Have a care for your name, for it will stand by you better than precious treasures in the thousands; Sirach 41:12Update 6-20-08:
Open Letter to CFC-FFL from Frank Padilla.
Update 6-14-08:
Servant General statement from Frank Padilla.
Update 6-14-08:
We Remain Couples for Christ statement from the IC.
Update 6-13-08:
A new statement from the IC, please scroll to the bottom. The Easter Group also has a statement.

Ok people, in this blog we have talked about the extent of how far we will go to protect the name of CFC. I think now, it is time to accept as the IC finally have, that we are in for the fight of our lives.
In the What's In A Name series, we've gone through the reasons why the Easter Group is pulling all the stops to claim the CFC name. They have taken the phrase "by hook or by crook" to heart and have resorted to devious means to steal our identity.
If they have gone to that extent, then we must do ALL we can do to stop them; to protect what is rightfully ours: As the the ones who have retained the charism, as the ones who continue the good work, and as the ones who were abandoned by these self serving former leaders in their so called effort to restore a charism that was never lost in the first place. Frank Padilla and his minions are out to see CFC destroyed.
Are we now to stand idly by and watch him do it?
In the Signed, Sealed, Delivered entry, jonitanitayturin noted that the majority of the respondents in the poll are willing to get their own names behind a petition. Well, now is as good as any to start. I'm asking all of you to leave your name in a comment on this entry to show your wholehearted support for the IC's stand, let us show them that they are not alone in this, and let us prove the strength and unity of CFC to any who may doubt it!
I can't do this alone my friends, I'm asking all of you now to do what it takes to help end this now and for all. Share this entry with your friends, pass on the IC's statement, and if you've never made a comment here before, now is the time.
You may also email your support for the IC's efforts to:
Update 6-13-08
The latest IC Statement:

SEC memo:

Highlights mine. Questionable grounds, eh?
Download the SEC memo re-instating CFC-FI in favor of the easter group HERE.
It is not over by a long shot my friends. Let's keep this going, our voices need to be heard now more than ever, because it was purposely IGNORED.
Update 6-13-08
The Easter Group is already celebrating:

Update 6-14-08:
We Remain Couples for Christ statement from the IC.

Download HERE.
Another statement from Frank Padilla:

I'd just like to ask if he's willing to publish Cardinal Rylko's letter to him the way he's been so haphazardly showing the Cardinal's letters to the IC.
I am getting the feeling that he is aiming to look like the magnanimous party here. What do you think?
Update 6-20-08:
Open Letter to CFC-FFL from Frank Padilla.

It seems, we are officially "evil", according to Frank's definition of the term. I guess that's what I get for exposing the truth about him.
I wonder why he doesn't allow his members to support him by allowing comments on his self-promotion blogs.
The outcome of the war is in our hands; the outcome of words is in the council.
-Homer The Iliad
1 – 200 of 530 Newer› Newest»We stand behind the IC call to defend the CFC name AT ALL COSTS:
John A. Banaynal
Luz E. Banaynal
Leaders, Cluster 7, Sector 2-A
CFC Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental
John Louis E. Banaynal
HPV (High School Program Volunteer)
YFC TORCH, Sector 2-B
CFC Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental
The IC has my full support and prayers:
George Fournier
Family Ministry Head
CFC Calgary, Alberta, Canada
We're supporting whatever the International Council are planning to do to keep the name Couples for Christ.
The present leadership and members of FFL had opted to separate so we believe that they don't have any right whatsoever to use the name Couples for Christ. They have their own mission and vision, CLS Talk and teachings even constitution and by-laws different from the original CFC founded by the Ligaya ng Panginoon, thru Bro. Vic Gutierez, in 1981.
Having 2 CFC's had already created confusion, what's more if they are able to get SEC approval for the use of Couples for Christ Foundation, Inc.
We're also praying that they will move on using the name Restoration Movement for Foundation for Family and Life. They have their bank account and SEC approval using the Restoration Movement for Foundation for Family and Life. Stick with that name and we will all be happy!
God bless.
We will support all actions, at all costs, that the IC will do whether thru legal, spiritual or otherwise to defend Couples for Christ.
Tony de la Cruz
CFC West C
Tandang Sora QC
Let's all join hands and support our I.C. Its about time. I honor every one in this blog for bearing the torch against all odds. Victory is at hand,let's all be humble in victory. We are all in the battle and in it for the long haul. If God is with us who can be against us. In God we Trust!And God will prevail.
" Our support and defense in the Spirit that brought us here 4 years ago"
Benjie & Marian Mendoza's Household
Music Coordinator
MACOPA, West 2, Laguna
We will continue to support and pray for Joe Tale and the IC
Liza de la Cruz
West C
Tandang Sora QC
We are 100% behind the IC call to defend the CFC name. We will pray for this cause and we will support in whatever way possible.
God bless.
Joseph and Grace Guiang
North B-4B, Quezon City
we, cfc in magalang,support the IC in whatever action they may do to protect the CFC name. GOD bless us all!!!
FFL is taking the rights steps in calling their family ministries HFL, SFL, YFL, KFL and by calling their CLP's "CLS." So I don't know what their obsession w/ keeping the CFC name. There is no "FL" in CFC, okay? Kailangan terno-terno ang mga pangalan niyo...
Let us end this once and for all. We stand by the CFC International Council in this undertaking and we are one with you all once again in this battle.
Rob & Cech Escano
SFC South B
Yes, I'm in this good fight. May God bless us. In Christ - Mina (HOLD-PFO/Special Events)
Yes we should fight the good fight, as for me and my household we will defend the CFC name at all cost.
Boy & Ellen Calanno
Joseph Anthony M. Calanno, SFC
Mary Katryn M. Calanno, YFC
South B 4
c/o South B Sector Office
I am giving my full support yo the steps the International Council is doing. May the Good Lord Bless them always.
Georgie Lopez
CFC West C
I fully support whatever it takes to defend the name of CFC. My prayers are with you. God bless.
Volet Juan
Yes the whole Chapter of Maybunga is defending the CFC name. God bless us all!
Vic & Temmy Cruz
Chapter Leaders, Central 3B
Maybunga, Pasig City
junem of cebu
We all stand and support the IC's effort to defend our name "Couples For Christ" or CFC. We all pray that God will guide and protect us in this battle. "Lift High the Banners of Love" mga kapatid!
Filemon B. Embalzado, Jr.
Perry A. Embalzado
CFC Argao, Cebu, Philippines
HI CD and all,
The time for "BE STILL" posture has come to an end. Now is the time to "RAISE OUR VOICES" to be heard.
Few reminders:
1. As we proceed to the next level, i ask everyone to remain "BE STILL" in our hearts.
2.Remember that Frank and the FFL are not the real enemy here, but we are fighting against the evil of this world. They themselves are the victim of the evil. (Or maybe even us through our foul words & actions)
3. As we go on legal action for the settlement of the "name issue", let us be peaceful and calm to handle this. I believe and i see that it would not be a very smooth path to take.
Remember how messy it was during the "Be Still" period, and how much more on this time.
4. Above-all never forget to PRAY.
CD, can u make space somewhere in this blog for an opening prayer, where every reader will read/ recite the prayer before going over to read the entries posted here.
PS: Mga kapatid, the path we choose is not as easy as some of us think. And Satan will not make it easy for us. Let us organize ourselves as "prayer warriors" of the International Council, as they proceed to the next action. And please, let us do it in a loving but firmful manner, for God is the god of love and justice too.
To the IC: Correction to the letter, it would be better to say, "GOD WILL PREVAIL" rather that "WE WILL PREVAIL". Remember that what we are doing here is because of our deep love for GOD.
Our focus to defend CFC should not be for our glory or pride or ego but because of our love for God who gave us CFC as His gift to our family and to the poor.
God bless,
Bro. Mero :-)
We agree with the IC on this!
Let's support the IC!
Let's pray for them and this cause!
Let's all defend the CFC name!
Araw ng Kalayaan ngayon. What a right time to start defending the CFC name!
Jojo & Rochie Peña
Chapter Leaders
CFC South A 2B
Las Piñas
Bro Mero,
You are a very welcome voice in this blog. Thank you for your suggestions.
If you can make the prayer, I will put it up on top and include it in this entry. Something for all to pray over in our quest for peace.
God will prevail!
We wholeheartedly support the IC's call to defend Couples for Christ name at all cost.
Fortune & Ethel Ilaya
PA Leaders, N.Ecija
North B Soc. Min. Leaders
I believe in the leadership of the IC and I will fully support all of their actions with prayers.
For our namesake.
Rody F. De Guzman - Wolfking
CFC West B1-C - Project 7, QC
GK CYD Worker - Tatalon-Tagalog Area
We support the IC Statement to go legal and to fight the good fight of faith and we'll continue to "be still" in our prayers for our CFC community especially to all our IC leaders.
I believe it's about time for this IC decision after exhausting all means possible i.e. extending up to the Vatican.
God bless,
Dan & Dorie Cayabyab
Cluster Leaders - South A-6
Mary Immaculate Parish
Moonwalk, Las Pinas City
Isaiah 49:17-18 says...
"those who will rebuild you are coming.
those who destroyed you will leave.
look around and see what is happening! our people are assembling -- they are coming Home.."
We stand behind our elders..
We stand for CFC!
Mike-Rea Santos
CFC West C
Cities of Quezon, Caloocan & Valenzuela
It's about time!!!
Simple lang naman ang tanong para sa mga kapatid natin sa REstoration MOVEment For Family and Life eh:
1. Nangongolekta kayo ng Tithes, di ba?
2. Anong PANGALAN ng Organization ang naka-sulat sa resibo na ginagamit niyo?
3. Ito bang resibong ito ay REGISTERED sa BIR? Aba'y kung hindi, eh di ILLEGAL ang pangongolekta niyo, di ba?
O baka naman mga resibo lang na nabibili sa palengke ang ginagamit niyo?
Sabi nga ng isang pari na OFMCap:
"Alam niyo (talking to FFL leaders in a QC parish), this is the price you have to pay for LEAVING the community. Kami rin dati, ang tawag sa amin Franciscans, but when we decided to separate, we can no longer call ourselves Franciscans. We are now known as 'Capuchins'."
