/Maribel groups of
e) "Office of/on/for Women" and the Teodora" Ministry.
Most important please act immediately on item B!!!
As the turn of events went by, it appeared to me that there many gray areas in the information and future turn of events. But let me share to all of you out there of my personal account of the visit of FP and LA here in the beloved Province of Palawan. Wherein, he has succesfuly divided and confused or rather convinced to join him in FFL. By the way I am a leader and member of CFC Youth for Christ here in Palawan.
On the night of Aug 17, we were gathered in the one of the parish in the city, it said there that it was called upon by our beloved bishop. this is not to discredit FP's credibility, but I did not see how he was before. As he spoke I was disappointed by how he explained the things that happened that result for the split. And that night we the top most rank of the YFC decide for a stand to which we got branded as "being used by the Prov'l Council as a Propaganda", deeply I was hurt especially hearing it from a former C.C. whom I have working with in several times. I admit I was taken a back from I stand, but it made me realize how low he looked at us. Much of this story, but let me just end with what I look on this events.
1. This God's way of humbling us.
2. This is way of purifying His chosen people to lead this country out of poverty!
3. This how God reveals us how he loved us for 25yrs and anohter 25yrs to come.
to FFL and FP. I honor you fro making this happen, your work in the community will be cherished forever for as long as this community lives on. Just one request don't make us love you less, for it is written ".. he who has wisdom show not just in his word but in his deeds...".
thank you
We must face all financial concerns squarely and honestly, without
hemming and hawing and the fear of possible ugly recriminations.
Any financial issue must be laid to rest as soon as possible, once and for all, so that the move forward is unencumbered by any unwanted baggage.
Things to keep in mind as we approach this issue: Transparency, forgiveness, corrective/ preventive/ proactive action, and always - charity.
Quoted hereunder is a comment of Anonymous of Sept 20, 1: 44 AM
“As the turn of events went by, it appeared to me that there many gray areas in the information and future turn of events. But let me share to all of you out there of my personal account of the visit of FP and LA here in the beloved Province of Palawan. Wherein, he has successfully divided and confused or rather convinced to join him in FFL. By the way I am a leader and member of CFC Youth for Christ here in Palawan.”
So para maliwanagan natin ang kuwento mo, magtatanong lang ako. Ang ibig mo bang sabihin kapatid, si Frank Padilla ay successful na di-nivide nya yung Palawan CFC, tapos nilito niya, tapos yung mga CFC members na-divide at matapos na ma-lito ay sumali sa kanya?
Ikaw, na-divide ka ba at nalito rin ka rin? So ibig mo bang sabihin ay nasa FFL ka na? In your being divided and confused, you got convinced to join him in FFL?
So puede na ba nating sabihin na yung mga taga-Palawan na sumali kay Frank Padilla ay mga CFC na nalito? Mga litong FFL sila, ganoon ba?
Marami pa sana akong itatanong sa iyo, Leader at member ng YFC sa Palawan, kaya lang baka makadagdag pa sa paka-lito mo so saka na lang.
Teka dyan ba sa Palawan meron ka ng nataguyod na FFL YFC?
Eh kung meron na, yung bang mga batang YFC ay hindI nalito sa pagsali sa FFL, dyan sa Palawan?
Instead of sending a suggestion to the CFC Council, I would like to send a suggestion to OUR sister Gerry Padilla:
Tell Frank to take a breather!
His schedule is TOO hectic!
Those talks are necessary, but he could have a better delivery if he is not too tired!
Soon, on October 04, it will be his birthday, he'll be 61 years old then. He's not getting any younger, sister!
Take Nonong and Roland off the bench and let them bring home the bacon; Oca Oblefias and Jack Burgoyne, too! Try Donn Pedro, he's not been heard in the areas we like to go to.
You are the only one who could really tell them to move and work, but they'll accept a letter from Maribel when you are too busy to call them. (Caveat: never send a letter through Gary Faustino again!)
On the distaff side, ask Malyn to do it for FFL, too.
Para naman hindi lang yung mister mo and talk ng talk!
