The campaign to put our house in order is in full swing!

Download the PDF HERE.
(I'm testing out a new file storage service, please give me feedback if you have the time. Thanks!)
This will reportedly get daily updates as the fund drive progresses. Here's the first update as I received it in my email. At the end of it, if someone from The Center doesn't compile it I'll go ahead and create a pdf document that has all the pages.
Bulletin No. 1, Dec. 12, 2007

Bulletin No. 2, Dec. 13, 2007

Bulletin No. 3, Dec. 14, 2007

Bulletin No. 4, Dec. 17, 2007

Bulletin No. 5, Dec. 18, 2007

Bulletin No. 6, Dec. 19, 2007

Bulletin No. 7, Dec. 20, 2007

Bulletin No. 8, Dec. 21, 2007

Bulletin No. 9, Dec. 27, 2007

Bulletin No. 10, Dec. 28, 2007

Bulletin No. 11, Dec. 29, 2007

Bulletin No. 12, Jan. 2, 2008

Bulletin No. 13, Jan. 3, 2008

Bulletin No. 14, Jan. 4, 2008

I keep assuming the campaign to be over, hehe. It is still going strong, and believe it or not, we're halfway there! Lets keep this up, friends!
Here's a short message from George Asensi:
dear everyone, the Araneta conference and the 2 other conferences that followed, together with the full to capacity MC gathering last night were indeed awe-inspiring, uplifting, life-giving and truly Spirit-filled for us in Couples for Christ. we were waylaid for a while, but, now we are back in solid footing in metro manila, the entire philippines and abroad. we now move on.... let us not fail our AWESOME GOD! we are now over the half-way mark of our OTBT target. if we can accumulate the same amount in less than 5 months the same amount we were able to amass in less than a month, then we will be truly debt-free on the day we celebrate our 27th Anniversary at the Luneta in June. share your passion & love for community and to the Lord to the other brethren who have not heard yet of this campaign. or if the Lord is prodding you to be more generous still, go ahead, remit now! attached is the latest bulletin. i will be coming out with weekly bulletins to update you. God bless you all always! in the Lord's service, george
The Campaign Continues:

Bulletin No. 17, Jan. 25, 2008

Bulletin No. 18, Feb.1, 2008

This report covers the period from when we started the campaign up to today which is exactly 52 days. from a high of almost P20M, our debt is now down to only a little over P7M. that is about a third of the original obligations and in less than two months! how can you beat that?
if we push a little harder, let us wipe out, first, the P4.1M bank loans and, second, let us ask bridge-fund lenders to waive collections of their loans to the community. i have the list of these brothers and sisters. if you are one of them, please call me on my mobile phone 0920.9509039 or office landline at 727.9618.
in due time, we would be a debt-free CFC as we celebrate our 27th anniversary in june.
God is good, all the time!
George Asensi
Bulletin No. 19, Feb.8, 2008

Bulletin No. 20, Feb.15, 2008

Comparative Report, Feb.22, 2008
dear brethren,in lieu of the weekly bulletins that i previously issued, we are giving you instead the current loan balances (with comparative figures). these are based from the records of our accounting department. and you can be sure that the diminishing balances are because of your financial generosity.we are almost there. we are just a little over P3M in our bank loans as of month end of February. we will be making additional payments soon. it won't be long, come on..... share those blessings! you know how God has blessed you brethren. show your love for God and community more concretely.God bless you all!in the Lord's service,george
I've added a song in the player that I especially liked from the movie, Enchanted. I think it is kind of fitting.
Update from George, May 6, 2008
RCBC - P 600,000.00
Bridge Fund - 1,627,000.00
P 2,227,000.00
In any case, consider that we only have about 1/10 (~10%) of the original debt we were left with! Great Job EVERYONE!
OTBT has shown that we all can step up when called upon. While the goal was not met in pesos....YET, it definitely was in spirit. Even through the budget crunches of the season, we collectively were able to raise a huge amount in support of something we believe and have faith in. While I certainly don't speak for the Council, I am quite certain they'd like to thank each and every one of you personally for the trust you've given to fulfill the task they've given themselves to better serve all of you. Let us now continue helping them to set our house in order and start the new year right with the Lord's graces.
The following is a short Q & A based on some of the feedback you've given regarding the OTBT campaign.

