Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crisis in Makati

There appears to be a new attempt to bring about a military coup being staged at the Peninsula Manila in Makati. It has garnered support from some civil society groups as well as some bishops, but I am hoping that it ends peacefully.

Here is a prayer from Joe Tale, please help me get it out to as many friends and family as you can.
Heavenly Father, our country is against facing a great trial.
We implore Your divine intervention and bless our country with peace.
We pray that the incident in Makati end without bloodshed.
Please heal our land and grant us peace.

I will keep my opinions on Trillanes and co. to myself, but in the spirit of the season, I hope they find their senses soon. Seems somebody's always calling for people to join them, sometimes resorting to desperate measures. =)



GMA: Ma-coup-lit talaga itong si Trillanes!


The siege ends bloodlessly, thank God.


Anonymous said...

May Bishops na naman na kasali dito ?


Anonymous said...

The Military is a very important 'sector' in Philippine society, yet of recent years they have also been the source of events that threaten the peaceful life here.

Today we witness another one of those infamous escapades of those in the military group. Ironic, TRillanes is both a military man and a Senator!

Maybe there is amessage of the Lord we are missing.

We have not evangelized well enough such that we missed brothers in military uniform?

True, the rank and file of the armed forces and the police are aware of what effort we do for them in Gawad Kalinga, but how could we reach out the officers in their ranks?

I could only ask questions.
I do not have all the answers, I only have small ideas.

We conducted CLPs in the past at the Philippine Military Academy in Baguio or perhaps even elsewhere in the country. We conducted CLPs at Camps for the officers, I think.

But all this is still happening, so our CLPs are not enough.

So let's pray more. And act more to help our fellow Filipinos in the Military.

I special prayer from me goes for the military men who are at the 2nd floor of Hotel Peninsula today. This is my humble contribution for our country's quest for peace.

Anonymous said...

Reply To Blue Deacon:

Siempre May Bishops na kasali dito kay Trillanes Show!

Kung gulo nga ng CFC at FFL, may Bishop, eto pa kaya...GULO NA NG BAYAN ITO BRO!

Anonymous said...

Let's pray this curfew thing they imposed tonight (Nov 29) will not get extended to Dec 02.

Let's pray the Philippines is spared from further adventurism of the Trillanes (a Senator? Sic!) kind.

God Bless you all Peaceloving Filipinos!

epiphany_delayed said...

to 'sad filipino'

My dear brother,

Anywhere and anytime there is confrontation between 2 armed groups playing out under the glare of the national media, the potential for a violent firefight exists, as does the potential for a more tragic escalation of the conflict. The fact that this seems to predictably happen in the Philippines every so often must evoke a national sense of embarassed bewilderment, in addition to the sense of imminent, real-time danger. The citizenry really has no option other than to pray individually or communally that, with God's grace, the nation will hold together in the end.

For those of us Philippine born with hyphenated citizenships living abroad, it is easy to say to all of you "we feel your pain."
But to say that while we live our smug, comfortable and unthreatened first-world lives totally detached from whatever physical danger menaces in the land of our birth, is to belittle your own infinitely more authentic heartaches and pain. Allow us instead to say to all of you "we are and will always be one with you in solemn prayer, that the God of the land we've left behind but not forgotten, the just God of the universe and of realms beyond will, in His perfect time, confer definitive healing on the nation and on its leaders and finally deliver to every God-loving Filipino and Filipina a lasting peace and prosperity long denied.

Anonymous said...

to Epiphany're good my Bro!

Please help the needs of our paper "Chronicles of St Paul". Ok ba, Bo Mo?

Seriously I AM REALLY SAD BUT I could help by accompanying the prayers with what we do in GK -- withor without my CFC ID!

You're 100% right! So let's do the Evangelization, come to think of it...this problems we have with FFL is miniscule compared to the problems we have in this country, POVERTY FOREMOST!

May God help the Philippines, and may he rush the help to a faster mode.

Anonymous said...

To Bro. 'Sad Filipino,'

Pls. send off a few lines re. "Chronicles of St. Paul."

Am not at liberty to give my email here; perhaps CD can direct you to me.

God Bless!