I'll be ready when you think its time to visit our comrades in Rome, Vienna, Sydney and Bangkok!
Bishop Reyes will be in New York during the second half of September. Does anyone know if he is taking part in any activities on behalf of FP while there?
Just wondering? He's scheduled to do mass on the 23rd in St Patricks, NYC.
Since one of CFC's Pillar of is helping the poor (social dimension) through DONATIONS you may want to consider adopting appropriate CODE OF ETHICS OF PROFESSIONAL FUNDRAISER
Just want to support the comment of agent008 as follows;
"I recall seeing in one of the comments here - baka dapat pati yung term na GK ay ipa-patent or IPR na ng CFC before someone or some group applies for SEC certification saying - we are the ORIGINAL GK, to bring back the original charism of GK!!!
salamat po"
Madulas yung Leadeship nung kabila. They know how it was done to Ligaya and there is no reason NOT to do it again if they want to destroy GK to the grounds.
Just a pre-cautionary measure (just in-case) and no one can accuse as NEGLIGENCE of MAN not even WORK of GOD and HE allowed it to happen.
I am from CFC Socal and I support your petition to make an effort to seek an audience with international leaders, but unlike you, most of us are not fortunate to have meetings with FP, JT, LTayag and TM. LT was invited in our recent chapter assembly but it was not announced. FP and JT came and spoke but only a priviledged few (the local leaders) were invited to attend. What transpired in these meetings, we never got to know. Since you managed to meet with these personalities you mentioned, perhaps you can show or teach us how you were able to do it. It will be appreciated by our brothers in socal.
Re patenting of "GK" and "Gawad Kalinga".
Right now, GK is SEC registered as Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation, so there is protection already in so far as the name "Gawad Kalinga" is concerned. However, GK's service name, logo and service marks, for best protection, have to be registered with the Intellectual Property Office(IPO). Also in other countries, the name needs to be registered with the proper authorities (respecting intellectual property)under GK or CFC.
Calling any brother/sister in IP practice for your opinion/action.
To Anonymous Re: Patenting
Thanks for the info.
Agent008, you need not worry about your concerns. The name GK was registered properly. However, as suggested GK's service name, logo and service marks still have to be registered with the Intellectual Property Office(IPO).
Calling CFC IC, here is a piece of info that may need your action c/o CD's Blogspot.
I am wondering if CFC has rights over all the books written by Frank Padilla. I have several of them on my shelf. What's the arrangement between CFC and FFL over these books?
This may sound like a sweeping comment, but I think all books written by Frank Padilla until 2006 are still good books to read, except Friend or Foe? Can the CFC possibly ban that from the Flames catalogue? Let FFL sell that book 100% to their account.
The RoundEyedToddler
I am alarmed by rumors of invitation by FFL bros and sis using CFC as its organizer. If this is true (I would not want to pass judgement. So much anger has been going around already) I suggest that our leaders issue the following to our CFC bros and sis (CFC here means those of us who have discerned to stay and even those undecided up to this point)
To our brothers and sisters in Couples For Christ:
It will not be a policy of CFC to prohibit anyone in attending prayer assemblies from different christian communities and of late FFL. However, it is our hope and prayer that at this time you have already been made aware of the many issues and corresponding CFC position and answer surrounding the current crisis in the community. For questions that you may still have can be addressed through your immediate HH head and if need be to the other leaders who exercise authority over your HH head. If at your own free will you would opt to attend an FFL assembly so you may hear their side of the story here are the following guidelines that we think will help you deal with the experience that you may have in the FFL assembly:
1. If you hear information alluding to GK veering away from CFC core beliefs and more seriously from the Catholic Church's teaching. Please bear in mind that CBCP in its letter after the dialogue has not found this allegation as an absolute truth. (household heads, kindly provide a copy and explain to our respective members)
2. If you hear information about current CFC IC disobeying the bishops. Please refer to the same letter from CBCP indicating disobedience has not been committed.