Download the PDF file HERE.
Update June 11, 2008 From George Asensi:
As of today, our loan with RCBC still has an outstanding balance of P300,000.00, but, we have at least P60,000 from the OTBT contributions that we can use to pay. Thus, it would seem that we are not yet entirely debt-free as of today. We still need some P240,000.00 yet. Also, there is still a balance of P1.187M of the bridge funds. Of this, P715,000 is due to brethren who have aligned themselves with FFL and some P472,000 from CFC brethren who have not signified waiving collection of their advances.
The accounting department now has the responsibility to account for OTBT contributions. This responsibility was taken away from me to avoid conflict in our figures. Once a month, I am away from the office because of my assignment as PAH of Catanduanes, thus, i will miss at least a week of monitoring funds coming in. The department should be able to account if asked to because they have all the records with them. The loan figures I am giving out also come from the accounting department thru tita Norma Gabutina, Accounting Dept. head.
I am sure we will be able to wipe out our RCBC outstanding loan before June 21.
* * *
I believe we can all pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. Let us now look ahead to the years to come of transparency, fiscal soundness, and honest accounting. I for one am expecting it, and I believe this welcome change will be a very, very good thing.
The one time big time campaign includes all the ministries right?
Cause I was thinking if we can really reach out and talk to many SFCs as soon as possible, it would not be hard to solicit P1,000 from them also. With friday fast approaching (Christmas bonuses ftw), our only competition are the many sales that will be one this weekend.
I've started to inform those in my circles, young professionals like me who i think will be generous to give 1k for the cause.
Let's spread the word and quickly brothers and sisters, repost the memo in your own blogspaces, multiply pages, friendster profiles and email distribution lists!!!!!
C.D., I've thought of a good song to accompy the one time, big time campaign.
Miracle of the Moment
by Steven Curtis Chapman
It's time for letting go
All of our if only's
'Cause we don't have a time machine
And even if we did
Would we really want to use it?
Would we really want to go change everything
'Cause we are who and where and what we are for now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about
So breathe it in and breathe it out
Listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment
There's only One who knows
What's really out there waiting
In all the moments yet to be
And all we need to know
Is He's out there waiting
To Him the future's history
And He has given us a treasure called right now
And this is the only moment we can do anything about
So breathe it in and breathe it out
Listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment
And if it brings you tears
Then taste them as they fall
Let them soften your heart
And if it brings you laughter
Then throw your head back
And let it go
Let it go, yeah
You gotta let it go
And listen to your heartbeat
And breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle of the moment
And breathe it in and breathe it out
And listen to your heartbeat
There's a wonder in the here and now (here and now)
It's right there in front of you
And I don't want you to miss the miracle
Of the moment
I like the idea of cleaning our house once and for all.
I myself would not mind giving to this cause. but is it too much if I ask for some kind of assurance from IC that this will not happen again?
I have a suggestion, but I know it may be hard to implement it given that we are a very big community.
It is actually simple but foolproof, "we will not make any loans from now on."
dear cd,
at last the IC has listened to the prophets in the community... these are those who are used by God in spite of their insignificant stature. the ONE TIME, BIG TIME is it!
this campaign includes everybody in the community: KFC, YFC, SFC, HOLD, SOLD, CFC. bring on those pesos and dollars now. you can give a thousand; you can give less than a thousand; and, surely you can give more than a thousand.
when you give, remember that God is not outdone in His generosity. you will be blessed more than a thousand fold.
don't wait any further, do it now!
One time Big time is already spreading now here in Canada, Hopefully members here will give generously.
If the loans to be paid includes bridge loans from members, maybe the not so big amounts of bridge loans (4-5 digit loans)may be waived by the member-lender. I recall that the call sometime in 2004 was for bridge loans of P 10,000 & above. This will definitely decrease the amount we need to raise.
I'm condoning/waiving payment on mine.
As other members told. P1,000 its not a big deal, that can be generated easilly. Especially if CFC members will join hand in hand.
But since the FFL members are considering them selves as still CFC ,using the name of CFC and part of this problem. May be we
can tell them to contribute. Or else take out the name of CFC in their new found FFL community. Or else return all the materials that they have taken from from us, because that mareials may be one of the cause of our dept.
This is just a general comment. Not related to this post.
I am not for or against -- but going through some of the items you have in this blog, I just think it's a little bit irresponsible for someone like you to do this in anonymity.
Basically, you can pretty much do or say anything you want without being held responsible for them -- and that's just plain wrong. And I'm not even going to question the authenticity of some of the claims you have here. That's another blog.
Are you ashamed of what you are defending?
Sure!...We're all big time in the eyes of God anyway...
Dear Titos and Titas,
Yehey, One Time Big Time na!
Please count me in.
Your younger brother in SFC
Yes our dear IC,
I agree with the suggestion. If we can help it, 'no more loans' please.
And let's try to live within our means.
Yes God provides. But the principle of stewardship also teaches us to take care of the provisions He has given us. Him providing doesn't mean us, abusing.
I support this campaign. But this is not just a one time campaign.
Fiscal disciple should be part of our being an organization. Of being strewards of God's creations. Including our hard-earned money (tithes etc.).
Indeed, let's put our house back in order.
Walang Iwanan. All for One, and One for all!
[The 'One' is capitalized for you-know-WHO ;-) ]
To George A and the IC,
Brothers, I think the One Time, Big Time Drive should not have a deadline.
After all, I do not think you would call off the drive after your deadline.
Please consider. Thanks.
I am happy to see some familiar names in the Bulletin numbers 1 to 3, re the One Time Big Time collection.
Just for the record, my name is already included there.
I just would like ALL International Council Members to already make their remittances; then all Leaders of the National Ministries (whether you are in the Board or not), then all the International and Local Regional Heads, then all Provincial Area heads, Country Coordinators, Sector Heads, Board of Elders, Cluster Heads, Chapter Heads, Unit Heads, Household Heads....before all ordinary members.
After all this is our Drive for the One Community that we all love.
If you procrastinate, you send the wrong signal.
Congrats C.D. I saw your name na!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to Debt-Free CFC!
kapatd na looking for names...