However, nobody can take away the fact that "they originated from the Franciscans". Yun nga lang, hindi na nila pwedeng gamitin yung pangalan, suutin ang parehong habito, or do anything that will identify them as Franciscans, because they now have their OWN identity.
Why don't we learn from the Capuchins? They have "been there" and they have "done that".
Ready To Fight,
Danny A. Lopez
Chapter Head
West B3A
National Shrine Of Our Lady of Lourdes (NSOLL)
We support the IC in all efforts to protect the name of Couples for Christ. The time to be still is indeed over.
God bless us all,
Dante/Chett Serion
CFC-Vancouver, Canada
For me and my household, we stand firmly with the IC in upholding the community's right for the name Couples for Christ.
No other associations or organizations can use the name Couples for Christ - Card. Rylko
Emmanuel & Ruth Catabas
East B, Antipolo
Today we write our name, standing proud, standing tall for we are an army of our Lord and we will stand alongside our International Council.
I quote from our hero, it describes best what I feel at this moment.
"En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio,
Otros te dan sus vidas sin dudas, sin pesar;
El sitio nada importa, ciprés, laurel o lirio,
Cadalso o campo abierto, combate o cruel martirio,
Lo mismo es si lo piden la patria y el hogar."
Mi Ultimo Adios
Dr Jose Rizal
El Dios de mayo nos bendice todos!
maria violeta alvarez-catis dalman
I totally support the IC and its stand to defend the CFC name. Enough is enough.
Blanca J. Villarino
Singles For Christ
West C6
Tandang Sora, QC
I dare translate:
In fields of battle, deliriously fighting,
Others give you their lives, without doubt, without regret;
The place matters not: where there’s cypress, laurel or lily,
On a plank or open field, in combat or cruel martyrdom,
It’s all the same if the home or country asks.
My Last Farewell
Dr Jose Rizal
I dare agree!
May God Bless us all
We are CFC. I place my full trust and support to our CFC International Council in the fight to protect and preserve our CFC name.
God bless us all!
Jet Paiso
SFC 1999 to present (MM South B)
YFC 1996 to 1999 (San Beda)
We too support the IC!
Terry & Dolor Valencia
Chapter Head
CFC South A, Cluster 10, Chapter B
Molino 6, Bacoor, Cavite
Wow just like Will Smith's movie Independence Day and with the timing of the date today!
I stand by the IC to defend the CFC name, its charism and its works. May the good Lord be with us.
Jing Custodio WestB
We fully support the International Council. We continue to pray for guidance and peace for both camps. And may we just all continue doing God's work and end all these nonsense nuisances once and for all.
Raymar and Hazel Ranin
CFC - South B
CYD SAGIP Coordinators South B
We support and trust The International Council. God bless!
Ronald Teodosio
Jonalyn Macapagal
Count us in!
By all means let's throw the "rod of truth", as Joe Yamamoto aptly described as our best weapon to use against the wolves and deceivers poaching and now trying to snatch our name..
Ted & Rose Pallorina
Central Sector, Iloilo
Mickey Santiago
Marivic Santiago
CFC YOUTH NJ Coordinator
Fight a good fight of faith, people of God
Unstained and without reproach before the eyes of men...
Run a good race, you, sons of the
Most High
And inherit the crown of life of our Lord Jesus Christ
Raising the CFC banners,
Bro. Ariel & Sis. Macy Lintag
East B - 2A
Ampid 1, San Mateo, Rizal
Father God,
Praise You!!! thank You God for giving us this chance to serve You. May the confusions that are happening in the community may not hinder us from giving You our best. may we honor You always. pls guide us in everything that we do. give us a sincere heart. i ask this in Jesus name.
amen +
i support my parents in the community, the community that taught me to pray from the heart, serve other people with love and and help me to realize that God is truly a loving God...salamat cfc!!!
Ace Rafols
YFC Palawan
YFC West B Mla
does anyone know the email address of Manny Villar? how about writing and letting the poor senator know that he is being used (like the Bishops). what's close in his heart is POLITICS. so we can tell him that he is committing political suicide ---no CFC will vote for him in any coming elections! and i will personally campaign to everyone and anyone NOT to vote for him...
Hi CD,
Here's my prayer:
(Our Prayer)
Dear God,
We thank you for blessing CFC for the past 27 years. We thank you for all the goodness it brought to our personal life and to our family. We thank you for the friendship it builds among us throughout the years.
As we face the most difficult part of our cross, we look on you with all humility. Make us an instrument of your peace in this time of turmoil, make us a defender of faith in the midst of all lies, make us an agent of hope to this unimaginable conflict and above all a channel of your love to all the people the we will face.
We are battling against the evil and not against our fellow human beings. Allow us to see You in the lives of everyone. Allow us not to be blinded by our anger and dissapointments in defending our stand.
We desire peace, unity, forgiveness, healing and love for both sides. However, in our desire to pursue this, we have unconsciously and deeply hurt each other.
As we brought our case to the civil and ecclesiastical court, we desire nothing but to put an end to the long confusion and deception of using CFC name- the name that you have given to all of us who belong in this association. We seek for your truth and your will to prevail. Guide every people who will directly and indirectly participate in the legal proceedings, that they too will stand for the truth and just.
We pray for our bishops and priests who will participate in this proceeding, that you may give them profound wisdom, unbiased assessments and fare judgement to the issues we are facing.
We pray that you may give us (both CFC and FFL) the grace to be open, to accept and be obedient to your will. For above all it is NOT OUR WILL BUT YOURS BE DONE.
Bro. Mero :-)
CFC Brothers and Sisters, you have our steel.
Couples for Christ WESTB5E
We support our Annointed Leaders -the International Council- and will stand behind their call to DEFEND the name Couples for Christ.
Regie & Abigail Oquendo
West C
Quezon City
We fully support the CFC IC! Now is the time to make a stand and let our voices be heard.
God bless us all!
Ronnel and Jona de Ocampo
GK CYD Zambales
CFC Olongapo and West C
Sorry kung Off-Topic...
For Ace Rafols:
MAgka-maganak Tayo!!! Fight!!!
Danny Abis Lopez
i will not vote for manny villar!!
ask everyone not to vote for him...not becoz he is now in ffl..but simply becoz i found him trapo....thats a fact!!!
Count us in with all the rest who are committed to defending our Community!
Jorge/Marmi Alonzo
PFO Sector Coordinator
East B
to tito danny of wb,
me kamag anak pala ako d2..hehehe..yehey.. solicitation na!!1 HAHAHA...joke!!!
God bless po
Yes! it's about time! We stand by the decision of the council!
Believe FP is the one who lost charism, hence he started his restoration movement together with his followers, now he is obsessed in taking CFC, We support our IC in keeping rightfully what is our's.
As for me and my house, we will stand behind IC's call to defend our community.
James Nicolas
Jinky Nicolas
PFO/Music Ministry Leader
South B
We support the CFCGMFI and stand behind the International Council in defending the name of the one and only CFC.
The changes that came about during our period of lamentation has allowed all of us to see and find our true direction - that of loving our brethren in spite of all the hardships and shortcomings. There is no perfect community and there could never be one that is such, so there's really no need to look for another one. The Lord provides us with ample opportunities to correct one another, and we could do this more lovingly and effectively if we stay within the same community. There should be no room for division if we are to be truly effective witnesses of God's love.
Let's draw inspiration from the following quotable quotes:
"The best sermons are lived, not preached."
"It's choice - not chance - that determines our destiny."
"If we don't stand for something, we can fall for anything."
Let's live out what we learned. Let's not work for division but rather work for unity and love for one another. Let's choose to gather rather than scatter. Let's pray and stand up for only ONE, UNITED CFC.
God bless all of us.
Emmy D. Pineda
Social Ministries Area Head
CFC Bataan
We are one with the IC in prayers and in fighting for what is rightfully ours.
Enough is enough. They have created so much confusion already. I think it is time to put an end to this name issue. Our full support goes to CFC International Council.
Jesus, our Lord, God and Savior, we praise You! You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. Without You, we are simply nothing!
We lift up to You our beloved brethren in the CFC International Council. Bless them with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as they lead us in defending the community that You have anointed, against forces that seek to destroy it.
You are our stronghold in times of trouble. You are our Victory!
God always prevails!
Fortes Fide In Christ!
Jojo & Florian Rodriguez
CFC Winnipeg
Manitoba, Canada
We will support you in defending CFC.
Alex and Nerry Geremias
North A
Go for it! Our prayers for you will never let us go the wrong way.
CFC Laguna Central 2
Count us in. We will support whatever action the IC will find necessary to protect the name of our community.
God bless us all
Bombee & Beth Tiongson
CFC West C
Tandang Sora, QC
Dear CFC Brethren,
Way to go!!! This is it!!!
It's NOT about fighting but rather defending what GOD has given us for 27 years & counting....
God bless our IC leaders in all their decisions & actions.
Count me in to support this move.
We support and pray for the CFC International Council. We also pray for FFL that they move on in faith and service carrying their FFL banner.
Let us do what it takes to defend the original, the one and the only CFC.
April & Ailee Dionela
SFC Cluster Coordinators
Metro Manila South B
We have been told to "be still" and we obeyed. A year has passed, yet the work and the people continue to face opposition (Neh 4:1-12).
The IC has finally responded to the opposition. God's will for CFC is to protect the work under his namesake. Every CFC member has a job to do. "Our work is scattered and extensive, and we are widely separated from one another along the wall. Wherever you hear the trumpet sound, join us there. Our God will fight with us" (Neh 4:13-14).
Of course, God's will didn't just allow the work without opposition (successful work invites criticism)... and so, enter the modern day Pharisees (trumpets ta-taaah!) - the Easter Playboy Bunnies, Frank Padilla and his marauding FFL henchmen!
Nehemiah faced the opposition and prayed about it. The human thing to do is to get mad and retaliate. The CFC not only prayed and kept still, but persevered with the task at hand!
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually try to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the worst, if he falls, at least fails while daring greatly."
"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the U.S.A.