3. If you hear new information being pronounced during the assembly, take them to heart, pray, discern and ask God that He may bring light to your mind to understand what you heard during the assembly. If you need furthering guidance and wisdom, please do avail of your HH Head's time and ask for a one on one so you may get clarification.
4. Please do not engage in confrontational debate on who is right or wrong. Respect their right to speak their minds, after all, not long ago, you and our FFL brother/sister may have seated beside each other and found yourselves disagreeing to the speaker but being both CFC have decided to be kind than to be right.
Finally, We have received news of invitations of FFL indicating CFC assembly instead of their "restoration assembly" to some of our brothers and sisters in the community. We have learned Many of our brothers and sisters found themselves in awkward situations and were seated in an assembly which they thought is CFCs. HH Heads, please make every effort to appraise our brothers and sisters of the CFC schedule in your respective area/province/territory/country. Brothers and Sisters, if in doubt of the news of an assembly, especially if not part of your chapters/clusters/sectors calendar, please get in touch with your respective heads and leaders. If you find yourselves already in the FFL assembly and do not want to finish the talks, kindly accord them respect by leaving the venue quietly. If you must stay in the FFL assembly, please refrain from any confrontational debate.
These are thoughts that I have in mind that may help and guide CFC brothers and sisters as we sort out things while in confusion still, a lot of misinformation has been going around and we just need to stay vigilant. If the leaders would like to use the text above verbatim, it's fine by me.
May God bless us all! Let us continue to pray, not just for the IC and CFC, but for our brothers and sisters in FFL as well. Let us pray that peace may find its way in all our hearts so that we may finally hear God's voice and not our own prejudices and anger.
"That you love one another as I have loved you, that you love one another as I have loved you, by this shall all men, know that you are my disciples, if you have love one to another"
If you open GLORY you will find this as the first song in the song book. Isn't it funny, how we have taken God's new commandment for granted because we chose to be angry rather than to be loving.
TO all IC,
We are in support of you but we ask you to please speak up and tell everyone the truth. We understand your stand to meek, quiet and loving. However, Frank has issued another letter and it still has the same context of veering away and that they are the real CFC. We still pray for unity and that one day, God will touch their hearts and come back and just have one CFC. We strongly suggest that you please tell the story for everyone to know the real truth. thank you and God bless you all
Regarding the coming GK1World. When the organizers acknowledge the partners, don't forget the support of our CFC bros & sis. To our bros/sis, let's go out there and show how many of us support GK. I wish I can be there, kaya lang mahal ang fare fr Toronto, but I'll be with you in spirit & prayers. "Less for self, More for others, Enough for all"
Reforms should include INTERNAL REFORMS WITHIN THE FAMILY MINISTRIES. The suggestions are:
1. Review of the tenure of council members of family ministries (SFC, YFC, KFC, HOLD, SOLD).
- Family ministries council members should also have a term limit - maybe 2-3 years, subject to reappointment. It shouldn't be wait and see until "resignation or retirement." This will prevent perpetuation in position. Anyway, the Lord will direct our elders if re-appointment is proper.
2. Please review/evaluate NOW and REPLACE in due time (hopefuly soon) non-peforming or lackadaisical council members of SFC/YFC/KFC/HOLD/SOLD. Those who have the zeal and passion for service and pastoring should be the ones on board. This period is the best time to consider this reform.
- It will be good if courtesy resignations will be given so that there will be a fresh start for all family ministries. Of course, the truly dedicated and performing council members should be re-appointed. It's easy to see if they perform or not - just ask the middle-level leaders; and/or look at their area of responsibilities/deliverables.
- Among the determining factors for the (re)appointment should be dedication and priority for service and mission. They don't have to come from the ranks of FTPW. Some volunteers do better.
3. Review plantilla of FTPW and their assignments. Are those assigned to the Family ministries really necessary for the operation of those ministries; or are they really doing specific fam min work? They may be simply "lodged" there but not doing any specific family min assignment, thereby unduly burdening the fam ministry for the cost of their employment.