Understandably, the names of those who donated thru their sectors cannot be immediately reported individually here. I'd like to believe that many leaders (Sector heads, BOE, Elders Assembly members, Ministry Heads, etc., cluster, chapter Unit heads) have already given their donations, but their names are not yet reported (in this blog or itemized) due to consolidation. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt. Palagay ko, the names listed/reported by George are of those who personally remitted to the head office (center)cashier only. Tama kaya, Bro. George?
Merry Debt-Free Christmas!
lito tayag was telling us that part of the money we are trying to raise includes the 9M bridge fund that is refundable to those who gave.
i'm not sure if this amount includes only those funds given with an option to redeem it later on. if this so, i can have my 10k as an outright donation.
i'm saying this because i know there are many of us who gave to this fund with the same intention and if we write it off we don't need the entire 9M to raise.
i heard those who left for ffl were trying to redeem their money. maybe that's the amount we only have to raise!
if not we can give again and they don't have promise to me that they are not to get loans again. JUST BE GOOD STEWARDS. we do what we have to do and what we are asked of period. THAT'S ENOUGH A PRIVILEGE ONE CAN HAVE FROM GOD HIMSELF
Re: "One Time Big Time"
I have already given my pledge to help but please tell me why nagkautang ang CFC sa bank. Where was it used? And what is Bridge fund? I want to convince other members in our chapter but I need to be clarified on the above because I am one of those who do not know the details and we have members who are "mabusisi". They are generous but they want to know the answers to the "Why CFC has that amount of debt". Maraming salamat po!
Re: "One Time Big Time"
I have already given my pledge to help but please tell me why nagkautang ang CFC sa bank. Where was it used? And what is Bridge fund? I want to convince other members in our chapter but I need to be clarified on the above because I am one of those who do not know the details and we have members who are "mabusisi". They are generous but they want to know the answers to the "Why CFC has that amount of debt". Maraming salamat po!
dear everyone,
1. the deadline for OTBT is God's challenge for us. He is telling us, "the loan you have accumulated in ten years, more or less, I want you to wipe out in days or less!". let us all, therefore, take on the challenge.
2. the P20M loans were accumulated in the span of ten years to cover the shortage of resources during that time. personally, i believe that they were put to good use. i.e., administrative expenses (payrolls for instance), local and foreign missions (transpo and living expenses) and like items. only, perhaps, there was failure in proper financial management.
3. these loans were not initiated by the current IC. they inherited them. but, in the current IC, transparency is important as well as a community & collective action on their solutions.
4. BRIDGE FUNDS are monies that brethren extended to CFC to cover financial shortfalls so that necessary expenses can be met. these, usually, do not earn interest but they should be paid the earliest possible time.
5. personal opinion: i think the IC can not commit to not having to get loans in the future because the future is not for us to see. it would be nice, of course, if CFC would not incur such large debts. i guess, the only way we can assure that this will be so (debt-free) is for the CFC brethren to be truly generous and good stewards of God's material gifts to all.
6. december 21 is fast approaching.... God is waiting for all of us to take on His challenge.
dear mina,
1. yes, the names listed are from the Official Receipts issued by the HO Cashier who received them from the donors themselves. those that come from the Sectors and Provinces, I simply give the totals.
2. can we now write-off the amount you have extended as "bridge fund"? magkano nga iyon, P100th or P10th?
I am just wondering why there are remittances of 1,000.oo pesos per couple.
All along I thought it is supposed to be 1,000.oo per person.
Come on, brethren, the Lord will return the favor in more ways we could imagine if we are all generous to the work he planned for us.
Let's not be tightwads (tihik, in Cebu!), let's give our all.
Leaders in the Governance, Areas, Sectors , Ministries & most of all International Council...give na!
Let's make the Philippine collection BIG enough to encourage the leaders in the other countries to do so likewise.
By the way, am I right, I do not see names of GAWAD KALINGA leaders giving so far. Where are you brothers?
Nice write-up and information, Brother George Asensi!
There are many who are already asking why we have such a huge debt.
Will the IC please respond?
Puede after Christmas and new year's celebrations so as not to spoil your day...or ours!
God Bless!
( I mean no sarcasm in this comment and I assure you I have given my small 2,000.oo donation. God allows, i will have additional by January.)
Let's be realistic brother George...CFC cannot pay off 20.oM loan incurred in ten years in less than a week (Dec 21)!
If we are able to, I am sure I will gain weight because I will eat my words!
By the way, I know God can make miracles but he may not want it done this way!
I really hope I am wrong on this one!
Dear George...Yes, please write off whatever is recorded in my name in the books.
Merry Debt-Free CFC Christmas!
Dear Bro George Asensi,
Thank you for responding to my query. Now, I can start convincing others to share generously.
God bless CFC!
1. to mina: maraming salamat po! i have a copy of your e-mail message on top of the table of the CFC Director right now so he may be able to read it first thing when he comes around.
2. to how do you erase a debt?: brother, if you will not participate we might be a thousand peso less than our P20M target by dec 21. or more if you don't campaign for others to join in. God has made the call, ours is to simply to take on that call. whether He allows it to happen or not, either way, we shall glorify Him!
3. i hate borrowing money: personal belief ko naman is that the P20M were used properly. hindi nga lang pina-alam sa members. and i also believe of the intention to pay-off immediately kaya they resorted to bridge funding. ang nature ng bridge funding is really temporary. ang nangyari naging long term. so, somehow, i can only say that perhaps me failure lang sa fiscal management.
4. looking for names: in my bulletin #4, (hindi pa ito lumabas sa blog as of this writing but has already been sent by e-mail to all concerned) i made a comment regarding this. pero, dapat lang that it be made clear to everyone that OTBT is VOLUNTARY; walang pressure on anyone but we hope for wider participation by members of the community.
To Brother George:
Let me repeat this to assure you: I have donated my meager 2,000.oo (it is on Bulletin # 1). I am happy I already did, and I looking forward to giving more!
I have and I still am helping in the effort by telling others (verbally in my meetings with co-leaders, by text and by email-including a few friends abroad- re the OTBT)
So we really need to pull together - in one direction - the raising of the BIG amount!
May God in His wondrous ways help us!
To ALL CFC MC Members (and necessarily to all Elders Assembly members!)
I think it SHOULD NOT be voluntary giving 1000.oo to the OTBT Fund by each MISSION CORE / ELDERS ASSEMBLY member! (By the way, I am also addressing this to all MISSION CORE members in foreign countries and in the Provinces of the Philippines!)
If you recall the MC retreat has two talks: GIVING ALL FOR GOD & LIVING FOR GOD! This is a small opportunity to PROVE it!
Therefore it is a MUST, that we SHOULD GIVE to this drive; like it is a MUST that we SHOULD TITHE; like IT IS A MUST that we should NOT FALL INTO SIN.
