Download in pdf format HERE or HERE.
Also, more articles in the Philstar about the recent issues, these by William Esposo:
Tony Meloto's Sanctification
How the new Pharisees undermine the Roman Catholic Church
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Council Statement 4-18-08
Friday, April 25, 2008
The Best Laid Plans
The whole phrase, "'The best-laid plans of mice and men / Go oft awry", comes from a Robert Burns poem.
I got this email yesterday. I sat on it for a while, thinking of whether to let these "plans" come to fruition, or allow you all to make your own judgement on the motives behind it.
Hello all. We are entering, or have already entered, into a critical period in the life and mission of the authentic and restored CFC, in relation to the Vatican. The IC (Int'l Council) under Joe Tale has gone to the Vatican, as brokered by Archbp Arguelles, the brother of Joey who is an IC member. They were chastised (Rylko letter of March 11 to JT) but at the same time were given the opportunity to rectify things. This they have made a show of doing but have not really conformed to the directives of the Vatican.
What is the score? What are the plus factors for us? (1) The Vatican recognizes me as the founder of CFC. (2) They agree that the social should not overpower the spiritual. (3) They have the findings of our Philippine bishops under Bp Reyes, saying the IC veered away and were disobedient to the bishops. What are the plus factors for them? (1) They are considered the legal CFC (this is due to the legal validity of the election of the IC), and so they are the CFC recognized by the Vatican (though I maintain this does not necessarily exclude us). (2) The Vatican, I believe, wants to save face. The permanent recognition of CFC was just granted in 2005 and it really does not look good that in just two years it has split. This is probably why the Vatican will not recognize just us and not them, since that will take fancy legal/canonical footwork.
Complicating matters for us is the certainty that the IC has campaigned for its cause with the Vatican. They have a formidable propaganda machinery with political and secular minds running it. They have maligned me as they do everywhere. I was surprised when the monsignor in the Pontifical Council for the Laity (PCL) said that the problem was just between two persons (TM and me) and even implied that I was jealous of TM! This is exactly the line (and the lie) that the IC continues to tell.
In my visit to the PCL last April 7 (Cardinal Rylko was not around, just his two deputies), while recognizing me as the founder, they wanted unity and reconciliation. In their directive to JT, the PCL wanted unity and reconciliation, and hoped that the split would not affect CFC outside the Philippines. Bp Reyes visited the PCL just last April 21. He did this because Archbp Arguelles, without informing him, lawyered for the IC and brought them to the Vatican (we have good information that the PCL rebuffed JT's earlier request to meet Cardinal Rylko; but how can they refuse an archbishop?). I have not yet talked with Bp Reyes, but his initial report to Maribel is that the Vatican will allow two CFCs in the Philippines, but only one CFC in other countries. This is probably because the Philippines is already split and the bishops have recognized two CFCs, but they do not know that CFC in the world is also already split and so mistakenly hope that unity can be maintained (and thus the scandal localized). One importance of this, if this is so, is that indeed, given certain circumstances, the Vatican can allow two CFCs.
If what Bp Reyes reports is as I got it, then the status of the name of CFCs throughout the world that are not aligned with CFC Global will be in jeopardy. Thus, if you agree, I ask you to write the PCL/Vatican regarding your own communal situation. The IC did a lot of campaigning, and now, in this critical period, we probably need to do so too. Following are suggested inputs, though you of course should write out of your knowledge of the truth and out of your personal/communal conviction.
*** State your credentials (National Council, governance team, elder position, etc.).
*** Describe the situation in your country or area regarding the split. This clearly tells the Vatican that the split has already affected the CFC world. State what percentage of the CFC membership has gone with CFC-FFL. This says that we are not a small splinter group as the other side claims.
*** Speak about how you see the crisis/split. How the other side veered away. How they were disrespectful to the bishops. How you are for the restoration of our authentic charism. How CFC-GK will ultimately destroy CFC. How you can no longer follow the IC.
*** Make your appeal to the Vatican. To recognize that we are the true CFC. And whatever else.
*** If you have a CFC corporation, then say so. The PCL has to know that CFCGMFI, even with the IC legally elected, is not the true owner of the CFC name. It is all of us throughout the world, and in your case, even legally speaking.
*** If you have approval by your bishop, say so.
In addition, there can be personal testimonies.
*** Brethren who have really something significant to say.
*** Clergy who have journeyed with us and know well our situation (e.g., Spiritual Directors of South Africa).
Write as led by the Holy Spirit. The overall intent is to let the Vatican know what has already happened throughout the CFC world, and contrary to the disinformation of the IC. Our hope is that the Vatican will not suppress your use of the CFC name.