4. Include key and middle-level family ministry leaders (not only council members) in planning STRUCTURAL REFORMS within each of the family ministries (e.g., volunteers vis-a-vis FTPW work/service load, etc.; program committees)
4. Study logistics and administrative needs and requirements of family ministries to be able to adequately provide home office support to them (office space, personnel, equipment).
- Some ministries are favored with home office resources, but others rely heavily on volunteer efforts and resources.
5. Generate current and reliable statistics for assessing/reporting the membership of the family ministries, nationwide and globally. We have to know what's left of us and where.
6. Immediately authorize/mandate area/provincial/regional family ministries leaders to appoint new household heads, unit heads, chapter heads, cluster and sector heads in areas where HH/.UH/CH leaders moved to FFL.
- This will prevent a vacuum in leadership/service and will ensure consolidation and protection of those remaining.
I belong to a family ministry. I pray that the IC will consider these ground level inputs at the final stage of the pastoral congress. Hope these will serve the greater glory of God in the next 25 years of CFC and its Family ministries.
Our God be praised! God bless.
Want to know how the International FTWs are "enjoying" "mission work?"
Just visit their Friendster Facebook and Multiply accounts and the see the pictures, the gimmicks, the shopping, the gifts, the night-outs ...
To anonymous who mentioned about FTWs "enjoying" mission work...
These people also have the right to enjoy their lives if they have the extra time (in the same way we can take vacations like a trip to Europe if we have the means). It's also possible some of them are from well-to-do families that's why they can afford these things. Or maybe they're good at managing their personal finances. We don't know.
Mother Theresa is an example of modesty by living with the poor and by refusing comfortable lodgings. But we can't force or fully expect such level of modesty from our FTWs.
What matters here is the sincerity and dedication of our FTWs. Whether they have that or not, I would refrain from judging people. I will just give them the benefit of the doubt because being a FTW is a sacrifice in itself. If they can have clean fun while still being able to serve their mission, then more power to them.
God bless you. I hope I was not being condescending :-).
Anonymous said...
Want to know how the International FTWs are "enjoying" "mission work?"
Just visit their Friendster Facebook and Multiply accounts and the see the pictures, the gimmicks, the shopping, the gifts, the night-outs ...
i hope brother or sister you think first before you say this. while it is true that it is fun and enjoyable to go on mission, but at the same time, there are hardships and pains that they have to endure.
some of our missionaries now came to a point were they wer not able to recieve their living allowance due to the crisis of the community. some endured loneliness and homesickness. I cannot blame them if they post happy pictures, for who would post a sad and hungry scenes to show to their families and how they gave up all those things for the sake of the mission..i still believe that their intentions are pure.
ive been to a foreign mission. while life is nice because you seem to be out of the country, but you cannot equate the love and the security that you have when you are here at home.
i continue to plead to you to be more objective in our comments regarding those things, first because most of them did not choose the country that they will be assigned. second, not all missionaries went there just for shopping and taking pictures,bonus na lang yan. Its not easy to go on mission, you have to deal with the language barier, the cultural differences and all
our missionaries need our support now, specially in this very trying times of the community..that irresponsible comment is way below the belt brother, or sister.
eh anong gusto ninyo itago na lang natin ang mga nangyayari sa mission work? whether good or bad (sa mata mo mister komentarista) kasama yan sa katotohanan na hinahanap natin.
nagbibigay din kami ng love offering para sa mission a. lalong lalo na kung umapila yung mga ftw thru email at humihingi ng tulong pinansyal.
ang matagal nang hinahanp ng mga members nain e transparency. bakit mo itatago ang katotohanan? di ba nababasa't nadidinig natin na walang maitatago sa mata ng Diyos?
hindi naman sa nagigin rude na ko sa tono ng sinusulat ko dito. mahal ko kayo mga kapatid. pero gusto kong ipahayag na kaya kong banggitin sa blog na ito ang nakikita kong kamalian on either side. fair tayo kapatid.
now to get to the point of this thread: ang suggestion ko lang po e sana naman maging talagang transparent tayo, mula ulo hanggang paa.