What Nehemiah went through was amazingly similar with the modern day Pharisees. They use the same tactics. They make a public display of their criticism. The tsu-wa-ri-wa-ri-wap cronies step up to the plate and chime in with criticism of their own. Their goal is to discredit and embarrass the CFC. That's their plan, to discourage and to stop the work.
In Gen 49, Judah was prophesied to be the leader. Notice that discouragement comes from the tribe of Judah. The plan of Frank Padilla and his FFL-Easter Playboy Bunnies is to discourage and criticize the CFC in its work for the poor. Those that got discouraged first were those who were closest to them. One cannot constantly hear negative talk without being affected by it.
The chain reaction started by devious criticism is, it infects the insiders. For Nehemiah, it was his own circle that spread the criticism. Sometimes the most damage to the work comes from those who are inside. Threats are the opposition's trump card. Fear has crept among the workers. What might happen to us if we continue?
But we cannot be discouraged. We focus on our Lord (Neh 4:8), "Have no fear of them! Keep in mind the LORD, who is great and to be feared, and fight for your brethren, your sons and daughters, your wives and your homes."
There should be a good balance on building and battle. There is a time to turn the other cheek. There is a time to fight.
As we kept still for a year, the enemy intensified its relentless opposition to the work. But God is on our side and divinely intervened by continuously upsetting the devious plans of the enemy.
What's it gonna take?
Brothers and sisters, we have to do what we have to do. We shall continue the work with one hand and we shall go to battle with the other hand.
As we work, we shall keep weapons ready. We march to battle with our beloved IC to preserve our name - C F C!
God bless the IC. God bless you, C.D., for this blog. God bless CFC!
CFC Gideon
"Fight the good fight of faith, people of God"
This is long overdue! We are behind the efforts of the IC and will continue to pray for them. Let me be counted in the call to arms.
You can count on us IC.
Yong and Alma Suarez
PCC KFC Sultan Kudarat
GK Worker
we are with you in this fight! God Bless
Nep and Malou Castillo
CFC Geneva
We support the IC in defending our name. Let us continue to pray.
Romy and Harmony Medina
North B
I honor the IC for their God-given wisdom and I fully support them in whatever needs to be done to defend the CFC name. May God bless us all!
Medy Kapunan
Alfredo's HOLD Chapter
West C
Yes! At last! I was among those who advocated legal action early on as I saw the confusion, if not deceptions, that can take place because of the name issue. However, I honor our leaders for their patience and apparent allowance for the Restoration group to realize their errors.
I beleieve that the FFL leaders have had their chance to reassess their position and consider reunification. But, it was not meant to be. So be it!
Now it's "All hands on deck!". The Lord expects nothing less from His stewards. He gave us our name.
CD, may I suggest one of the bloggers set up a link where we can all log on and e-mail petitions to whomever is in a position to adjudicate or render judgement on the name issue (SEC, Dept. of Trade, Patent Office, Justice, Cardinal, Bishops, etc.). This way we can truly make our voices heard.
Let us encourage not only our own members but other lay parishioners who are confused or find the name issue confusing. Hopefully the party or parties in a position to judge will have a etter appreciation of the problem as it relates to the members and the public at large.
I, my wife and all of my brothers and sisters in CFC-NJ stand by our leaders in its actiona and one in prayer for its sucessful resolution.
Peace everyone!
Jess and Carmen Garcia
Unit Leaders
Princeton, NJ
South Area
Yes! At last! I was among those who advocated legal action early on as I saw the confusion, if not deceptions, that can take place because of the name issue. However, I honor our leaders for their patience and apparent allowance for the Restoration group to realize their errors.
I beleieve that the FFL leaders have had their chance to reassess their position and consider reunification. But, it was not meant to be. So be it!
Now it's "All hands on deck!". The Lord expects nothing less from His stewards. He gave us our name.
CD, may I suggest one of the bloggers set up a link where we can all log on and e-mail petitions to whomever is in a position to adjudicate or render judgement on the name issue (SEC, Dept. of Trade, Patent Office, Justice, Cardinal, Bishops, etc.). This way we can truly make our voices heard.
Let us encourage not only our own members but other lay parishioners who are confused or find the name issue confusing. Hopefully the party or parties in a position to judge will have a better appreciation of the problem as it relates to the members and the public at large.
I, my wife and all of my brothers and sisters in CFC-NJ stand by our leaders in its actions and one in prayer for its sucessful resolution.
Peace everyone!
Jess and Carmen Garcia
Unit Leaders
Princeton, NJ
South Area
Tara na! Halina!
Sa araw ng kalayaan,
Ipagtanggol ang ating pangalan!
CFC magpakailanpaman!
PS. ito lang pala ang makakapagpapalabas ng inyong mga tunay na pangalan... hehehe. good to read some familiar names. CFC Defenders all!
Well, I've said it many times before...CFC belongs to us and we have to do everything to prevent pretenders from taking it.
We are with you CFC IC!
Move and move fast, sure and steady!!
It's not over till its over...!
I fully support the International Council and its efforts at protecting the name of COUPLES FOR CHRIST for the exclusive use of the real and true Couples for Christ group together with out upper and lower households. We stand by you IC, we pray with you and we are ready to come up in battle against the enemy if need be.
WOW... 73 comments already in 10 hours!
way to go!
to all anonymous bloggers out there, now is the time to shed off your anonymous image. lets all be UNANIMOUS in supporting the IC on this!
Yes, at last! May God bless us in CFC specially the IC in the difficult battle ahead.
Allen Victorio
To our IC,
I know and I can feel what you are going through in this new trying times. I just want you to know that we in CFC is firmly behind you. We believe in your sincerity and leadership.
Let me share with you this article or sermon of Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Barack Obama. This piece has inspired Sen. Obama and I know it will also inspire you too.
In spite of being in a community torn by distrust and conflict, in spite of the community torn by hate, in spite of the world torn by apathy, have the audacity or boldness to make music and praise God.
As Pastor Jeremiah said,"
There may not be any visible sign of a change in your individual situation, whatever your private hell is. But that's just the horizontal level. Keep the vertical level intact, like Hannah. You may, like the African slaves, be able to sing, "Over my head I hear music in the air. Over my head I hear music in the air. Over my head I hear music in the air. There must be a God somewhere."
We all are praying for you. Our hope is your audacity to hope.
May God bless you always as you lead CFC to its new beginnings.
Emmanuel & Ruth Catabas
Thank you Jiggs, remember tho, we have over 800,000 members world wide, we should be aiming for comments in the thousands at least. Keep it up people! Let's support the IC and let our voices be HEARD!
Count us in...to defend the true and only CFC...
a.k.a. "ab_Iliad"
Bede & Lolet Altura
CFC San Lorenzo West 2
Sta. Rosa City, Laguna
I have close to 300 hundred couples under my "command". May I just post their leaders' names and consider ALL the members FORMALLY committed to defend the IC through and through? I'll see if I get the leaders' signatures considered done in our meeting tonight. Then we can perhaps move the ante up...
Grabe to! Parang nakikita ko ang hitsura ng devil...natataranta na...kunot na ang noo at di mapalagay.
Bros & Sis, be vigilant for his next move...he may wear a mask and try to show something good...for a public display.
Remember, he's the master of deceit.
Raising the CFC banner,
Ariel Lintag
San Mateo, Rizal
God bless us all,
- Willy & Ces Jose
North B
i know. but not all of us have internet access.
considering the stats and previous experiences of this blog, this thread is HOT!
i hope more people will come out in the open and post their real names here! c'mon bloggers!
count me in! for one CFC.
God always PREVAIL
ghie eudela
CFC Singles For Christ
West C6
Yes, Bro Joe, we are with you in this battle.God bless you as you lead the one and only CFC. All for the Glory of Jesus, our King!
Remember brothers and sisters that each ministry of the Couples for Christ umbrella is carrying the name of Christ. That is why we are FOR CHRIST. And so I ask everybody to continue to be humble and prayerful - knowing that we are on the right ground. It is very tempting to say negative things to the other party. Let us continue to show our love for our brethrens by being at peace with them no matter how intense the situation may be.
I love Couples for Christ. This is the community that we deserve. This is the community that we will pass on to our children. Wag tayong mamatay nang walang ginagawa para sa Couples for Christ. (quoting T.M.)
Louie Buenaventura
CFC Bulacan
Yes. we support the IC's call and to response to future action/s to defend the name CFC.
This is where we belong for more than 10yrs!
God must have been and truly guiding us all through the years, that's why we are still with CFC, (the True - CFC ),(truthful..in its vision & mission) and with humble servant leaders in the persons who composed the IC.
God bless our CFC!
Ronie & Jonah Madela
C-7 Cagayan de Oro
"Give to Cesar what is Cesar's
and give to God what is God's.."
What is our hangup on CFC having two CFC's. CFC-IC & CFC-FFL. It only becomes a problem if either one does something not true to its vision & mission.. If both are for God then all their actions will be accordingly bear good fruits if not.. cut off the branch and toss it to the fire..
Vic DG
Good day mga Kapatid. I just though of this upon reading the comments. Why don't we extend our efforts beyond this blog and actually invite our community members to stand with the IC on this issue.
1. Lets all suggest to sing "Fight the Good Fight of Faith" to our assemblies and households. This will signify that whoever is signing this song joins God's army in protecting the integrity and the charism of the Spirit "within this community".
2. Lets all do a text or e-mail or information campaign that we, in our own way, are supporting the CFC's battle for sole recognition of the name. Lets make and spread prayers of unity, peace and love and send it to all your contacts- regardless of affiliation (whether CFC or FFL). Through this, I believe that we can bring back the spirit of the Christian community to our "broken" chapters/areas.
Lets print shirts. Have someone to make a design template. Save it to a website or to this blog if possible and have everybody print them in their respective areas. Its about time that we come out boldly and firm. This has been their tactic before. Now, its time for us to let them now the "authentic" and "only" Spirit lead charism of Couples for Christ Global Missions Foundation Inc.
Lastly, lets continue to write good things about this community. Our first genuine prayer from your CLP. Your first Christ experience. Your first worship. Our sense of family and oneness here in the community. Lets not forget our social ministries and GK. Its about time that we speak about them. Brag about them. That truly, God has touched our lives through these ministries.