Please send your letters, immediately by fax and then followed by a hard copy, to:
His Eminence
Stanislaw Cardinal Rylko
President, Pontifical Council for the Laity
00120 Citta del Vaticano, Europe
FAX 06 698.87214
Tel 06 698.87322
Mostly I have been letting go and letting God, allowing God to fight for us, and normally not responding to the unfounded attacks of the other side. There have been so much maligning, slander and lies, and we do know that Satan is the father of lies. We are in intense spiritual warfare. So many people, our brethren as well as the Vatican, are confused and ask, "What is truth?" If it was just me, I can continue to be silent and rejoice in the persecution. But your own life and mission are now affected or could be affected even more, perhaps adversely depending on what the Vatican pronounces. So while we of course are indeed totally dependent upon God's mercy and grace, there are times when we need to more aggressively speak about what is right and true and just. This is such a time. Some would say it is even long overdue.
I attach for your info, if you have not seen this yet, a paper on "The Real Issue." God bless and protect us all.
"For to me life is Christ, and death is gain." (Phil 1:21)
Once and For All
The title of the entry is a phrase borrowed from the following document. I was originally going to include the document in the previous entry, I will post it in its entirety here, because I think it really deserves to stand on its own. Some things need to be told in black and white to sink in. The doc tells its own tale, so no need for further introduction.
The Foundation for Family and Life has been circulating a document entitled “The Real Issue” in the African continent. While it contains mostly rehashed issues, which have been addressed many times before, the Ugnayan Multimedia Center deemed it best to reply to these issues once and for all, in the interest of truth, and to finally lay these matters to rest.
For clarity’s sake, we are first reprinting in toto the FFL document. Our point-by-point response follows (in bold letters).
The Real Issue
The crisis in CFC is not about two factions not getting along with each other, but is about basic principles of morality, integrity and Church life and mission. As such, the solution is not merely to recognize two CFCs, but to assure that both CFCs are in line with Catholic morality. Therefore, the situation of CFC-GK under the IC (Int’l Council) cannot just be left as it is. They have veered away from the charism and mission of CFC. But it is not just CFC that is affected, but the whole Roman Catholic Church of which CFC is a part.
In fact, a recognition of two CFCs might just result in legitimizing the wrongs that have been committed and institutionalizing what ultimately will work against God’s intent.
What are the basic problems inherent in the mindset of CFC-GK leaders today?
(1) They do not understand Church authority and hierarchy. Or to put it less kindly, they reject such authority, while professing otherwise.
Ø Their basic thrust is GK, with the goal of GK777. But in the work of GK, Christ has been marginalized or totally cut out. The work ought not to be the social without the spiritual, extolling heroism but not holiness, building a nation but not the
Ø They are missing out on the great potential of GK to become an evangelistic tool, as God intended for it to be.
Ø The right-hand man of Tony Meloto is Boy Montelibano, who is a New Ager and an admirer of Freemasonry. He has been tasked to form the minds of the young GK workers.
Ø Joe Tale has resorted to legalities a number of times, to the frustration of Bp Reyes, and such legalism has actually been the cause of the split.
Ø Other IC members are very corporate and secular in their approaches.
Ø Tony Meloto of course is a marketing man. This is precisely why he has marginalized Christ and CFC in GK, to appeal to an even greater number of partners and funders who will only give to non-sectarian causes.
Ø Many are convinced that there is a political agenda, and GK is merely a tool to further the ambitions of some.
Ø They conducted a witch hunt against Lachie Agana, using affidavits and a lawyer in the process, not informing Lachie what the charges were, and only to conclude, after three months, that there was no serious wrongdoing but there were only procedural lapses (even these Lachie disputes).
Ø Joe Tale told Frank two days before the elections that he would not run for the IC, but on election day reneged on this and did run.
Ø They have not paid the retirement benefits of those who served faithfully so long, and even now are trying to find ways and means to avoid payment.
The effects of all these are:
(1) CFC members, especially the impressionable young, will continue to be misled.
(2) CFC-GK itself will do a lot of good for the poor but will not be building the
Ø Tony’s goal is for the
(3) Those that God would have planned for CFC to evangelize and pastorally care for will not be evangelized and pastorally supported.
(1) We will have a whole generation of heroes but not disciples of Christ.
(2) We will have the poor liberated from material need but not saved from sin.
(3) The CFC that God has raised will not be doing its work according to His will and plan.
(Jan 29, 2008)
CFC’S RESPONSE (in bold letters)
The crisis in CFC is not about two factions not getting along with each other, but is about basic principles of morality, integrity and Church life and mission. As such, the solution is not merely to recognize two CFCs, but to assure that both CFCs are in line with Catholic morality. Therefore, the situation of CFC-GK under the IC (Int’l Council) cannot just be left as it is. They have veered away from the charism and mission of CFC. But it is not just CFC that is affected, but the whole Roman Catholic Church of which CFC is a part.