1. account natin hanggang isang sentimo (figure of speech) ng tithes natin na nalalaman ng lahat ang pinuntahan pati sweldo ng ftw (para makita natin kung nagpagupit ng buhok ang brother or sister na i-cha-charge pa sa tithes fund at hindi nya kinuha sa sweldo niya o kaya naman malaman din natin na ang pinaghirapan nating i-fund-raise na pera e hindi naipambili ng koche ni sister na dapat ipatayo ng mga bahay sa gk.)
2. wag natin eche-pwera ang mga members kapag merong teaching ng mga visiting elders lalung lalo na kung merong mabigat na ihahayag.
3. let's be vigilant with our leaders as well. we filipinos are so senti. we give fedback to correct our heads and we get a flak for that. black listed ka agad. i suggest a feedback website so that in our corporate org, from top-down ang stream ng brotherly reprimand. di ko alam kung papano sa ibang bansa.
yun lang at ang kapayapaan ng Panginoon ay sumainyo
I'd like to share this article on Contemplative Praying inasmuch as our leadership has determined that we, as a community, would do well to practice this form in our own quiet time. I hope we all learn something from this.
Easy Ways to Pray The Illuminated Imagination
How to Pray the Contemplative Way
by James Martin, SJ
When I was a Jesuit novice, I was introduced to a wonderful method of contemplative prayer. Actually, it’s more accurate to say that I was introduced to contemplative prayer—period. For outside of Mass and the occasional grace at mealtime, I had never done any sort of praying other than reciting traditional Catholic prayers and asking Saint Jude for favors from time to time. It never dawned on me that prayer could be anything more. Or anything else, for that matter.
The prayer I learned, based on techniques popularized by St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, goes by a number of names: “imaginative prayer,” “Ignatian contemplation,” and “composition of place.” Though Jesuits proudly like to claim it as their own, this approach had been around in various forms before Ignatius used it in his classic sixteenth-century text, The Spiritual Exercises.
Essentially, in imaginative prayer you attempt to place yourself in a biblical scene by using your imagination. Then you reflect on what God has revealed to you through your prayer.
Let’s Try It Out. Here is an easy way to begin. Start by choosing a favorite gospel passage to reflect on, say, Mark’s account of the healing of the paralyzed man (Mark 2:1-12). In this marvelous story, the man’s friends cut a hole in the roof of a house in which Jesus is preaching. Then they lower their friend down, in the hope that Jesus will heal him.
As in any prayer, you first ask for God to be with you, remembering that any grace you receive in prayer is in itself a gift from God. Next, you read the passage and use your imagination to slowly set the scene; as St. Ignatius would say, you “compose the place” in your mind.
So you ask yourself: Who am I in this gospel story? Are you part of the excited crowd that has gathered to see Jesus? Are you the owner of the house, who is annoyed that his roof is being torn apart? Are you one of the man’s friends, who have climbed onto the roof and are worried about losing their footing? Or are you the paralyzed man himself, desperately hoping for healing, but at the same time wondering what this carpenter from Nazareth can possibly do?
Next: What do I see? You might imagine what the house looks like, along with the expression on Jesus’ face, or the looks of the people in the crowd.
Then: What do I hear? The gospel says that there were plenty of people squeezed into the house: As they listen to Jesus, are they loudly enthusiastic or reverently silent? Are there sounds from the courtyard outside? What do you imagine Jesus’ voice sounding like?
Finally: What do I smell? So many people packed together might mean a fairly unpleasant odor! What about other smells—from the outdoor oven or the family goat?
Roll It! In these ways you use your imagination and your senses to place yourself within the scene. Then you let the gospel story unfold, almost like a movie playing out.
And here’s the most important part: As the scene unfolds in your imagination, pay attention to any emotional reactions or insights that occur to you. For example, you might find yourself watching the paralyzed man and feeling a deep longing or intense jealousy, thinking, “I need some healing in my life!” Or you may be happy at the miracles that Jesus did in his time, and continues to do in your own life.