I believe, my dear brothers and sisters, that after this, Couples for Christ will grew in number once again. Nagising na tayo! This is God's perfect time. Hallelujah!
For love of God and country,
SFC Bulacan South Cluster
GK Volunteer
Kristiyano. Iskolar. Bayani!
My wife and I, including the household leaders entrusted to us by the Lord fully supports the move and decision of the IC to defend the Couples For Christ name at all cost. Let us unceasingly pray for this action. But let us also pray for the leaders in the other side, that they may be finally be enlightened and stop all their deceitful and un-Christian actions and that they move on as restored movement for Family and Life. Let us all show our support to IC and CFC on June 21 at Luneta Grandstand. God bless Couples For Christ.
Robert & Cynthia Maranan
Couples For Chrsit - West B
God leads me and my wife the true way thru CFC 14 years ago...this is the community that guide to discover the real christian life...so we have our prayers of support for the IC to defend the name of CFC.
Dear Joe, Joe, Joey, Roquel, Lito, Ernie,and Nonong:
I am. . . . .will be with you all the way in this. God bless you and God bless all of us in CFC.
since I was a baby, I heard about 1CFC!
when I became a KFC on 1995, I joined 1CFC
when I became YFC in 2004, I be ame empowered because of that 1CFC.
Now, I don't believe that there are 2 CFCS....IISa lng ang CFC! and that is COUPLES FOR CHRIST!!! I fully support the council for this move!
David Quiambao
YFC Cluster B, Abu-Dhabi Area, UAE, MIDDLE EAST
Brother Vic DG of Melb, (Anonymous of June 12, 2008 6:32 PM),
Your question: "What is our hangup on CFC having two CFC's. CFC-IC & CFC-FFL." is certainly valid on the surface of it. Indeed I share those sentiments and I believe most here in CFC(-IC) actually do, because essentially - “the harvest is plenty but the workers are few”. You add: “It only becomes a problem if either one does something not true to its vision & mission.. If both are for God then all their actions will be accordingly bear good fruits”. Yes again, on the surface of the statement, although if you read at least just three of the posts here: “A State of Confusion pt 1”, “What’s in a Name pt 2”, “What’s in a Name pt 1”, and all the comments therein, I suppose you might be guided sufficiently to discern the objective answers to your own question, as we have all been guided by numerous teachings and formation tracks not to act based on mere “hang-ups”, but rather on leadings of the Paraclete. By the way, there are 163 posts here (and counting) that can certainly shed light. Then: “if not.. cut off the branch and toss it to the fire..”. I certainly wouldn’t hope (I’m sure you wouldn’t too) this happens to anyone, not even to anyone in FFL for that matter, and so do all of us. We just want peace while we all travel the narrow road.
God bless,
- WillyJ
I have been silent for the past many weeks because I obeyed the IC's directive for us to " be still".But the avalanche of untruths,schemes,machinations and disinformation thrown to us by the other group has become an abomination .These actions threaten to swallow us whole if we will remain to embrace the passive mode.So now I am waging war against those who are attempting to subdue us and snatch the name Couples for Christ from our hands . Clearly, there's plenty of work in the vineyard ahead of us. The challenges are everywhere - and none is trivial. Yet, at this moment in time the greatest of these will have to do with our strategies to defend the real CFC and its name at all cost - otherwise " pupulutin na tayo sa kangkungan !
Let us all heed the call to arms !
We will fight !
God bless us all !
We need to stand united in our effort thru our IC to protect and defend our God given name, Couples for Christ by all legal means and incessant prayers.
May God bless us all.
Rudy & Paz Jimenez
This text message is now in circulation.
"Just got SEC order approving revival of Couples for Christ Foundation,Inc...Eric Bravo"
Let's all pray for God's guidance in this fight.
We support the call of the IC to defend the CFC name and pray that this fight of faith will edify us all for the glory of God.
May God be praised!
Jun & Betty Ancheta
CFC South B9
We applaud and support the IC in full for having taken the decision to deal with the CFC name issue once and for all. We come forward to declare our stand and defend our beloved community at all cost.
God bless us all.
Terence and Thel Grana
Cluster Leaders – North B1
to mr JHN316:
I support this call to arms. By God's grace, the end of this issue is near. We will fight for our name.
SFC Central A
It is time we rise up and be counted
to protect the CFC name at all costs. We fully support IC's call.
We shall fight in all fronts: legal - by asking the SEC and the courts to issue a TRO and/or writ of injunction to restrain FFL from using the CFC name; spiritual - by storming the heavens with prayer to protect our community from unjust claims and accusations; and emotional - by appealing to our FFL friends TO LEAVE CFC ALONE.
Tom and Ning Sentillas
CFC Davao City South Sector
Let's finish the work we started!!!
Ernie and Lolit Santiago
Lyndhurst, NJ
my 100% support to our tito's and tita's in this battle. i'm praying that everything and His plans in name will prevail.
We'll support our International Council.
H. Liaz and family
Edmonton, Canada
You have our full support dear brothers in the International Council. We're 100% behind you. Together with the rest of our brethren, let us continue to fight for what we believe is right. May God bless us all.
Art & Mel Balagtas - CFC
Patti & Missy Balagtas - YFC
South A
We must also consider FP's allies like Sen Villar.
Aside from giving FP an office for FFL, he is also helping FP with this tirade to wrest the name CFC from us.
Since he is running for president, he should be informed that we will not vote for him because we know that behind him is FP and behind mrs villar is gerry padilla.
If he wins, FP and gerry will be able to manipulate him to marginalize CFC.
We should not let this thing happen and we should transmit the message to our bro senator of our concern which will deter us from voting for him.
We know that we had a commitment not to indulge in politics again after the 13-0 fiasco of FP but this is different because we are fighting for our survival as CFC.
This is a clear and present danger that we should address squarely and solidly. While we pray to our Lord for protection and guidance, we should also pray to Him to enlighten the likes of Sen Villar who is a stalwart supporter of FP.
I am sure Sen Villar is not aware of his predicament by siding with FP. If we start making inventory of the voters we an easily influence my estimate will be about 6 Million to 8 million voters and that will be a swing voting block that any Presidential Candidate will be very interested to get.
For our survival, let us use the strenght that our Lord has given us.
CFC renewed my life and saved me from the perils of hell. i would not allow anyone to destroy it. CFC brings light to those who are in darkness as i once had. to bring God's people back to Him. if ffl is trying to destroy that, then they are trying to pull away God's people from Him. clearly satan is at work. he is trying to divide God's kingdom. may ffl realize that if they are really doing the work of God, then we are not different at all. the name doesn't matter. our actions, the work that we do will speak for itself. not the name. not the numbers. God bless us all.
Mark Dexter Busa
CFC-YFC Coordinator
Eastern Visayas
"kasali ako dyan!!".... i stand behind the IC.... keep on praying... Be bless CFC...
Lanie Layo
West C-6
Quezon City
We support the IC in all its effort to defend the one and only Couples for Christ. May GOD bless us!
We support the IC call to rise and defend the Life and Mission of CFC.
Gil and Rose Migue
Unit Leaders
Scarborough Markham Chapter
Cluster 2, East Sector
Toronto, ON Canada
We fully support and pray for the IC in this battle to defend our CFC name.
Joel and Tere Tuason
Family Ministry Head
CFC Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
If not now when?
I fully support the effort of the IC.
Don Sarmiento
CFC Sub Regional Head Southeastern Europe
SFC Mision Coordinator Europe
CFC Austria
Pls log on to the official CFC website for the latest IC statement on this issue (dated 12 June 2008). We support the IC in this fight for the CFC name. Let us continue to pray for our community and for our leaders.
Freddie & Precy Fernandez
CFC, South A
Me, my Family and Unit will fully support the International Council for the only one COUPLE FOR CHRIST.
May our GOD bless and protect us all.
Joegen "Beboy" Blanco
We stand along side our IC in this battle.
Noel & Deanna Griño
PAH Maguindanao & Shariff Kabunsuan
GK Worker
You have a lot more important things to do than going to court!
Now is a good time to humbly accept your loss and focus on more important things.
Yes, you got it right in your rallying cry! -> Focus on Jesus! Move on with the Mission!
And may I add in that rallying cry? -> Walk The Talk!
Director Benito A. Cataran 727-2011 724-1319
Corporate and Partnership Registration Division 726-9245 219; 254 726-2204
Asst. Dir. Ferdinand B. Sales 725-0764 238
Law and Regulation Division
Financial Analysis and Audit Division 727-2922 726-2108
Asst. Dir. Yolanda L. Tapales 724-8520
Corporate Filings and Records Division 724-8738 214; 284 727-6895
Asst. Dir. Gerardo F. Del Rosario 724-8803 240; 256
Director Hubert Dominic B. Guevara 727-3367 224; 280 724-8709
Inspection and Surveillance Division 727-3188 211
Asst. Dir. Ma. Elmira A. Alconaba
Complaints and Investigation Division 724-7650 224
Asst. Dir. Jocelyn C. Villar-Altamira
Evaluation and Prosecution Division 726-5846 281
Asst. Dir. Lisa Beth G. Rico 721-5047 274
Atty. Vernette Umali-Paco 726-2348 207 726-8459
725-3418 216
725-8260 267
C. A. Gerard Lukban 725-3688 209 725-8141
NOW is the TIME DEFEND and confront these People.
Anonymous who said, CFC IC,
You have a lot more important things to do than going to court!
Now is a good time to humbly accept your loss and focus on more important things.
NOT YET, not this time. IT's only in the PHILIPPINES.
Not in other COUNTRIES.
This Court Battle will be soon in North America and other Countries.
Anonymous said,
"You have a lot more important things to do than going to court!
Now is a good time to humbly accept your loss and focus on more important things.
Yes, you got it right in your rallying cry! -> Focus on Jesus! Move on with the Mission!"
My comment:
Dear CD,
May i request that you move comments like this to a different section. This posts definitely do not belong here, mine included.
I think there are many who do not understand what are the facts and what is happening right now.