Why is it that if it is for GOD, we talk of 'VOLUNTARY'.
I remember when GOD speaks, there are no such things as "VOLUNTARY" with HIM!He does not use words like 'PLEASE', 'KINDLY', 'IF YOU LIKE', 'WHEN YOU HAVE THE TIME' etc.
If we still don't get it, then we should all be embarrased being callED leaders of this CFC!
If we have a lukewarm-voluntary approach to this at the highest levels of leadership, where and how far will this journey go?
Challenge to IC and Brother George: Will you please publish here the names of those who are members of ELDERS ASSEMBLY/MC who have NOT GIVEN any amount?
Do that one time and let's see if not your collection box overflow or burst with OTBT funds - BECAUsE THEY WILL ALL BE RUSHING TO PUT IN THEIR 1,000.00 BITS WORTH! Don't get me wrong it is not my purpose to embarras them. I am only describing the expected result if you indeed publish names of non givers.
(Minsan minsan kailangan yata natin gawin yun!)
Force the collection from the LEADERS so the MEMBERS will get the message, that we are all going to struggle and sacrifice for this beloved community. This is A call for showing true colors; time to walk the talk!
Can you imagine the embarrasment if by Dec 21, when you classify who your donors are and you suddenly get the info that you have more leaders at the household (not MC) who gave compared to your donors who are MC?
I hope I am understood. I hope brothers re-act positively. I am willing to take criticism of my comment, but I appeal to brothers to take this er...'hard teaching', if you please!.
By the way I am a member of the
Elders Assembly who voted for 7 rather than 3 last June 22, 2007.
Dear looking for names,
In Bulletin 1 of OTBT, the third in the list is our GK Sector Head in West B. FYI
God Bless,
to looking for names:
i am one hundred percent in agrement with you. i think we can not truly call ourselves leaders/servants of the Lord if we can't give our all to Him. however, for this undertaking, we emphasize its VOLUNTARY nature as the Bible calls on us to be "cheerful givers".
never mind the listing of names. with what i have been doing so far, am already getting a lot of flaks. some are saying i should list them down, some also say i should not. you just can't please everyone.
one more thing: if you think about this problem, there is one simple solution. and that is to look for a dozen millionaires in CFC (and i am sure there are more than that number worldwide) and voila! with just a million pesos each from their petty cash, the banks are paid off right away. the bridge-loan benefactors can, at the same time, write-off what they have loaned out.
OR let me make that call here and now to our super-materially blessed brethren. sign those million peso checks and remit them today for a debt-free community.
Godbless you all!
Cheerfully obeying the Lord by giving your 1,000.oo donation per person is the call of the day!
Brothers, OBEY!
I AM HAPPY TO NOTE THAT I AM NOT ALONE in our Sector who has given!
I am praying to the Lord Jesus that He gives me some more funds SO i COULD ADD UP to what I've already given.
I think the best recipient in my Christmas List of beneficiaries is the Lord Jesus' community -- CFC!
Totally agree.
My fellow leaders, we should be the first to bleed for this community, not our members.
What's P1000.00 per person? That's nothing compared to how the Lord has blessed us with all the good things in life, including our beloved CFC.
As leaders, we shouldn't just point; we should LEAD the way.
I reiterate the challenge my brothers and sisters.
It's time we walked our talk
Sa title pa lang ng campaign nila fund raising na talaga. Parang Deal or no Deal. Walang ka spirit spirit naman. Sino ba ang ma touch as title nayan para mag bigay nang donation. Utang in Juan pabayaran kay Pedro. Nako po.
Hello Brethren,
I guess they understand now the word "RESTORATION". They have to restore not only spiritually but also financially.
May God bless them all.
Romy & Rose
Frank Padilla to AGT" , me, Kasten, Edu, Edwin, Frank, Joe, Romeo, Romy, me, Francis
show details Dec 12 (2 days ago)
My comment is that the IC and the top full timers of CFC-GK should be the first to show sincerity and sacrifice. The IC members are getting fabulous salaries. Let them cut that to a more reasonable level and then ask others to give money. God bless.
God bless them as well!
To bro. george,
that's the way with people, you really cannot please everybody. i know you just want to be transparent. God bless you.
To comments from the other side,
hayaan na lang natin yung mga comments. like, we cannot please everybody. there is always someone out there who has a dissenting opinion.
Let's just GIVE with our HEARTs.
as i earlier suggested - TIGIL PUTUKAN muna. let us relate with LOVE!
Merry Christmas,
Jojo Peña - South A2
Suggestion to CD:
May I please ask that whatever reaction coming from CFC bloggers regarding: FFL's comment about our O.T.B.T. should not be posted here, meantime, in the SPIRIT of the SEASON.
What ever they write, you may please post, but we only react to them in January 2008 ...or better still never.
Let us just be comfortable in the thought that this OTBT Drive is to save the community from its indebtedness.
So let's not trouble ourselves with their current frame of mind.
Remember the message: "Peace to men of good will!"
Merry Christmas!!!
To Comments from the Other Side:
Ganyan talaga ang mag kakapatid, nagtutulungan, hindi iniiwanan. Mahal namin ang CFC community na ito kaya, kahit di namin utang, ambag-ambag nalang kaming magkakapatid.
Bro, baka gusto mo ring magbigay? Tutal kasama ka rin naman sa community na ito nuong inutang yun. Pero kung iniwanan mo na kami, ok lang din na hindi ka magbigay. (Pero, teka, sabi nyo CFC pa rin kayo, e di kasama pa rin kayo sa utang na ito. Ay hindi pala, kasi iba na kayo... ay! CFC pa rin pala... ay! nalito na ako)...
kay Romy at Rose --- ganun nga po, ni-re-restore namin ang bahay na iniwan niyong magulo financially. kaya, heto, fund-raising talaga kami. di kami nahihiya tawaging fund-raising kasi funds naman talaga ang... ang... ang... ni-re-raise namin eh. baka gusto niyo rin po magbigay? maraming salamat in advance.
merry christmas sa inyo dyan! mahal pa rin namin kayo...
H'wag patulan.
kahit sila ganyan....
Merry Christmas!
Kapayapaan para sa lahat!
pati sa kanila, kahit na ganoon sila...
Merry Christmas to all!
mike santos
To our friends on the other side of the fence...
I have been enjoying my 'still' season however, I have to 'steal' a few moments to say these:
I GAVE a thousand pesos for the OTBT. My husband also GAVE his thousand pesos.
Now, let me count the many ways I can spend a thousand pesos:
- buy a pair of pants in a mall
- buy a pair of pants and a blouse in a tiangge
- buy a pair of pants; a blouse; a pair of shoes and a matching bag at 168
- drive thru Jollibee and feed a dozen hungry choir members after simbang gabi
- splurge on 4 dozens of krispy kreme pasalubong sa kamag-anak sa probinsya
- medicine for fever, cough and colds
I didn't do any of the above. I wanted to go shopping for myself and buy pasalubong for my family in the province, but I got sick after a few days of simbang gabi. Instead we, my husband and I, chose to give to the OTBT, for the love of CFC, now in deep trouble with a P20,000,000.00 debt.
Let me therefore count the many ways my thousand pesos can pay for the debts incurred by the CFC HO in the previous years:
- pay for NAIA fee for 2 CFC FTW (I SUPPOSE, who went to a mission not travel abroad)
- pay for gifts
(which were deemed 'necessary', I also SUPPOSE at the time they were bought and bestowed to whom ever! )
- pay for cab fare (from CDG airport to the Holiday Inn Hotel) or ferry (from NY to Staten Island)