You may also have an insight—not so much an emotional reaction as an intellectual one. Not long ago, I was praying with this passage and realized that the paralyzed man could not have been healed without the help of his friends. How often it is the community who carries us to God, who brings us to the place where we can be healed. The touching story is a way of looking at our friends, at our family, at our community, and at the church.
Living the Gospels. Imaginative prayer involves trusting that God is at work through your imagination and through whatever emotions or insights you may experience. At first this was hard for me to accept. Praying like this seemed silly, as I told my spiritual director in the novitiate.
“Isn’t it all in my head?” I asked. “Aren’t I just making it up?” His wise answer me freed me from my doubts. “You believe that God can work through all sorts of things in life—your mind, your heart, your soul. Right?”
“Yes,” I said tentatively.
“So why can’t God work through your imagination?”
Of course, not every experience of imaginative prayer will feel satisfying or produce earth-shattering results. Sometimes it will be dry, or hard to do. Nothing will seem to be happening. But even in these seemingly dry prayer periods, you are spending time with Jesus in the world of the gospels. Spiritual transformation is taking place at a deep level, even if you can’t see it. Spending time with God always changes us.
Other times, though, this kind of prayer plunges you right into your favorite gospel passage. There you are in the middle of it, noticing things that you never noticed before—about Jesus, about the apostles, about the people he touched, about first-century Palestine, and about yourself. And once that happens, you may never again hear that gospel story in the same way.
James Martin, SJ, is a Jesuit priest. His most recent books are Becoming Who You Are (Paulist Press) and My Life with the Saints (Loyola Press).
Peace of the Risen christ be with you all!
hi y'all!
i just want to share this with everyone. it is the 2nd reflection i read today regarding peace & unity.
The Blessing of Unity
Today's Scripture
“How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity...for there the Lord has commanded the blessing…” (Psalm 133:1-3).
Today's Word
Did you know the Lord has commanded that blessing come upon you when you are at peace with your brothers and sisters in the Lord? As believers, we are called to work together in unity in order to fulfill God’s purposes. We are called to serve one another in love and serve together in the house of the Lord. Is there someone that you don’t quite get along with? Pray for that person. Go out of your way to be a blessing to them. Do your best to walk in peace and unity. As we serve one another in love, the Bible says the world will know that we are Christians. The world will recognize that we are true followers of Christ by our actions, not by our words. Make the decision today to live in peace and unity with your brothers and sisters in the Lord. If the only thing you can agree on is that Jesus is Lord, focus on that. Focus on the love you have for God and for seeing people come to know Him. As you focus on walking in peace and unity, you will walk into the place of blessing the Lord has commanded for you!
A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, search my heart today and see if there is anything that is keeping me from walking in unity with other believers. I choose love today. I choose peace today. I choose unity today. Help me to be an example of love to those around me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
To: CFC_IC Leaders
Should we not make a statement that when we present GK to prospective partners we will not hide our identity? That CFC's ultimate manifestation of its work of building communities among the the poor is thru GK.
CFC Dallas
Rejoinder to FTWs on mission ...
My apologies for generalizing the issue, but a review of the blogs/webpages of "a lot" of international FTWs (specially in North America, Europe and "richer" countries) shows not the missionary life as in the scriptures ("take nothing with you ...").
MORE of these FTWs now sport 2 or more "latest" phones, collects signature brands as if they are a must wear in mission. I find no issue with them having them (bought or given) but please do not flaunt them and publisize them and make it appear that mission trip is a perk in CFC work. This have often led to accusations that out of country mission is an "incentive" to loyalty to some CFC Elders.
Start posting MORE of your mission work pictures than your shopping and sight-seeing trip pictures (in effect in due respect to the less fortunate FTWs in 3rd world mission areas).
I know it was not their choice that they were sent to greener pastures (debatable) but they can not claim hardships as an excuse to "enjoy" the bonus.
They have chosen the missionary life, we encouraged them to go but we never forced it on them.
To serve is to sacrifice, period. Try telling Jesus otherwise.
(again apologies to our local and 3rd-world missionaries, and those who do not fall within the behaviour described above).