Frank Padilla applied for the revival of the name Couples For Christ Foundation, Inc (CFCF Inc)
SEC has approved the revival of CFCF Inc.for Frank Padilla to use.
This is what i understand as far as the facts are shown. I will use the origins 1,2& 3 as my reference point.
Origins 1
LNP Statement on the separation of CFC
#3 In practical terms, our decision is to let CFC go on its own way. We are relinquishing our rights to the name CFC, to the CFC Foundation, with all its assets and liabilities.
The Incorporators of the
CFC Foundation Inc (CFCF Inc)
1) Vic Gutierez
2) Raul Sarceda
3) Frank Padilla
4) Popoy del Rosario
5) Pio Acampado
6) Jose Villegas
7) Bobby Pilar
8) Carlos salinas
9) Tony Vasquez
10)Vic Gamboa
Incorporators of the March 1993 articles of incorporation of-
Couples For Christ Global Mission Foundation Inc (CFCGMF Inc)
1) Lachie agana
2) Tony Aquino
3) Jack Burgoyne
4) Tony Cruz
5) Ricky Cuenca
6) Roland David
7) Toto dela Cruz
8) Andy lising
9) Jess Lumbang
10)Oca Tagulinao
11) Jose Tayag
12) Pons Tanjangco
13) Lito urgino
14) Melo Villaroman Sr
15) Caloy Yturzaeta
Who owns CFCF Inc)
Answer- Originally it was owned by LNP then it was "handed over" to Couples For Christ Foundation(CFCF)
Take note- this was not done formally but just mentioned in the March 1993 LNP Statement. In fact it was not 'handed over' to the new- CFCGMF Inc nor was it 'handed over' to CFCF, Inc.
To be correct about this, it was handed over, in a written statement, to CFCF, which does not exist.
Am I now correct to assume the name CFCF Inc, real owner is still LNP?
Why do we need to go to court?
1) SEC has to be corrected
2) Frank Padilla does not have any right over the name CFCF Inc
3) CFC name in whatever form or shape belongs to CFC.
4) So we can put the matter to rest and move on with our mission
That is why we are all jubilant and united because this is long overdue.
Now Mr anonymous, that is the reason why the IC has to go to court not because it WANTS TO GO TO COURT but because there is no where else to go.
The IC has always focused on Jesus, that is why they never went to court even if they had all the reasons to do so.
The issue was brought before many leaders in CFC, it was brought to the Bishops and it was further brought to Vatican. Proof that in the end only we, the members of Couples For Christ are left to defend the name
Couples For Christ!
It is not the loss of IC, it is Frank Padilla and the rest who are involved who will have to endure the loss of sleep.They will have to prove that there is nothing wrong with what they have decided to do.
That is walking the talk! So shall we now move on to the next court hearing? The die is cast!
'Alea iacta est'
from members of the Chicago,
IL , USA Chapter...
We maintain very close
brotherly and sisterly relationships
with some who were blindly led
and fell to FFL and can no longer get out.
We believe that
we can blame it much
on what we call amor propio.
However, we wholeheartedly support the IC in doing whatever it takes
to have the sole right
to the name of Couples for Christ.
Having two groups with the same
basic name is just plain confusing.
We cannot understand why FFL
can't use their legitimate FFL name and logo with pride.
Let us cite
just two good examples---
We had a sister who opted to stay
with FFL but the husband
wanted to remain
as our brother in CFC.
Our sister passed away
so CFC and FFL both had
our separate memorial service
on the same night.
We in CFC did our service first
and we hanged our CFC banner
with our CFC logo.
FFL's service immediately followed
with no banner nor FFL logo.
The leader, Manny Hermano,
introduced themselves as
members of Couples for Christ.
There was absolutely no mention
of FFL!
We conduct CFC CLP in one of our local parishes here.
FFL conducts FFL CLS in the same venue.
They are posted in the parish
schedule as Couples for Christ.
Again, absolutely no mention of FFL.
...and there are more instances
where we cannot understand
why FFL can stomach hiding
their true identity.
Much as we love the FFL brothers
and sisters, their leaders
relentless maneuvers to exist
in the shadow of the real CFC
are really blocking
what can be a truly loving
co-existence among us
in the same vineyard
where GOD can use us both
in the great work of evangelization.
We, too, are behind the call
to defend our CFC name all the way!
More than protecting the name, "Couples For Christ," we are called to defend the work of God. For we all truly believe that CFC is HIS CREATION - His vessel for the outpouring of grace to all of us, our families, our country and the world. If God has led us to be in this community restoring our relationship with Him and experiencing His merciful and unconditional love, would He then lead us away from where He placed us to meet Him, know Him, love Him and serve Him?
More than defending CFC, God will defend us. For as He sees us rising to stand up for His creation, He shall then lead us to victory.
bro. bobbee & sis. marivic mella
cluster 2, north california usa
(former CFC-laguna)
Frank Padilla with his cabal will never stop until he has destroyed our IC and TM-GK. But because of his pride that is causing him to spew such venomous hate, he shall gnash his teeth in utter humiliation. Then his real lamentation will begin and only then, hopefully, true restoration shall be upon him.
In the immortal words of John Wayne (Sands of Iwo Jima, 1949): "Lock and load!"
Can somebody check who were the Incorporators of the newly revived Couples For Christ Foundation Inc approved by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Incorporators on Record of the
CFC Foundation Inc (CFCF Inc) were;
1) Vic Gutierez
2) Raul Sarceda
3) Frank Padilla
4) Popoy del Rosario
5) Pio Acampado
6) Jose Villegas
7) Bobby Pilar
8) Carlos salinas
9) Tony Vasquez
10)Vic Gamboa
For it to be revived and re-applied would need a Board Resolution from the majority of the above Incorporators to take effect.
Other than that, the name Couples for Christ was "STOLEN" not ONCE but TWICE from this same people (first in 1993 and this time June 5, 2008) with the recent approval from SEC.
Any Corporate Lawyers out there who can comment on this.
let us keep fighting!
To our BUBWITs out there,
I'm not a Coporate Lawyer but of hand the following may help us fight for our name Couples for Christ.
Kindly gather the following;
1. Who are the Incorporators of the newly approved Couples For Christ Foundation Inc? Are there anyone who is also listed from the members of the Old Board of Director? I suppose FAP should.
2. Was there a Board Resolution for the transfer of power from the 1993 Board to the 2008 Board, either by proxy voting or convening of the old board and ratify re-activation of CFCFI.
Defending on what the results are, there should be proper rules of conduct for the transition of power from the Old to the New Board to support the re-activation of the Corporation that has been dormant for the last 15 years.
Otherwise He Did it Once, He Does it Again. Until as a body we say "ENOUGH is ENOUGH" and get our Lawyers and contest the SEC approval.
Ligaya ng Panginoon has relinquished all authority to whoever will take care for the name and it's mission be it CFCFI or CFCGMFI. And it will be asking too much to drag them into the mess which they would want to avoid from the very begining.
It's all up to who will FIGHT for it to the LAST and Learn from it.
Doing so the next generation can continue without any confusion the work God has started in our beloved community Couples for Christ.
Kaya pala Binigyan Tayo ng Bagong CFC Executive Director na ABOGADO.
Someone outhere Prepare this for our Community.
FOr sure our IC with Bro Joe can handle this situation.
We are one with the I.C.
Nelson S. Uy
Marge S. Uy
Dimples S. Uy
"What if FFL succeeded in destroying CFC, at least for the next 25 years?
What if our prayer will be heard only after FFL succeeded?
What if we continue to allow them to use the name CFC?
What about “their” bishops and the others? May it be like those pagan times when Nero played “guitar” while Rome burned?
Having access to the best facilities (at least for now) needed to draw historical insights of various religious conflicts, how does one love a sworn enemy?
"The self-preservation instinct within me cannot readily accept that I give a space in my heart for someone who swears my destruction. That is why, I need to articulate a prayer that asks God to make me forgive my worst enemies and love them. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..."
By our collective prayer for God's Grace and resolution of these and similar concerns, we are calmed. PRAISE GOD!
Sayang, we can take FAP to court anytime but unfortunately he will always be pronounced innocent. The judge will always accept his plea of insanity(JOKE LANG MGA KAPATID). BATTLE STATIONS AS ALWAYS, but with humor,humility and compassion and before I forget food of course CFC tayo diba?
I am ready to support IC not only in prayers but if we need to write letters or sign petitions or even rally at the doorstep of SEC or even Franks house you can count me in.
God Bless CFC.
God Bless our leaders.
May God forgive Frank
These Chapter Leaders under Cluster 7 of CFC Cagayan de Oro City and Misamis Oriental, have requested me to append their names here in order to express their FULL SUPPORT to the IC's defense of the CFC name:
Tito and Mitchie Cagurangan
Chapter 35
Romy and Sarah Gabriel
Chapter 20
Ven and Lucy Reyes
Chapter 52
The Lord will prevail. We will support you IC all the way. God bless us all!
Revival of the dormant CFC-FI approved with SEC.
Good questions behind that...
I smell something...fishy? Now a legal battle is ensuing
with IC asking for full support, but notice the heading of IC's letter: "WE SHALL PREVAIL". It looks like IC already discovered what smells, and the legal thrust is just about to expose all that in the open, and that is why it asks for full support...I shudder at the thought and a possible scandalous outcome, but what has to be done - has to be done.
Go right ahead, IC.
Me and my family is in total support of the IC decision. The decision to go legal was really forthcoming in order that hanging issues are settled once and for all, to leave the dust behind and march forward as people of God. God bless CFC.
Hi all,
I do not really know if this is still within the topic,
But i just want to repspond to Bishop Gabby's explanation regarding cardinal Rylko's directive.
Since it takes a bit long to read it, i have posted it in my personal blog.
here is the link:
I do hope that one day, they will be shedded by the light of truth.
God bless,
bro. mero :-)
Just a suggestion to IC and Event Committee.
Can we broadcast on tv, internet and radio our anniversary celebration in Luneta on June 21 so the devil would see how HUGE God's army is.
To all members of CFC and family ministries.
Let's all gather in Luneta on this date, sing to the Lord our praise songs, show the world how happy His people are, show the world how we love one another, even our brethren in FFL, that we are fighting only the devil.