- pay for a fraction of the fees (for the white water rafting activities which were done in line with the rest and recreation activities that men and women need to do to recharge)
I dare stop, because I just remembered my friend Jiggs and his advice. However, I dare add one more thing...
Let this be a lesson to all leaders:
1) Be prudent in handling the finances. Pity the guy Pedro whose money is now used to pay Pablo's debts and not to forget Lucia's, Jacinta's, Francisco's and Maria's as well.
2) Remember too, where the money came from, tithes and offerings of members like Manang Adelfa a laundry woman from Payatas. She has to walk home so that she can give her P20 tithe and JMDF. I should know, she does laundry work for my family.
3) Beware the wrath of GOD. Woe to you who dipped not just fingers but both hands unto the coffers of CFC.
Now let me dare and exhort brothers and sisters in Couples for Christ; dip your fingers deep into your pockets and give to OTBT. Let us look forward to a debt free CFC.
Lastly, I dare say this much is true kapatid-
The grass will always be greener for those who are on the other side of the fence, whether friend or foe!
To Romy & Rose, to lift your spirits... If you were among those who extended a bridge fund during the time of Frank's leadership, you now have good chances of getting paid. You will be financially restored by this present IC leadership. Isn't that great? Galing ni Lord, di ba? This holds true for all former CFC turned FFL members who bridge-funded.
OTBT is serious in paying members' bridge loans, something not experienced during the previous leadership (I know because I also extended a bridge loan). So, whether we meet today's deadline or not, God bless OTBT!
MyPrediction and Mon,
Please email me
Thank you,
Dear Kuya Edwin from the other side,
Naramdaman naman po namin ang Spirit, kahit iba ang dating ng OTBT title sa inyo. Baka lang po talagang hindi mararamdaman ng tao ang Spirit, at hindi mata-touch, if the Spirit does not dwell and reside in that person in the first place. Understandable naman, po. Tsaka di naman po para sa FFL ang call ng OTBT.
May the Spirit be with you, po Kuya Edwin.
Comment ko lang:
Edwin said: Sa title pa lang ng campaign nila fund raising na talaga.
I say: May masama ba kung tawagin na fund raising, bro?
Edwin said: Parang Deal or no Deal. Walang ka spirit spirit naman. Sino ba ang ma touch as title nayan para mag bigay nang donation.
I say: Who are you to judge? Sa iyo siguro walang ka-spirit-spirit kasi wala na sa iyo ang spirit na hinahanap mo.
Edwin said: Utang in Juan pabayaran kay Pedro.
I say: 'Yan na nga e. Utang na naipon sa panahon ng mga umalis (Juan et al.), ngayon ang naiwan ang magbabayad (kami nila Pedro) Alam ninyo, kung ang style nila Juan ang masusunod at ginagawa diyan sa kabila, eventually mababaon din sa utang - tapos baka gumawa ulit ng bagong grupo at iwan ang utang para bayaran ng maiiwan.
Romy and Rose said: I guess they understand now the word "RESTORATION". They have to restore not only spiritually but also financially.
I say: Bro, sis - dapat lang naman kasama ang financial sa restoration na sinira ng mga umalis. And BTW, unlike you my meaning of "RESTORATION" is not putting back Frank Padilla as supremo.
To the guy who said: My comment is that the IC and the top full timers of CFC-GK should be the first to show sincerity and sacrifice. The IC members are getting fabulous salaries. Let them cut that to a more reasonable level and then ask others to give money. God bless.
I say: This is a first class display of a pharisaic, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou know-it-all. If indeed FAP wrote it, then what a sourgrape.
Lastly, to the people who can't stand watching CFC move on without them, sana just let CFC be. And for heaven's sake, drop the CFC name already.
Huff and puff, artery might pop. 'Nuff said. Cool tayo.
P.s. Meri krismas sa inyong lahat!
Troy of West C
Brothers in CFC:
Let FFL be.
Every negative thing they write here is not a reason to react, but a reason to pray!
And talking, writing , commenting is CHEAP!
GIVING 1,000.oo pesos to CFC is not CHEAP to most of us, but it is a very loving, trusting and spirit-filled act.
Let's us be the joyful & generous givers and let those who are not part of it find whatever thrill they get in giving us their negative comments!
Let God be our source of joy instead.
So relax lang mga kapatid.
Merry Christmas!
May I please ask CD or any other blogger here, if the memo of the International Council regarding the OTBT was also addressed to EX-CFC now FFL (even if inadvertently)?
Far as i know, it was not!
So may I please remind the EX-CFC now FFL members that OTBT is NOYB?!
And that OTBT is for CFC!
"Sa title pa lang ng campaign nila fund raising na talaga. Parang Deal or no Deal. Walang ka spirit spirit naman. Sino ba ang ma touch as title nayan para mag bigay nang donation. Utang in Juan pabayaran kay Pedro. Nako po.-----Edwin"
My comment to a blogger named "Edwin" who made this comment I quote above:
My fellowman Edwin,
whom I suppose is a CHRISTIAN...
whom I suppose was once a member of CFC...
whom I suppose is still a prayerful person...
whom I suppose is a bible-verse reading and God fearing Filipino with inherent neighborly, friendly and forgiving trait...
whom I suppose is someone who is now a happy spirit filled person in FFL.
My dear brother Edwin:
I am hurt with your comment, but do not be bothered with my hurt.I do not want to add up to whatever your mind needs to think about now. I do not even want to bother your emotions, I am sure you are in a celebratory mood and I do not want to spoil your day.
I am scandalized because I assume much from an FFL member. But then again do not bother about this comment, either.
I forgive because I trust the Lord and I know all of us make silly mistakes because we often times act too soon, without bothering to stop for a minute or two and ask the Lord, what He would have done!
Brother Edwin, on your judgment you've labeled us who are in CFC, who are seeking to fund raise (yes we call it that) a certain amount for CFC, let me try to redeem our collective "lack of spirit" as per your claim and offer to GOD this prayer for and in your behalf:
My Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come before YOU with a deep desire to honor and glorify your name!
Lord Jesus, you are the Lord of Life, of Light & Wisdom!
I thank you for giving upon our Brother Edwin, a life that comes from you, a mind that could think, a physical ability to use the computer and write a comment on this blog site.
I assume dear God that your son and my brother Edwin, your disciple and a person whom You love also loves other people -- his wife and children -- if he is in fact a husband and a father.
I thank you for the highlights of his life this year 2007 that's about to end: for the celebration of his Birthday and Wedding Anniversary (if such Anniversary is applicable); and all the happy events you gave to him this year.
I thank you dear God that he is in a renewal community, for all prayers said in his behalf including this one; for all the times he thanked You, God, or petitioned You for all his concerns.
God I know that Edwin is special creation to You, so please dear God, allow us all in CFC, dear God, to take a forgiving posture upon our Brother Edwin when he gave us that comment I quoted above.
Dear God, if we missed out on the spirit because we humbly thought of having a fund raising activity, (but in the mind of our Brother Edwin, this is such not spirit led), then may we in CFC collectively ask for your pardon Lord.
Then please dear Lord God, kindly make our Brother Edwin understand that we are trying to make our CFC community debt-free and such is inspired by You; just as perhaps you inspired the leaders of the Philippine Catholic Church to raise funds through the "PONDONG PINOY DRIVE" of Cardinal Rosales.