To Anonymous and Bro. Pepe Ong; Re: Foreign Missionaries
Just to shed light to what most or probably some think about foreign missionaries. Our missionaries in foreign countries have indeed sacrificed a lot. Leaving family, friends,career, and other things that they enjoy in their home country. The reason why most of them have 2 phones is probably the availability of cheaper rates in contacting the Phils or otherwise. Some countries charge more if you use their own service provider, that's why they have an extra phone for roaming purposes. Most of our missionaries are from the best schools in the Philippines and come from families that can afford. These families continue to support them financially as we all know that they only get a small stipend.
I think to better gauge their successes on mission, we should rather look at their product or amount of CLPs, camps and other activities rather than their photos in "multiply or friendster". All missionaries in foreign areas receive a monthly stipend of $100, which is far less than what they are receiving in the Phils.
I know for some of our missionaries in Africa spend more of their own money coming from their families to help the mission of CFC.Sometimes even paying for their own trips,administration expenses in the office, etc. Most of the countries where our missionaries are in are new areas and therefore don't have enough funds for these, so our missionaries take from their own pockets.
Let not their sacrifices be trivialized by the photos they post, the stories they share, etc.
Give credit where credit is due.We should be challenged to do the same. God bless you!
To the International Council
Praise God!
I am furnishing copy of this observation about the key factor in the current CFC turmoil.
I entered this as a regular comment responding to “20…” (re FFL’s being 20 years in Batangas already), but I thought that it was kind of harsh so CD could have decided not to publish it. So here it is – especially for you -- because I sincerely think that HEADSHIP should be specially addressed in our Pastoral Congress.
“I surmise from this Blog’s sources that at least two top leaders of FFL SEEMED to be “talibagbag na” -- this word is pleasing to the ears for emphasis here but may be too harsh, sorry; CD you may edit – “were already veering and careening away”, in their HEADSHIP while still in CFC: FP and Pancho.
I know that perhaps this is just a simple case of resolving to love the dearest wife more selflessly and totally - that is, physically and emotionally. But then, some kind of reinforcement beyond MER II or “III” is needed. So, while we consider the inestimable cost a FAILED HEADSHIP can bring, I believe we have to further strengthen the headship or “priesthood” of the husband in the family, especially that the directions discussed in the Pastoral Conferences are still being finalized. Otherwise, seguro kailangang makapasa na sa qualifying clinical tests to be a top leader of CFC, no?
Sana makahabol pa ‘to, Mang Puching and Aling Viring!!!”
Hi, All! Wish to post this for reference of the CFC International Council
Even if perhaps "late in the day", the hereunder “weather plug” will highlight our feeling of unease about a possible “storm” in CFC here in Northern Mindanao, rather than being afraid to do battle with it, if it does come at all.
We praise God that CFC, more particularly the Council, weathered the big one last year …GOD BLESS.
“Smells like trouble” the way FFL has started gnawing into CFC in Mindanao.
Bishop Antonio Ledesma, S.J. of the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro City scheduled a “healing and reconciliation” forum for Bro. Joe Tale (of CFC) and Bro. Frank Padilla (of the breakaway FFL) this coming Saturday, February 16, at the Cathedral Multi-Purpose Bldg., upon the initiative of a balikbayan couple acting as “CFC Volunteer-Convenors”.
Returning recently from a successful heart surgery in the United States, Bro. Jun Calub and wife Sis. Ching, have disseminated “to all friends” in CFC, Archbishop Ledesma’s invitation to “A Healing and Reconciliation CFC Afternoon Forum”, following the recent split in CFC ranks and based on his observing that locally, there “seems to be a breakdown of communications and even some misunderstandings” (sic).
Sometime during the 3rd quarter of last year, the breakaway FFL group of Br. Frank Padilla also used the Archbishop’s name in a foiled attempt to split the local CFC, which closed ranks instead and threw its full support behind the embattled CFC International Council.