Bro. Ariel
My family stands at all cost, behind the CFC Council in this move to address once and for all the name issue.
For us, there is only one beloved CFC and no legal manuevering by FFL, including their battery of lawyers and political patron can ever change that.
"Being still" for the past months has refined us further in this struggle. Regardless of the outcome, God will always prevail in our lives.
There can only be one CFC! The call to arms (albeit late) is one big push to raise high the banner of one CFC under the IC and the current CFC statutes. We also continue to pray for those whose obsession is to bring that CFC banner down and insert instead their flag that trumpets the sound of letters (FFL is it?) far from the lovely sound of CFC that has nurtured us over the years. May God continue to keep us in His stead - for even among us, we fight the good fight of faith, although the massive battlefield of souls is out there, waiting for all of us to conquer for Him.
To brother Joe Tale and the rest of the Council, we are one with you!
Ami/Kris Sendin
CFC South B (SB) Metro Manila
SB SFC Sector Coordinators
Carline & Amiel (YFCs of SB-2)
Claire Aimy (KFC of SB-2)
I agree with David V and all those who support the IC.
We too support the IC, not only in prayers but also in action, whatever it takes. We may be far away, but make no mistake FAP ,we will be vigilant and we will provide IC the resources they need.
We're ready for battle! Let's bring this fight right at FAP's doorsteps, so that he may know the true sentiments of the real CFC.
We will not allow the CFC name to be stolen again! Not on this watch!
God bless, mga kapatid.
David B.
So ang FFL ay FI na ngayon? From Easter to Restoration to FFL to FI? masyadong changeable ang nature nila. Whatever suits the desire - regardless of the morality or fairness.
Parang isang taong nagnakaw ng nakatagong damit na ng isang matagal ng nakahimlay, at biglang sinabi na siya rin iyon, nabuhay muli pagkatapos ng 15 taon. Di ba panloloko pa rin iyon?
So sino ngayon ang superb at legal manuevering? The mark of a highly creative, not necessarily moral and righteous, corporate lawyering.
But God is a fair God. He deals in His own time. Remember - He sees. He has instruments and He will anoint them too for this purpose. I believe the Lord will give the SEC and the Courts the spiritual eyes and wisdom to decide fairly. Meantime, we need to PRAY HARD to be given due process. Prayer is still our best tool.
II Chronicles 20:17
You shall not need to fight in this battle: set yourselves, stand you still, and see the salvation of Yahweh with you, O Judah and Jerusalem; don't be afraid, nor be dismayed: tomorrow go out against them: for Yahweh is with you.
It's about time !
Jun Estrella
CFC Zambales
We have 4080 signatures in CFC "Fulfilling the Mandate" website. Since majority are signed as couples, it could translate to about 6000+ strong CFC-GMFI (IC) individual supporters.
FFL never had such name campaign because they always hide and are still in "limbo" as to their true identities.
Personally I am sad that it has to come to this.
FFL seeks to destroy CFC to justify its existence, CFC defends itself but a successful defense means the destruction of FFL.
"either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives" sino kaya si Harry at sino kaya si Voldemort? :)
It would have been ideal if all of us put more effort in reunification...
That is my stand, but that does not mean I will not support the IC 100%. That is one of the best lessons I learned here in my years in CFC. Us members tend to think we have better ideas and ways of running things that our leaders. We tend to question the way leaders handle things. One of our elders has this to say. "We may not agree with our leaders, but they did not made their decisions just like that, but prayed hard before making it that is why things will eventually work out for God is always in control".
This is the lesson I hope Bro Frank Padilla will also learn. As I said before in a previous comment, he has always been the leader, but only by becoming a member will he ever learn this important lesson.
My comment to genius Anonymous:
even if "Rome burned", even if we see the day that we see CFC destroyed, be at peace for God is in control. Things have a way of turning out all right when we trust Him.
The country we are in supports the IC 100%. There is no FFL here! :)
As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord... through CFC!
CFC Tokyo
Bros & Sis, we are entering the real battlefield, just keep on your lines!
Firmly, hold your arms(prayers)!
800k army of God on our side,
IC is with us,
BOE is with us,
Church is with us,
that's why
Bros & Sis, we are entering the real battlefield, just keep on your lines!
Firmly, hold your arms(prayers)!
800k army of God on our side,
IC is with us,
BOE is with us,
Church is with us,
that's why
Count me in.
Jerry T. Juadiong
CFC North B
"as for me and my house, we were serve the Lord...." through COUPLES FOR CHRIST!
Let's just seek God's will on this matter, I am pro IC! Ill fight for truth and justice, but we don't know God's will, let's not join t2 frank and the others on saying "GOD SAYS!" or "GOD WANTS" rather, let us keep silent and listen to the Lord's voice, and truly he can lead us home
Titos titas, let'sall read FRIEND or FOE! naku po! prang lahat ng prediction ni t2 frank nagkatotoo
Count us in! For God & CFC, GO IC!
Nanding Duenas (CFC)
Luz Duenas (CFC)
Lloyd Duenas (SFC)
Luzette Duenas (YFC)
Loui Duenas (KFC)
Maasin City
Southern Leyte
My family and I will continue to work in the Lord's vineyard through the original CFC. Let us continue to pray to the Lord that we'll be able to endure these trials and truly live out his calling to us as His disciples. God bless.
Bal/Lourdes Quiambao and family
Abu Dhabi, UAE
We are one in supporting our IC and those defending the mission and vision of CFC. May the good Lord continue to shine His face upon those who humbly seek His will.
Don & Ditas Rebueno
Boying & Susan Fajardo
Dondi & Jeannie Fajardo
Edgar Fajardo
Alu & Vilma Fajardo
we will be with you (IC) till the end of our time
I think the IC need to file TRO in the court against FFL
To the IC and everyone of you brave CFC brothers and sisters,
"Do not be afraid..." - Luke 1:13
Of what should we not be afraid? We should not fear the truth about ourselves. (Crossing the Threshold of Hope; Pope John Paul II)
What then is the truth about ourselves?
1. Brothers and sisters, we all know and believe in the truth that we are the real CFC. In spite of the conflict, in spite of the division, in spite of the distrust, in spite of the confusion brought about by some disgruntled members of the community, we stood our ground. We opted to stay and live out the challenges posed to us by these unfortunate events that happened in our CFC community.
2. That we are the rightful owner of the name CFC. It is the same community which we have learned to live with. The community that is in existence since its inception by the LNP and was subsequently given its own rights to exist and grow by its own means through the grace of God.
It is the same community which God has given to us all. A community founded on love.
Not the community founded on hatred and misguided ideals by some disgruntled members of the community.
3. That the IC is the rightful leaders of CFC. They have been chosen through the traditional selection process that we all have known since it's beginnings. They are the leaders chosen not by one man, but by a collegial body of leaders in the community.
This is the truth about ourselves. This is the truth we shall defend!
Onward Christian soldiers and fight the good fight of faith!
still no end in sight.
Anyway, I was "being still" for a while but I thought I'll just assure Athrun that I will help him watch the Wikipedia articles. I don't see any reason to change the FFL article for now because of 2 things: (1) no word yet from FFL leadership about the official name (even if approval from SEC was received), and (2) the name issue is still outstanding and the SEC approval contested.
God bless.
Sis Apple, I've moved this here (from "Signed, Sealed, Delivered")if you don't mind:
"Through your efforts we have remained inspired to continue the mission God has called us for. Please be assured of our continous support and prayers..
God bless!
Apple Valencia
June 13, 2008 1:06 PM"
Focus on Jesus
dasal na lang tayo...
simba na lang tayo...
basa na lang tayo bible, reflect on the message at isabuhay...
Move on with the Mission
mag evang at magpa CLP na lang tayo...
attend na lang tayo ng mga teachings...
mag household na lang tayo...
gawa na lang tayo ng bahay sa GK...
bigay na lang tayo ng tithes...
go on na lang tayo sa mga hinahawakang services...
masaya di ba?
wag na nating isipin yang nang-aagaw ng pangalan, maiinis lang tayo...baka tayo pumanget.
mga kapatid, dahil nagkakilala na tayo dito sa blog, puede bang ma-invite kayong maging speaker in one of our CLP's and teachings?
Bro. Ariel Lintag
To Anonymous who said:
You have a lot more important things to do than going to court!
Now is a good time to humbly accept your loss and focus on more important things.
Yes, you got it right in your rallying cry! -> Focus on Jesus! Move on with the Mission!
And may I add in that rallying cry? -> Walk The Talk!
Rejoice indeed for Frank's successful revival of CFC FI. For now.
To my brethren in CFC:
Do not lose heart with this "disturbing news", as well as the accompanying subsequent ones where Frank will appropriate for himself or his group ownership of the name "Couples for Christ."
This is not the first time that Frank went to court claiming for something he did not own.
You may check--
Case Title : Spouses Francisco A. Padilla and Geraldine S. Padilla vs. Court of Appeals
What were the parting words of the Supreme Court to the spouses? These--
"Petitioners’[the spouses] view that private respondents should not be allowed to retain the subject lot without having fully paid therefor, as this constitutes unjust enrichment, has boomeranged. They wanted the lot returned to them along with their copy of the TCT, and the rescission of the deed of absolute sale. But petitioners proceeded from the erroneous assumption that the lot was theirs. As earlier stated, this Court has already ruled that petitioners’ title to the lot is null and void. It is now declared as OPEN SPACE for public use and enjoyment under the control of the Homeowners of Carmel II-A subdivision. Clearly, therefore, petitioners could not seek the return to them of a lot not rightfully theirs.
Petitioners also insist that private respondents settle the latter’s mortgage debt with Equitable Venture Capital Corporation, obtained by using the subject lot as security. However, respondent court found that the mortgage was actually entered into in the name of petitioners, not private respondents. Thus, we agree that said respondents do not have any loan obligation to Equitable Venture Capital Corporation."
The Supreme Court used the word "boomerang". It is also apt to use that word now.
For in time, this bold move to revive CFC FI, by Frank and co., will also boomerang.