Lord, may we please ask you to grant peace and consolation in the heart of Brother Edwin, that he has You to thank for because perhaps the community that you gave to them -- FFL -- does not have to go through motions of doing a fund drive!
All this I ask, Lord Jesus, in your name and for our Brother Edwin! Amen!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Brother Edwin!
From a brother who seeks to do things in the spirit of the loving God!
PS. Brother Edwin, forgive me, but may I please tell you that I also offered a prayer for CFC when I humbly gave to the OTBT my 1,000.oo donation. Just to correct one of your opinions.
Merry CHristmas sa LAHAT!
I gave my little one for OTBT ($60) baka makatulong 'to.
Ang iba dyan, Ayaw mabigay ng pera ayaw tutulong peru bigay ng bigay ng masama at masakit na comment.
Maski masakit pakinggan yung comment , HAYAAN na Forgive them.
To my brother Tigil Putukan,
In posting comments in the threads of this blogsite, it doesn't necessarily mean that people do it out of anger (though it is so easy to get mad at the things being hurled against our community) - but rather, to me at least, it is a matter of sounding off my deep-seated convictions and feelings.
So, when you say that "talking, writing , commenting is CHEAP!", then that is demeaning and you are belittling my personal feelings and convictions. Be assured I still pray and I continue to do so even when I sound frazzled.
I can respect you in that you can just pray when you read or hear something hurtful. Maybe it's the more noble thing to do than "react" as you would term it. But you can also respect my views, can you not?
Sabi nga, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. After all, CD called this "In Defense of ..."
Peace, kapatid.
Troy of West C
To Troy of West C:
You got me wrong, brother!
I am not FFL, I am CFC!
So when I said talk is cheap, I did not mean that for you...I meant to address that to the FFL commenters who wrote negative things about our OTBT. You obviously took it out of context and misunderstood it to be an affront to you.
We are on the same team Bro. Relax ka lang and PEACE BE WITH YOU TOO!
I've been a kitchen denizen for sometime and speaking of heat...I've taken it even in CFC long before this trouble of the Padilla resignation.
So your last statement does not apply to me.
Bros and Sisters
Lets all make this blog site a site for loving and caring for one another with all our hearts with all our minds with all our strenght and all our soul. We all know this and we all know its difficult to love, but this is the will of the Father. We all respect the feelings and opinions of one another and this is a venue for such feelings and opinions. I honor all the bloggers here who are trying to love thine enemy. Merry Christmas to all.
To Troy of West C
hmmm... taga West C ka nga... tumataas din BP mo... hehehe...
sina acc, cfcwestergroup, kasama rin ako, at ung iba pang nakatago (anonymous), tumaas din ang BP..
relax lang mga kapatid!
Let's feel and enjoy the Christmas season!
Merry Christmas to all!
bro. tigil putukan,
Ok. It was so easy for me to misread your comment kasi it was addressed and written
to CFC Brothers:
Let FFL be. (i.e., Calling CFC brothers, let us just allow FFL to do their own thing.)
Every negative thing they write here is not a reason to react, but a reason to pray! (This is addressed to CFC, too, right?)
And talking, writing , commenting is CHEAP! (Talking, writing and commenting are ways by which we can "react".)
I hope you understand what brothers like me could easily think by the way you wrote it.
And I did not for one moment think you were FFL. That's why it's the more perplexing. We're good.
Troy of West C
It was a challenge breezing through 53 comments. Anyhow, please allow me to say these:
To avid OTBT supporters, may God be praised! With members like you, CFC can go a very long way indeed, and I am absolutely confident about God's hands underneath us all to carry all of us out of the "red sea."
To OTBT detractors, may God be praised! Success will taste much sweeter with you around watching us rejoice.
Today is the commemoration of the death of St Stephen under the hands of overzealous Jews under the watchful eyes of Saul. I cannot help but think that those who remain steadfast with CFC and who are now helping the community recover financially are like Stephen in the middle of overzealous FFL members who stone us to death. Some actually sound like it's a big laugh for them that CFC is in the financial situation we are in. This attitude I find despicable and totally unChristian.
Nonetheless, I pray for everyone, supporters and detractors alike. May the peace of the LORD be with you, your family and your household. For the detractors, let me say one more prayer for you, may you be freed of what's holding your soul hostage right now.
The Round-Eyed Toddler
There's a lesson here somewhere...
BETHLEHEM, West Bank - December 28, 2007(AP) -- Greek Orthodox and Armenian priests attacked each other with brooms and stones inside the Church of the Nativity as long-standing rivalries erupted in violence during holiday cleaning on Thursday.
The basilica, built over the grotto in Bethlehem where Christians believe Jesus was born, is administered jointly by Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Armenian Apostolic authorities.
Any perceived encroachment on one group's turf can touch off vicious feuds.
On Thursday, dozens of priests and cleaners were scrubbing the church ahead of the Armenian and Orthodox Christmas, celebrated in early January. Thousands of tourists visited the church this week for Christmas celebrations.
But the clean-up turned ugly after some of the Orthodox faithful stepped inside the Armenian church's section, touching off a scuffle between about 50 Greek Orthodox and 30 Armenians.
Palestinian police, armed with batons and shields, quickly formed a human cordon to separate the two sides so the cleaning could continue, then ordered an Associated Press photographer out of the church.
Four people, some with blood running from their faces, were slightly wounded.
(from Troy of West C)
sa totoo lang, the IC, the BOE and all our leaders have been working so hard para makabangon muli ang mahal nating CFC. i have seen with my own eyes how hard everyone has been working, and through this blog, i really want to honor them for that. as members, it is really but fitting that we, too, do our share in putting our house in order. and contributing to OTBT for a debt-free CFC is one great opportunity for us to do that. although hindi pa ako nag-co-contribute, i promise to do so in january. and if it would be ok, maybe for those like me na hindi naman masyadong materially blessed, baka pwedeng mag-pledge ng fixed amount each month, on top of our tithes of course. hindi nga lang One Time, Big Time, pero alam ko na makakatulong pa rin.
have a peaceful and bountiful new year, mga kapatid!
Ako, magbibigay not only 1000 pesos, if the IC can itemize the complete & detailed breakdown of the 20M pesos na utang na yan. Transparency ika nga.
CD,just want to know. Have you stopped posting the OTBT Bulletins (re collections per day) totally?
I noticed no new info after the Dec 21, 2007 post, or was it meant to end on that day.
I have some who gave through me and i would appreciate if they too could see their names here.
Jus t for clarification (not imposition, bro)
Brothers and Sisters in CFC
Please exhort everyone in your respective areas who have NOT GIVEN YET to the OTBT Fund Drive to become the cheerful givers the Lord seeks!
May I also take this opportunity to remind you that the "First Fruit" offering tomorrow at the MC prayer assembly is different from the OTBT.