· There has been no affirmation of the “veering away” issues, even after almost a year, because CFC under the International Council has never deviated from its Vatican-approved Statutes nor the vision and mission that have shaped the community from the time of its inception.
· The only reason the Catholic Church is being affected is because of FFL’s insistence that CFC has disobeyed the bishops, an issue that is highly debatable and is now in fact a non-issue, given the dialogues that have been conducted between CFC leaders and the bishops concerned.
In fact, a recognition of two CFCs might just result in legitimizing the wrongs that have been committed and institutionalizing what ultimately will work against God’s intent.
· There is actually a precedent in the history of Philippine lay private associations when the Church DID NOT sanction the recognition of two similarly-named groups. When a small group broke away from the Bukas Loob sa Diyos community, the Philippine clergy, specifically Jaime Cardinal Sin and some other bishops, intervened. They contended that they could not recognize two communities bearing the same name and therefore Cardinal Sin came up with a new name for the break-away group – Serviam.
· This is also precisely why the African cardinals and bishops, some bishops in the Middle East and in
What are the basic problems inherent in the mindset of CFC-GK leaders today?
(5) They do not understand Church authority and hierarchy. Or to put it less kindly, they reject such authority, while professing otherwise.
Ø They kept the bishops’ directives from CFC members, a direct disobedience of Bp Reyes’ directive to disseminate his letters to all CFC members.
· The internet domain of CFC was handled by someone who eventually joined the Frank Padilla group. Thus, all the bishops’ directives and Frank’s emails were regularly being blasted by this person to the worldwide CFC family.
· The IC had no direct control of this internet network. It would not be until September of 2007 that the IC would realize that the emails and other directives they were sending, such as Council Statements and replies to the break-away group’s emails, were not reaching the members because all the email addresses had been tampered with.
· Thus, we agree that in the strictest sense, because they were couched as recommendations, the Elders Assembly (not the IC) were free to accept or reject them. Pastorally, however, the IC was obligated to follow the Vatican-approved statutes with regard to the conduct of the elections.
Ø They did not correct young full-timers who maligned the bishops in their blogs.
· When CFC defends its use of the name, it is only following guidelines already enshrined in the Statutes.
Ø Their basic thrust is GK, with the goal of GK777. But in the work of GK, Christ has been marginalized or totally cut out. The work ought not to be the social without the spiritual, extolling heroism but not holiness, building a nation but not the
Ø They are missing out on the great potential of GK to become an evangelistic tool, as God intended for it to be.
· CFC is committed to following the
· GK caretaker teams are committed to GK because of their love of God and love of country.
· CFC believes that GK is not simply about nation building. It goes deeper than this because it is anchored on the very mission of Christ himself, the mission that he proclaimed when He began His public ministry: “The spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and new sight to the blind, to free the oppressed and announce the Lord’s year of mercy.” Luke 4:18-19
· CFC has indeed recognized GK’s great potential for evangelization. Before homes are even built, caretaker teams already conduct values formation programs, culminating in the Christian Life Program. Statistics show that 85% of beneficiaries in GK sites are now members of CFC. The increase in CFC membership can be directly attributed to the evangelization efforts in GK sites.
Ø The right-hand man of Tony Meloto is Boy Montelibano, who is a New Ager and an admirer of Freemasonry. He has been tasked to form the minds of the young GK workers.
Ø Joe Tale has resorted to legalities a number of times, to the frustration of Bp Reyes, and such legalism has actually been the cause of the split.
Ø Other IC members are very corporate and secular in their approaches.
Ø Tony Meloto of course is a marketing man. This is precisely why he has marginalized Christ and CFC in GK, to appeal to an even greater number of partners and funders who will only give to non-sectarian causes.
Ø Many are convinced that there is a political agenda, and GK is merely a tool to further the ambitions of some.
· Joe Tale may be a lawyer but, unknown to many, he has in fact refused, to date, to use legal means to address the attacks. The cause of the split has never been legalism but simply the consequence of failed leadership.
· Tony Meloto has done more for the poor than those who consistently attack him. His zeal for the mission is beyond doubt. It is more than can be said for those who attack GK. Tony has also repeatedly announced that he will never run for public office; the IC has no reason to doubt or to question anyone’s motives.
Ø They conducted a witch hunt against Lachie Agana, using affidavits and a lawyer in the process, not informing Lachie what the charges were, and only to conclude, after three months, that there was no serious wrongdoing but there were only procedural lapses (even these Lachie disputes).