Thank you IC for your assurance that "we will always be on the side of truth, of honesty and of justice and that our lines of action will always be legal, moral and righteous."
God bless CFC.
The CFC International Council has my prayers and support for the fight for the CFC name.
The IC is on the side
of truth and righteousness. The annointing of the HOLY SPIRIT will uphold our community and the IC leadership will continue to do what is right for CFC.
Let us support and pray for the IC in defending CFC.
Bernie Cuevas
CFC Board of Elders
Handmaids of the Lord
I'm so sad of what is happening to Couples for Christ but on the other hand God teaches us to be faithful as Faith in God is our best Armor! Let's not worry instead, be concerned above everything else with the Kingdom of God and with what He requires of you, and He will provide you with all these other things. We will support the IC in all their works and we pray that we WIN this FIGHT! Go CFC and Fight the good fight of Faith! God bless us all!
Edwin & Minnie Marcelo
WEST B3, Sto Domingo Parish
T2 Frank please obey the order of the Cardinal, "DO NOT USE THE CFC NAME" Me sarili ka ng grupo, na talagang sa u.Bakit gus2 mo pang mangulo, d ka pa ba kuntento sa buhay mo?????????
IC we are behind you whatever action you are planning to do.
Bro. Vic Lagana
CFC Dubai
Chapter 2 Head
Ito po ang nakalagay sa kanyang Latest TV AD
Manny Villar
CFC STA. TERESITA is committed to defend the name. To FFL leaders who keeps on insisting that we are one... DREAM ON !!! (You always amuse us with your antics)
Hear our cry OH LORD...
Allen & Dina Borromeo
West C CFC
Tandang Sora Q.C.
i pray for your safe coverage of BOTH anniversaries. i hope you will be able to cover it without partiality and also pray that our FFL brethren wont be impartial against you.
God bless bro.
It is my conviction to stand and fight with you, you have my full support.
Alapaap ... from Vienna
Bakit karamihan ng FFL na nagsusulat dito ayaw ilagay ang pangalan? Baka ba may ka-pangalan kayo at maconfuse ang mga tao? hehehehe
Sa nagsasabing kapatid na walang problema sa 2 umaangkin ng pangalan, hintayin mo pag ikaw mismo ang ma-confuse. God willing, sana ma-realize mo nalang at wag nang mangyari sayo.
Fight the Good Fight of Faith!
Lorenzo Cabrera
CFC Bulacan South-B
we support the IC
remo & ofelia flores
CFC tacurong city
CFC is my life..i'll support the IC 'ALL THE WAY"
We are brothers and sisters being members of one family, God's family, the CFC family. We are co-workers in the Lord's vineyard doing the same work and sharing the same mission and vision. We are comrades in arms fighting the good fight of faith, being born into this battle in the first place. Let us all PRAY HARD as we always do, do fasting and offer sacrifices that the Lord may protect and bless us. Let us stand side by side, walang iwanan! Onward Christian soldiers! Support the CFC International Council, God's anointed leaders for our beloved community.
Ronnie Gool
CFC Batangas
Brothers and Sisters,
The memo lifting the revocation of Couples for Christ Foundation, Inc. can be found in the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Click on Investors Info then Lifting Order of Revocation from the main menu.
For immediate gratification, click here.
It mentions at the upper portion of page 3 that (emphasis mine) "in the absence of a TRO or injunctive writ, SEC, in the exercise of its ministerial function, has to give due course to a regular application for the setting aside of order of revocation."
It is interesting to note that the lifting of the revocation was made on the following grounds (again, emphasis mine):
Its past officers were not sufficiently advised, and thus unaware of the Honorable Commission's reportorial requirements.
Petitioner has decided to continue and fully revive the activities (per its purposes and objectives) given that Couples for Christ Global Mission Foundation, Inc. -- Gawad Kalinga has veered away from the Charism of Couples for Christ.
I am not a lawyer. We need Bro Arnel Santos and his likes to validate my impression. But it seems to me that both grounds are highly debatable in court.
The Round-Eyed Toddler
Shoulder to Shoulder we stand behind and in full support of the IC.
Ready to defend and do battle on our knees and on our feet with the weapons of Truth as our belt, Justice as our breastplate,
Zeal as our shoes to propagate the Gospel of peace.
Always holding in our hand the shield of Faith to repel the flaming arrows of the devil and using the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit,that is the word of God.
Chino and Eloy Caluag
SFC Central C coordinator
"SFC Central C, Centro C Christo!
I suppose that if a formal objection to a registration of a corporate name were formally lodged with it, the SEC will NOT give due course to the application concerned unless the objection was removed. I also think that in a similar vein, SEC will have acted in favor of CFC-IC that formally registered on July 30, 2007 its “objection or opposition to any reinstatement of the Couples for Christ Foundation, Inc. or the use of the same name or something similar or confusing to ‘Couples for Christ’ and ‘CFC’”.
I understand it is standard procedure for the SEC to formally solicit comments from affected agencies in matters pertaining to registration of corporations, as in the case of schools applying SEC registration, whereby an official request for comment from “affected” agencies like TESDA, CHED, and DepEd are sought. Since CFC-GMFI is not a government agency, I think it was appropriate that CFC-IC formally lodged what I presume was an ‘unsolicited’ comment or objection. I wonder though, if under its rules, SEC was bound to consider the CFC-IC objection, as abovestated, in regard to the lifting of the Order of Revocation on CFCFI that it implemented on August 11, 2003 following its publication in a newspaper of general circulation on July 11, 2003.
Be that as it may, I find many objectionable supporting documents, let’s call them “loopholes”, cited in the SEC Order of June 5, that CFC-IC said was released only yesterday, June 12, 2008 (which I think is true given that of the 5-member commission, the last signatory was affixed on June 11).
I wish to cite these “loopholes”:
1. WHO SIGNED AND/OR FILED IN BEHALF OF THE PETITIONER? SEC says the petitioner is “COUPLES FOR CHRIST FOUNDATION, INC”, which was registered on January 30, 1984 under SEC Reg. No. 118783. On page 2 of the 4-page Order, SEC says that “it” (the Petitioner) now prays for the lifting of the Order of Revocation....Petitioner decided to continue and fully revive the activities.... Who filed or signed the petition? Did he/she have the appropriate authorization to do so? Was there a Board Resolution authorizing him or her?
2. SEC also said that the Petitioner (meaning CFCFI or somebody representing it) submitted among others: “2007 Business license issued by the City of Antipolo; ...2007 various receipts;...2006 Audited Financial Statements.” MEANING, the so-called petitioner presented audited financial statements of CFC in 2006(?!)
3. So that the Order of Revocation could be lifted, the “petitioner” paid SEC the penalty of Eleven Thousand five Hundred Pesos (Php11,500.00) under O.R. No. 0130229 dated January 9, 2008.
If petitioner was Frank Padilla or anyone of his minions from FFL, did he/they have the legal personality to represent the defunct Couples for Christ Foundation, Inc.? What were the contents of the 2006 audited Financial Statements. Whose transactions were these?
I am not a lawyer, but having once exercised a quasi-judicial authority in government similar to the SEC, I think there is a lot of loopholes that can justify the revocation of the SEC EB Case No. 01-08-0326 in the matter of “SETTING ASIDE OF ORDER OF REVOCATION”.
We stand behind the IC
Jose Ng
Alma Ng
CFC SFC New Jersey / New York
We Support CFC, all the way...
Al & Dhel Monteagudo
Central A - GK Volunteer
I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love - Mother Theresa
You have to admit FAP's lawyers have done a tremendous job with this legal strategy. Nobody here have thought of it, reviving the CFC Foundation Inc.. So does this means that they have the right to use the name "Couples for Christ" since CFC-FI is the first to registered the name over CFC-Global Foundation?
They are very sneaky aren't they?
Let the dogs bark. The caravan moves on!
The most important thing is: In all our undertakings, God is with us!
For me, This can be settled.
WillyJ, jonitanitayturin, Deo Volente:
Please email me. Thank you.
I find it interesting that the definition of "founder" if used as a verb would mean fail or breakdown. If someone claims to be the "founder" of CFC, it must be true.
Reading the SEC report, I don't think it would hold up in a competent court. I smell the stink of a big fish in here.
If Manny Villar is involved in any of this, he will pay it dearly. The Interwebz will not be too kind on him.
I are Anonymous. We do forgive but we do not forget.
from Dictionary.com
–verb (used without object) 1. (of a ship, boat, etc.) to fill with water and sink.
2. to fall or sink down, as buildings, ground, etc.: Built on a former lake bed, the building has foundered nearly ten feet.
3. to become wrecked; fail utterly: The project foundered because public support was lacking.
4. to stumble, break down, or go lame, as a horse: His mount foundered on the rocky path.
5. to become ill from overeating.
6. Veterinary Pathology. (of a horse) to suffer from laminitis.
–verb (used with object) 7. to cause to fill with water and sink: Rough seas had foundered the ship in mid-ocean.
8. Veterinary Pathology. to cause (a horse) to break down, go lame, or suffer from laminitis.
–noun 9. Veterinary Pathology. laminitis.
[Origin: 1300–50; ME foundren < MF fondrer to plunge to the bottom, submerge < VL *fundorāre, deriv. of *fundor-, taken as s. of L fundus bottom]
—Synonyms 3. collapse, perish, succumb, topple, sink; flop.
Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1)
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2006.
We stand behind the IC and the Real CFC's fight for its Name.
Norinna Palad
Fe Sasuman
MAry Gale Tiauson
Vilma Taloza
Metro Manila
Easter Group... ay, Restoration Movement... ay, FFL... ay, CFCFI, ay mali, hindi pa pala...
their leaders are so scheming, so devious, so unchristian, so NOT of the HOLY SPIRIT!
what has happened to their followers, former CFC leaders and full-time workers, whom we have adored before? what has become of them? has the Holy Spirit left them? why do they follow such (FFL)leaders?
evil prevails, not because of what bad people do, but because of good people doing nothing.
we are one with the whole CFC! the true CFC!
The IC (and everyone in cfc)has my FULL support and prayers.
ang hirap mag "be still" with these new developments.
Estelito D. Reyes III
SFC, Central A (Meralco)
My household supports the IC all the way.