However, I do not know if such collection will be added to the OTBT funds. I hope they do add it.
If they do not add it, perhaps we should ask Bro. Lito Tayag where the "First Fruits" funds will be used.
Personally, even if I have given my 1,000.oo and my wife has done so too, I will still give gladly to th e "first Fruits' Fund Drive!
See you at the Ateneo GS Gym tomorrow!
to Anonymous who said...
"Ako, magbibigay not only 1000 pesos, if the IC can itemize the complete & detailed breakdown of the 20M pesos na utang na yan. Transparency ika nga."
Please check out the CFC website. There's a detailed explanation of these loans (incurred over the past 6 years), the names of the banks, and where the proceeds were generally applied. These info might help you to give or not to give your P 1,000 (or more) to OTBT. Have a blessed 2008.
To anonymous,
di ka ba nakaka attend ng teaching nite kaya di mo alam yung detailed breakdown ng 20M na utang at kaya di mo pa binibigay ang 1000 pesos or more mo? O alam mo na yung detailed breakdown? ano kaya kuya?
to donor's messenger,
the OTBT officially ended yesterday as announced in Ateneo yesterday. OTBT was able to raise around P4.3M or about 45% of the bank loans.
for the bridge loans: something like P5M or P6M were waived or about 60%, again as announced yesterday in the MC Gathering.
im sure we are going to get the exact amounts soon!
Wait a minute....Don't close it yet...the total $ seems small..I have not seen an amount from Canada yet...we as a couple have given our contribution.... for sure more is coming... Come on $$$ earners, $50 is just one family dinner in a cheap restaurant... we can sacrifice that for the community we love. Look at our bros. & sis' in PI (well done bros & sis, kudos to you all, that's is LOVE in ACTION)Dyahi naman $$ pa naman ang kita natin...GIVE LOVE na!
"When you give and it hurts a little, that's when you feel the love"
Thanks CD for the new OTBT bulletins. Sure hope that Home Office will continue to issue them and that you will continue to post them here. While the CFC global site shows the current total, it would be nice to continue to see the detailed bulletins.
praise God for the generosity of brothers and sisters.
dear bloggers,
i have posted all the bulletins that need to be posted startin from bulletin no. 1 to no. 14. there were some corrections and adjusting entries... imperfect me.
i would like to take this opportunity to thank you all. not because the campaign has officially ended as announced by tito rouquel at the mission core gathering but because your generosity is simply overwhelming. and as the gathering ended last sunday in ateneo, a lot of brethren approached me asking me not to close the campaign as yet. AND YES, brothers and sisters, the campaign will not completely end until we shall completely wipe out this financial baggage that the community has to dragged around. i am calling on the provinces to send and remit your shares now. the foreign countries, too. send those dollars now so we can convert them right away while the exchange is still in the P40 level.
as it appears in the Q&A on the cfc financial situation here is the breakdown of the "loans":
Bank loans
RCBC & ChinaBank) - P10,400,000.00
Bridge Financing - 9,200,000.00
Total - P19,600,000.00
OTBT output as of Jan 4, 2008:
Pesos Donations - P 3,978,407.10
$8,422 @ P40/$ - 336,880.00
Total - P 4,315,287.10
Loans Waived - 5,280,000.00
Total OTBT &
Loans Waived - P 9,595,287.10
Balance of our
Obligations - P10,004,712.90
this balance is like 51% of the original amount. in other words, our campaign hit 49% of our target. not bad, to think we had such very short period to do it, notwithstanding the holiday expenses, too.
as cd fittingly said, we hit the target a hundred percent in spirit by the overwhelming support the seemingly impossible task got from many of the brethren.
again, am coming out with weekly bulletins now. let those donations/contributions come.
i will share with you what a brother did on his birthday. instead of gifts, or even expensive wines or cakes to bring, he asked his friends and relatives (presumably all in cfc) to issue checks instead for the OTBT campaign. and lo and behold, yesterday, jan 7, he remitted P50thousand.
God bless you all!
We still have a long way to go bros and sis,Let's do the math 10,000 members giving P1,000.00 each is P10M this means only almost 5,000 members gave P1,000 kasi almost P5M lang ang OTBT. Okay its better to think that the glass is half full rather than half empty.But let's look at the numbers , If CFC has 800,000 members(kasi po global po tayo diba?) and 20% are leaders(this is what makes CFC different from other Catholic orgs) that means 160,000 total leaders, if only 50 percent (80,000) of the leaders gave P1,000 we would have P80M. Hello leaders! To those LEADERS who have difficulty giving please attend or read our teachings on Financial Stewardship.To those who are using the widow's might as basis for giving to the OTBT ask yourselves, are you a widow? Some Handmaids of the Lord lang po ang qualified to be widows, those qualified to be widows even give more. Leaders you can still contribute to OTBT God loves a cheerfull giver.Let's move forward po.I'm sure most leader's contributions are on the way,maybe its a problem of communicating the OTBT to other areas or baka logistics problem lang.
My dear Edwin of the other side:
If you were the one sent by FAP to the USA to protect his interest, please do continue your work as your style served as basis for a lot of members to stay with the original CFC. In Texas, where you were tasked with the Matrimonios para Cristo for FFL, you were abandoned by the Hispanic members and you totally lost them. You were sent to California, and the same result, California stayed CFC and even Ricky Coronel abandoned FFL. Wherever you are now Edwin, may I ask if who's paying for that beautiful house in Sugar Land ( a suburb of Houston), FFL USA or FFL Philippines?
I recall that adage: You could fool some of the people all the time, or all of the people some of the time, but you will never fool all the people all the time......
An increasing number of FFL members, who were not told that they are no longer with CFC, are now coming back to the CFC fold. In desperation, FFL leaders have even removed the letters FFL in their fliers and in church bulletins. Yes, Edwin, you could fool some of the FFL people for only a certain length time and after they learn the truth, they will come back to the CFC fold.
Continue your work Edwin....
Tito Joe said that the CFC Leader's Conference at the Araneta on Jan12 will be using a technology called IPTV --- it will be broadcasted in the internet so our brothers and sisters in other cities and countries can watch. you can go to for more details.
in the same light, let's also use technology to keep OTBT going --- let's send SMS and emails to all our brothers and sisters. let's download the FAQ and attach it in our email (when i downloaded it, the count was only downloaded 26 times!). in our email, let's put a link to our new CFC website ( and also to this blog.
let's not assume na alam na ng mga ibang kapatid natin. i had a chance to talk to some kapatids last Christmas, and they don't even know about this blog. let's really spread the word.
someone said earlier dito na by Feb20, sana ma settle na lahat ng utang. kaya natin ito, mga kapatid. let's just do our share of spreading the information (and love) to others.
salamat. God bless CFC. God bless you!.
dear cd,