· It is untrue that Lachie was not informed about the charges. Lachie was invited to a face-to-face meeting with his accusers on May 1, 2007 at the Club Filipino. In order not to unduly intimidate him, he was not asked to face all five accusers but to discuss the issues against him one-to-one. The conclusion of “procedural lapses” was the only Christian solution at that time. The IC felt that coming out publicly with the affidavits at that particular time would further exacerbate an already festering situation. They were protecting the community.
· There were two letters given to Lachie referring to the investigations. The public letter indeed used the word “procedural lapses.” The other letter was a private one, stating both procedural and pastoral issues. The IC did not feel that this particular letter should be broadcast because they wanted to maintain confidentiality. It would be Lachie’s decision whether he would want to make this letter public.
Ø They spread the false accusation that two top leaders were having an affair, and continued to spread this, even in the face of outright denials and having no proofs at all.
· It has not been the IC that has been spreading this rumor. They have in fact refused to accept testimonies dealing with this rumor. Based on video records and on eyewitness accounts, Gerry Padilla herself was instrumental in spreading this when she mentioned this rumor during their visit to Europe and to the
· It is highly debatable whether this would have “prevented the split” or to be more precise, prevented the formation of a new association by a minority of leaders who did not recognize the IC’s leadership. The minutes of the Easter Group meeting of June 3, weeks before the elections, show that there were premeditated moves toward the break away. The fact that FFL filed incorporation papers on August 2, again way before the scheduled dialogues of August 14 and August 28, are also indicators of this premeditation.
Ø Joe Tale told Frank two days before the elections that he would not run for the IC, but on election day reneged on this and did run.
· Indeed, Joe and Rouquel agreed with (not promised) Frank that they will not run. They even went one step further – during their private dialogue before the election, they agreed to resign as IC members. But the other two members of the IC, together with other elders, disagreed. They felt that resigning would upset the good order of leadership since there would only be two IC members left to govern. Four IC members were needed since this was the prescribed quorum. The leaders pointed out to Joe and Rouquel that it would be quite arrogant for them to declare not to run since they didn’t even know if the election would push through.
Ø They have not paid the retirement benefits of those who served faithfully so long, and even now are trying to find ways and means to avoid payment.
· In fact, many FFL members remained employed at CFC even though it was clear that they were already in clear violation of even the simplest tenets of loyalty and commitment, precisely because they were in fact working for the Restoration Movement. This was a clear case of conflict of interest. One case in point is Mimi David, whose husband
· CFC would have had every reason to indeed fire everyone whose loyalties were questionable and if it were a private corporation, there would have been no complaints. But in fact, CFC stood silent while FFL people were getting paid out of CFC funds when they were actually working for FFL’s interests.
· CFC could have invoked Art. 3.3 of the Vatican-approved Statutes and terminated their membership with CFC, and consequently their employment at the Home Office, but the International Council wanted to give them the opportunity to exercise the more honorable option of resigning. Art. 3.3 states: “ Membership may be terminated by the leadership for any of the following reasons:
2. Gross unfaithfulness to the covenant of CFC
3. Public opposition to CFC teachings and culture, as well as official Church teachings
4. Ongoing disruption of good order in the community
5. Any other act that would seriously undermine the life and mission of CFC.”
The effects of all these are:
(4) CFC members, especially the impressionable young, will continue to be misled.
(5) CFC-GK itself will do a lot of good for the poor but will not be building the
Ø Tony’s goal is for the
(6) Those that God would have planned for CFC to evangelize and pastorally care for will not be evangelized and pastorally supported.
· To say that to become First World is to lose morality and to be secular and hedonist is too simplistic and does not take into consideration the
· GK is indeed doing a lot of good for the poor. The fact that not only homes have been built, but that lives have been transformed, is ample evidence of the fact that GK is also building the
· The attacks on GK are rooted on a desire to attack Tony Meloto. Tony has voluntarily resigned from any position. It is also conveniently forgotten that GK is not run by only one man but by the GK Board. Frank was chairman of this Board when he was CFC Executive Director and was cognizant and approved many of the policies that are now being attacked.
· It should also be emphasized that GK is only one of the many facets of CFC’s evangelistic and mission work. The work of evangelization has never been sidelined because of any undue stress on GK and on “nation-building.”
(4) We will have a whole generation of heroes but not disciples of Christ.
(5) We will have the poor liberated from material need but not saved from sin.
(6) The CFC that God has raised will not be doing its work according to His will and plan.
CFC under the International Council has moved on in its vision and mission. We urge our brethren in FFL to do the same. We believe we can both pursue our shared mission of spreading the gospel by simply pursuing our unique ways of evangelization.