Many are now wondering if the good Bishop misunderstood the sentiments of the local CFC, because by his perceived unilateral accommodation of the “couple-convenors” (who, he might not know have been reported to have aligned with the FFL while in the United States) he may have unconsciously taken sides in the war to divide, or prevent the division of CFC, whose local leadership structure may have missed the usual courtesies. (It is informed that the local CFC was not consulted about forum’s program of activities and that Bro. Joe Tale was not coming at all.)
The colossal disaster that the breakaway FFL has brought upon the peace-loving CFC families worldwide are permanently etched in the minds of those who peacefully abided by the good old CFC that Mr. Padilla abandoned, and who, by God’s grace, may now be amply prepared to ID and confront other similar designs at division among the CFC ranks, like the one now obtaining in Northern Mindanao.
It’s now cold and cloudy; expect also scattered thunderstorms over Cagayan de Oro City. Please stand by...
For the second time since last year, the breakaway Foundation for Family Life (FFL) of Bro. Frank Padilla, erstwhile “founder” of Couples for Christ (CFC), used the venerable name of Antonio Ledesma, S.J., Archbishop of Cagayan de Oro City, in a veiled and unsuccessful attempt to drive a wedge among the faithful CFC followers in the City last February 16, with hardly anyone expecting a nondescript elderly CFC member, scion of the Chaves clan, to make that “indefatigable speaker-founder, now vicious CFC critic”, tongue-tied when he was matter-of-factly retorted for his verbal spins against CFC with the plaintive, “Bro. Frank have you come here to create trouble…?” or words to that effect.
“Troublesome” was how the local CFC leaders interpreted the open letter Archbishop Ledesma may have been goaded into signing by a prominent balikbayan family, who has reportedly abandoned the CFC in favor of Mr. Padilla’s FFL and acted as the “CFC Couple-Convenors” in “A Healing and Reconciliation Afternoon CFC Forum” during that Saturday afternoon, with influential personalities like Bro. Joe Tale of CFC, Mr. Padilla, the Archdiocese’s vicar general, the priest-coordinator for family life apostolate, and the Archbishop himself tucked in the program as the main protagonists. They were not consulted in planning the “reconciliation”, and recollection of a similar sneaky “dialogue” concocted by FFL during the 3rd quarter of last year prompted a firm advisory that the “forum” was not a CFC affair at all.
No amount of FFL persuasion via broadcast media and the church pulpits could move any sizeable portion of the 7,000-strong CFC couple-followers in Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental to attendance, so that the usually unstoppable speaker in Frank Padilla could only count on a measly group equivalent to 19 couples including those who sought clearance from their local CFC leaders, for an audience to hear his oft-repeated gripes and protestations against the organization that he voluntarily abandoned after 25 years as its top honcho. The gracious, reliable and generally laconic “Mading” Chaves, bless him, was a surprise because the exasperation he expressed to Mr. Padilla grimly chastised him to stop his irritable gimmicks and lightly warned him to let his once-faithful CFC friends and following in Cagayan de Oro City be.
With that apparently humbling outcome, may there be lasting PEACE on all God’s people especially couples and families for Christ in the CFC community.
please keep us posted...yes, we have friends from the FFL core and I feel sad everytime I remember the damage they have created for our community...I wonder what reconciliation they are hoping for?
"It is unlawful to lend money for usury to fellow Jews. Reference Exodus 22:25 and Deuteronomy 23:20. These clearly spell out the Mosaic laws for usury. "Giving the money to the changers" would be a reference to the money changers in the Temple who would exchange foreign currency so that foreign worshippers could contribute to the Temple treasury. This was perfectly legal under Mosaic law. It started out as a legitimate enterprise but quickly became a get-rich-quick scam due to people's greed. These are the 'den or thieves' that Jesus chased out of the Temple, not because of their occupation, but because they used this occupation to rip off others."
CFC members in certain parts of the world set up corporative by pooling their resources by those who can afford to lend out money to their poor members and charged high interest. The profits will then divide among the corporative members. "It is unlawful to lend money for usury to fellow CFC members.
Gerard Yee
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
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