i tried to check with our elders the post of anonymous regarding tito ricky coronel. as far as i know, he was one of those who immediately jumped ship in the U.S. together with tito edwin, tito nani and the rest. it was really a surprise to learn that he has then changed his mind (and rightly so). Praise God for his enlightenment... because i think an elder has confirmed tito ricky's return to the fold.
now if tito edwin is a factor for these things happening to U.S. brethren, i would like to use this post to look for a tito & tita (married couple) to take on the MATRIMONIOS PARA CRISTO in the latin american region. it may not be official but it looks like the IC has conceded that area to the FFL because admittedly tito edwin and tita nila were really leading the mission there on their own ever since. but, it looks like we can save this area if we just can find a Spanish speaking missionary couple to the latin americas. i regret (my wife, too) the not so serious attention we gave to our Spanish subjects in college. we could have been the ones.... hehehe...
any takers? the Lord is calling you "veni aqui"
respond: "esta mi, Senyor!" (crooked chavacano than correct spanish... sori, trying hard talaga).
Lord: "Come here!"
Response: "Here I am, Lord
To Bro.George Asensi
Thank you so much for the OTBT Bulletins and the FAQ. I still have questions raised by members in our chapter. Are the ICs receiving salaries? Is it okay to know how much? May we know how are the fulltime workers paid and the basis for how much they are paid?
I will be very thankful for the answers to the above questions.
God Bless CFC!
to anonymous,
i am not really the competent person to answer this but as far as i can gather, only members of IC who are at the same time full-time workers are receiving salaries. as to how much, i have no idea. i wish i could say that they would be receiving much as i do since like them i also left my good paying corporate job to work in the vineyard of the Lord. but, it is not always like that, isn't it?
i don't question FTPW pay. i trust in the wisdom of those who are charged in this matter to be fair and just being the stewards of the One Who Provides!
How about if CFC set up a Website donation facility for anyone who wish to donate via credit card / or
by salary deduction / bank account deduction etc. can do so.
As far as transparency is concerned all donations are broadcast and can be accounted for
as shown.
It would also be great also to see in the web the monthly financial statements of CFC disbursements.
Also let us act in the likes of that biblical story about the old women who is so poor, that inspite of giving the last coin of her earnings to the treasury was worth nth times more than what the proud wealthy giver, who gives hugely but this amount is only a fraction of his accumulated savings...
May we be more considerate to the faith and values we believe in..
irrespective if its CFC-IC, FFL, United or GK..
In CHrist,
(Vic DG) Oz
Gk / SFC coord
even by words we say "love each other and love/ understand them..".. i feel so much hate still..
in reply to mindboggler (sorry if this is late):
It was confirmed in a CFC USA National Council meeting sometime late 2007 that Bro. Ricky Coronel has been re-appointed CFC Family Ministries Director for the USA, thanks to a Godincidence (winkwink).
As for CFC Latin America, the situation has not even SLOWED the Caribbean; if anything, they are moving forward with more fire from the Holy Spirit. CFC in the Caribbean was established by mission teams from CFC USA Southeast Region led by Bro. Joe Duran (National Director). Southeast is completely united in CFC, and so is our mission areas in the Caribbean. As for South America, I really believe that the CFC areas there and MPC are still with CFC because of our stand in the Caribbean as well, but all is in the Lord's will...
God bless!
Mabuti naman at nakapag fund raise na kayo. Dapat na rin siguro i release na ang retirement naming mga dating fultimers na nag FFL, tutal wala na palang utang. Karapatan namin ito na makuha ang pera na yan.
Hello to All,
Yung nagpost ng comment si anonymous, it seems that you have a lot of hatred in your heart. Magkumpisal ka muna and also baka di ka na nagmomorning prayer. nag fund raise ang CFC para mabayaran ang mga iniwang utang ninyo. Sana matuto ka na namang magsalita ng maayos.
Hi to all,
Yung dating full timer, padala mo name mo para makilala ka namin. malay mo baka kaya kong abonohan retirement mo. Kung tututusin nga hindi ka na dapat nanghingi kasi alam ko missionary VOLUNTEER ka di ba???? Tapos hihingi ka ng retirement eh ni hindi mo nga alam nag kinatatayuan mo ngayon.
to retired anonymous,
im not quite sure kung mababayaran na po kayo. i think the funds raised were for the payments of loans.
anyway, you can always call the center and ask.
Mabuhay ka kapatid. Salamat, salamat. God bless!
Anonymous said...
"Mabuti naman at nakapag fund raise na kayo. Dapat na rin siguro i release na ang retirement naming mga dating fultimers na nag FFL, tutal wala na palang utang. Karapatan namin ito na makuha ang pera na yan."
Nagpapatawa ka ba? Hahaha FFL ka ba talaga as in Funny Fulltimer Leader?
To retired anonymous,
Iba na po ang namumuno ngayon kaya huwag na kayong mag-alala sa benpisyo we'll pray na maayos na po sana ang lahat kaagad.
God bless!
Hi kapatid na anonymous FFL FTW who posted on February 18, 2008:
1. In your desire to obtain your so-called 'retirement pay', please pray that there would be some funds remaining after we have paid ALL OF THE OUTSTANDING LOANS, then perhaps you could be paid.
2. I have another idea when the funds become available: we will withold 10% of it [pay you 90%]and pay the amount of 10% directly to whoever is your treasurer at Starmall, para hindi ka na ma-tempt na hindi mag-tithe. Sabi ng President of FFL, not to give a tithe is tantmount to robbing the Lord, di ba? So we will help you not become a thief of God's resources.
3. If you were MC level leader here at CFC, I will recommend that we check your record of tithe remittances, for us to know if you ever paid tithe for the last few years you were earning this pay serving God through CFC.
4. If you were not a tithe giver,
I am tempted to recommend that we withhold that amount of 10% for every year that you did not tithe
and give you a CFC receipt for the amount. Then you have a good standing with the Lord; at mag-karoon ka na rin na moral authority to give the Financial Stewardship Talk.
5. That way we would have help you improve on your spirituality, then we will not be talking so much about "karapatan namin ito na makuha ang pera na yan!" Matutuwa pa si Lord sa iyo; at ang FFL Cashier na makita na din ang pangalan mo sa kanilang tithe contributors for the month of March, April or May, etc.
6. By the way, "mas karapatan ni Lord makuha ang pera na yan" so tulungan ka namin ibigay yun sa Kanya.
7. Please pray about it. God Bless you, Brother or sister FFL FTW!
8. Sigue, paki tawagan mo na lang yung mga taga-Accounting dio sa CFC or si Lito Tayag. Magpakilala ka at sabhin mo payag ka i-withhold yung 10% tithe. If you do then thats a win win situation.
So huwag na ng magalit, tatanda ka ng ganyan!
To George Asensi....please update the One Time Big Push....we would like to know where we are at now...
bros & sis,
how about this, a debt-free 27th anniversary...yahooooooooooo
with God, all things are possible!
see you all in luneta.
Bro. George,
We spoke of TRANSPARENCY before. At the end of this OTBT campaign, May I suggest a summary by region/country for all contributions received. It will just give contributors some assurance that you received what they gave for OTBT. ARE WE DEBT FREE YET?
I salute ALL, who made sacrifices for their love of CFC. God bless you!
Just received a text message-REJOICE!!! Bro. Joe Tale just announced that CFC is now DEBT-FREE! PRAISE GOD!!!
Mang Pilo
Central A
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