Raul Aclan
New Jersey
From The Blue Sky: To IC and all my brothers and sisters in CFC:
"...Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, is with you...." 1 Chronicles 28:20
Fight for our right and win..In a race everyone runs but only one person gets first prize. So run your race to win.. For with God nothing is impossible..
To the IC members, whatever be your actions regarding this matter,together with my family, we are behind you and support you, and we always pray for you.
Reynald G. Morandarte
Rosalie J. Morandarte
KFC Mary Monique
KFC Reina Mae
YFC Reina Marie
YFC Reysalie
Chapter Head, KAROMA (Katipunan, Roxas, Manukan)
Zamboanga del Norte
Here is a refelection on the current events. I am posting this since this is also how I feel about the matter.
On the Road to Emmaus
Vol.1 No.76
June 13, 2008
["On the Road to Emmaus" is a daily sharing of personal reflections on the Scripture readings for the day's holy mass, offered as starter thoughts to the reader on his/her own reflections and help him/her discover what the Lord would have him/her do throughout the day. For feedback/comments: http://xsorbit28. com/users5/ ontheroadtoemmau s/index.php]
This piece has taken time to write… the whole day, I have been mulling about today's readings. Maybe this is the way it has to be, every time something disturbing comes up… It is the Lord telling me that some things are worth reflecting on the whole day. I had always thought I could complete my reflections in an hour or two. Not so with some topics. Topics like today's.
You see, I got a very disturbing email this morning. It was on a matter that I had known was brewing since last week. The announcement that reached me only this morning simply confirmed it. The issue was about two groups, both avowed to serve the Lord, contesting which of them had a right to use the same name.
The dispute had already become a legal matter. It had to be elevated to the government body that had regulatory supervision over such things as names of groups, associations and corporations. And the email just announced that this government body had already made a decision to favor one group against the other since a week ago. Only the public announcement remained and that came out yesterday. I got my copy only today.
Question: who really won in the dispute? Did anyone really win?
For one thing, how could such a dispute have moved forward the agenda of the Lord at all? In fact, all it probably did was inflict very deep wounds on persons from both contending groups. And most of them were probably innocent and did not deserve to suffer so.
So, was it all worth it? To whom? Who profited from this?
In truth, this turn of events is not only quite strange. It is shocking!
Who has a right to use the name being contested? What right? Does anyone really have a right over such things?
Are not all good things a gift from the Lord? Why would anyone want to claim that something given is his or hers? If a gift from the Lord, should the Lord not be asked to whom He has given this gift?
Then, why bring up this matter to a human institution instead of bringing it up before God? Who brought it there? Is it the will of the Lord that matters belonging only to Him be brought up before human institutions? Does that speak of trusting the Lord? Does that glorify His name?
And yet, the name being contested carries the Lord's name all right. So, if in His name, was He ever brought in to settle the dispute? Why bring it up before human beings only?
Could it be that whoever brought the dispute up before human authorities has not really submitted himself/herself/ themselves to the Lord? Could it be that this party was guilty of acting in bad faith and rather than face God and be reproved by the Lord, sought to bring his/her/their case before a human institution that he/she/they knew could be easily swayed and influenced to render judgment in his/her/their favor?
Are we now more trustful of human wisdom than the wisdom of the Lord? Is the Lord's way really like this? Does the Lord really favor one over another, if both serve Him? Is the decision of the government body in favor of one group over the other really favorable to the one who was favored? Or does it favor more the one who was not?
What if, indeed, the decision to favor one group over the other was tainted with deceit or the intention to deceive? Would that not have been unjust and unfair? Would the Lord have truly sided with the party that resorted to deception or underhanded methods in order to get a judgment in their favor? Does the Lord's desires on how the dispute should have been handled been followed? Or were they conveniently set aside?
Setting aside His wishes? How can that be truly serving Him? Does anyone ever believe that it is possible to serve the Lord using deception and unfair methods to achieve one's ends, even if such ends are supposedly to give glory to Him? Isn't that the height of unfaithfulness to Him?
I could hear Elijah lamenting, "I have been most zealous for the LORD, the God of hosts. But the children of Israel have forsaken your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to the sword. I alone am left, and they seek to take my life."
Elijah. Such unfaithfulness is tantamount to placing Elijah's life in jeopardy. Who is Elijah?
Elijah is God's cause. Such unfaithfulness will kill God's cause.
And what would the Lord likely say about that?
Well, in the readings the Lord told Elijah, "Go, take the road back to the desert near Damascus. When you arrive, you shall anoint Hazael as king of Aram. Then you shall anoint Jehu, son of Nimshi, as king of Israel, and Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah, as prophet to succeed you."
In short, the Lord is saying, "The work continues, but I will choose new persons to carry it on for me. People who would have been faithful to me and who I can rely on to always be faithful. I will no longer entrust the tasks I assign to those who have shown me deep unfaithfulness, even though they call themselves after my name."
Unfaithfulness is big here. Bringing the matter to a human institution instead of resolving the issue directly with the one you disagree with in a loving and loyal manner as the Lord would have us do in these matters is a betrayal of the Lord here. It is unfaithfulness.
God may have allowed the dispute between the two groups to be resolved in favor of one over the other, but that does not mean that the one favored has already won. Not if deceit or unfairness was resorted to. Deceit reeks of evil intentions. And evil intentions will get their comeuppance from the Lord.
As in the gospel today, talking about adultery --- one may not yet be guilty of the actual act of adultery but if lust is there, it is as if one has already committed adultery. "But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart."
The email today has truly disturbed me. Evil had already been committed somewhere and those who had a hand in allowing it to happen do not even seem to realize what they had done. I enjoin everyone to pray with me and let us drive the evil one into the light of the Lord and vanquish him forever.
God be praised forever!
Brother Rey
This is a holy war on our side. I think that from now on, we authentic CFCs have to fight and conquer through to the bitter end. Let us hence mount and launch our Crusade, our struggle against the secessionist horde. Let us vigilantly defend and offend since what is at stake here is not only our identity, but our right to exist as a community. It is therefore our responsibility not only as Catholics, but as CFCs, it is the will of God we unleash 'jihad' upon them, in order to end their injustices.
Devs Vvlt!
Devs Vvlt!
"Other entities may use only the said name upon explicit permission of CFCFI"
- Frank Padilla, CFCFI
I must say Servant General Frank Padilla has a terrific sense of humor. "Explicit permission", now that's a nice one. FAP now gleefully dangles that SEC order like the proverbial Damocles sword over all "other entities" who "may use the said name". But I detect a hint of magnanimity in FAP's statement - you see, one may still use the name as long as one gets "explicit permission". I hope even Cardinal Rylko takes note, because anytime he uses the name CFC other than referring to the Easter group, the good Cardinal must now ensure he gets explicit permission from Frank himself. No exceptions my dear Cardinal Rylko, "other entities" includes you, you have been overruled by our generous and wise brother Frank.
Now Frank's "order" puts many others in a great dilemma. You see, even if one as much as wears a CFC shirt, that would fall into the category of using the CFC name right? You know, one must be "legalistic" about this.
Now for everyone out there who plans on going to the Luneta on the 21st AND plans
on wearing that anniversary CFC shirt, be sure by all means you get Frank's permission, ok?
And I mean explicit. Apply for an explicit permit at the Starmall many days in advance, as there's going to be a looong queue of applicants. Although most probably thousands upon thousands will just ignore Frank's order. Now Frank, what do you intend to do with all those thousands at the Luneta? Have them all arrested? Fine. Now, that should give you another "reason to rejoice", won't it, and then your "work of restoration" continues.
Continues to mock sensibilities, that is.
[P.S. Take heart brethren in the Real CFC, and pardon my
moment of irreverence. Just letting off some steam...]
"When the sea turns red and the mountains into dust and the stars fall from the skies, when wicked men from their thrones are cast and martyrs for vengeance cry. When on the clouds He shall appear and advance in bright array, what glory then shall eclipse the earth as Christ on judgment day.
Fight the good fight of faith, people of God, Unstained and without reproach before the eyes of men! Run the good race you sons of the Most High, and inherit the Crown of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ!"
"Though our foe awaits us we shall not fear for victory is surely at hand. If the Lord our God is with us, then who can be against the people the Lord has called His own."
Let us all pray for and rise in defense of our community and our leaders, the CFC International Council.
"...as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."Joshua 24:15
Ronnie Gool - CFC Batangas
Joy Gool - CFC Batangas
Rachel Judith Gool - KFC Batangas
Joseph Reuben Gool - KFC Batangas
Joseph Ralph Gool - KFC Batangas
Ruth Johanna Gool - KFC Batangas
Joseph Raymond Gool - KFC Batangas
Mary Therese Gool - KFC Batangas
We offer fervent prayers for our IC and will support them in any way we can.
May our good Lord bless us all!
Rod Bustos
Canyl Bustos
Maryland, USA
The IC has our all support and prayers:
East Sector
CFC Cagayan de Oro/Misamis Oriental
FAP and his lawyers are using a very worldly strategy. They are holding to the next best thing which is the unresolution of the issue regarding the name CFC. So long as it is in the human courts for resolution they can use the name CFC legally or illegally, until the courts decide otherwise. Unless there is an Injuction. As we know the justice system in the Philippines, the resolution could take forever. So as not to be frustrated on the current events let's all pray for God's grace to see us through and pursue our mission and work with more vigor,zeal and passion.Read the recommended reading An Angry Christian it asks us to channel frustrations to perseverance,endurance and patience. God will pleasantly surprise us all with the outcome of the manuevrings of FAP and his Legal Advisers, I'm sure right now they are not using God's wisdom let's all pray that the FFL leaders inspired by the Holy Spirit will read clearly where FAP is taking them.
Nelson & Marge Uy
I will continue to support the CFC International Council.
We have the right to use the name Couples for Christ based on the International Statues of Couples for Christ, to quote: "5.6 Overseeing and promoting the life and mission of CFC throughout the world is the CFC International Council based in Manila."
Would suggest that we read the International Statues of Couples for Christ.
God bless everyone!
Larry M. Ramos
CFC-Baltimore, Maryland
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